基础英语 百分网手机站


时间:2018-01-16 20:39:51 基础英语 我要投稿





  彩票 lottery ticket

  保健食品 health-care food

  暴发户 new rich; upstart

  民工潮 farmer’s frenzied hunt for work in cities

  下岗工人 laid-off workers

  人口老龄化 aging/ graying population

  人口高峰 baby boom

  人口负增长 negative population growth

  流动人口 moving population

  收视率 viewing rate

  售后服务 after-sale service

  再就业工程 re-employment project

  自由职业者 free lancer

  性别歧视 sexual discrimination

  性价比 cost performance

  水货 smuggled goods

  水土流失 soil erosion

  文化渗透 cultural infiltration

  跳槽 job-hopping

  抢购 panic buying

  甩卖 clearance sale

  公益广告 public-interest advertisement

  让利 offer discounts

  出国热 craze for going abroad

  社会福利制度 the social welfare system

  享受公费医疗 enjoy public health care

  世界卫生组织 World Health Organization (WHO)

  黄昏恋 twilight love

  贺岁片 New Year film

  记者招待会 press/ news conference

  卖淫 prostitute oneself and visit prostitutes

  制造假钞 make the false notes

  吸毒者 a drug addict

  出售黄色录像 sell obscene video tapes

  传销 pyramid-selling; multi-level marketing


  温室效应 green-house effect

  沙漠化 desertification

  过度放牧 overgrazing

  过度捕鱼 over-fishing

  滥砍乱伐 clear-cutting

  退耕还林 return cultivated land to forest

  沙尘暴 sand storm

  生态危机 ecological forest

  破坏生态平衡 destroy / upset the ecological balance

  自然保护区 nature reserve

  环境绿化 environmental greening

  禽流感 bird flu

  疯牛病 mad cow disease/ BSE

  口蹄疫 foot-and-mouth disease

  非典 severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)

  偷税﹑骗税 tax evasion and tax fraud

  扫黄打非 eliminate pornography and illegal publications

  严打斗争 strike-hard campaign


  a new and rational new international political and economic order

  外交纷争 diplomatic disputes

  维护世界和平 safeguard world peace

  国际惯例 international common practice

  民族分裂主义 ethnic separatism

  宗教极端主义 religious extremism

  世界的基本格局 basic world pattern


  科技含量 technology content

  科教兴国 rely on science, technology and education to rejuvenate the nation

  可持续发展战略 strategy of sustainable development

  工业园区 industrial park

  技术密集型产品 technology-intensive product

  新兴学科 new branch of science

  边缘学科 frontier science

  高速宽带互联网 high-speed broadband networks

  电脑病毒 computer viruses

  电子商务 e-commerce; e-business

  黑客 hacker

  数字地球 digital globe

  局域网 local area network

  人工智能 artificial intelligence

  网上冲浪 web-surfing

  网络世界 cyber world

  网上犯罪 cyber crime

  信息高速公路 information highland

  网民 netizen

  虚拟现实 virtual reality

  克隆 cloning

  基因工程 genetic engineering

  转基因食品 genetically modified food

  “神舟六号”载人飞船 manned spacecraft Shenzhou VI

  掌上电脑 palm computer

  主页 home page

  语音信箱 voice mail

  网络经济 cyber-economy

  网虫 netter; Internet geek

  网恋 cyber romance; virtual romance

  高精尖技术 high-grade, high-precision, advanced technology

  科技扶贫 support poor areas using technology

  科研攻关 work towards key technological breakthroughs

  自费研究生 self-supporting graduate student

  委托培养 consign the training of personnel to a certain school

  填鸭式教学 cramming method of teaching

  启发式教学 heuristic education

  复合型人才 interdisciplinary talent

  论文答辩 thesis oral defense

  素质教育 quality-oriented education

  教书育人 impart knowledge and educate people

  九年制义务教务教育 nine-year compulsory education