英语四级 百分网手机站


时间:2018-04-16 09:17:47 英语四级 我要投稿


  50.In Deborah L.Lingbarger’s opinion,educational content is helpful for teenagers to get better results on school readiness tests.Deborah L.Ling barger认为(电视上的)教育性内容可以帮助青少年在入学预备考试中取得更好的成绩。

  【解析】 J)。细节题。根据句中educational content可将答案定位于J)段末句。内容很重要。教育性的内容与入学预备考试的成绩有关,有助于青少年取得更好的成绩,而非教育性的内容则往往导致学习成绩下降。

  51. environment of family media greatly affects children’s test Scorcs according to the first report.


  【解析】C)。细节题。根据句中environment of family media可将答案定位于C)段末句。我们发现家庭媒体环境与孩子不同的测验分数的表现有密切的关系。

  52.Borzekowski believes that TV’s negative effect on children’s marks may mainly lie in what children watch on TV and how much time they spend on it.


  【解析】 E)。细节题。根据句中TV’s negative effect可将答案定位于E)段,此段整段都在探讨电视负面效应的原因。其中一句尤为点题:Borzekowskibelieves that content and the lime the"IV is on may be the primary reasons for its negative effect.Borzekowski认为电视内容和观看的时间可能是导致电视机的负面影响的主要原因。What children watch on TV and how much time they spend on it是.content and the time的同类表述。

  53•Lucas thinks parents should take the responsibility to supervise kids’TV watchin. Lucas认为父母有责任监督孩子看电视。

  【解析】 L)。细节题。根据句中parents should take the responsibility可将答案定位于L)段首句。Lucas认为孩予看电视的时间和内容应该完全由父母负责监督。

  54.According to the recommendation from American Academy of Peadialrics,children under 2 should watch TV.


  【解析】 I)。细节题。根据句中Amcerican Academy of Peadiatrics和under2可将答案定位于I)段倒数第二句。Zimmerman表示家长应该听从美国小儿科学会的建议,不要让2岁以下的孩子看电视。

  55.Hancox thinks earlier childhood TV watching affects one’s acquiring a college degree most.


  【解析】 G)。细节题。根据句中earlier childhood和college degree可将答案定位于G)段第二句。一项有趣的发现是,虽然少年时期看电视很可能会导致没有毕业就离开学校,但是对能否取得学位影响最大的却是童年时期看电视。


  Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the pangraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

  The Art of Friendship

  A) One evening a few years ago I found myself in an anxiety. Nothing was really wrong my family and I were healthy, my career was busy and successful -- I was just feeling vaguely down and in need of a friend who could raise my spirits, someone who would meet me for coffee and let merant until the clouds lifted. I dialed my best friend, who now lives across the country in California, and got her voicemail. That's when it started to dawn on me -- lonesomeness was at the root of my dreariness. My social life had dwindled to almost nothing, but somehow until that moment I'd been too busy to notice. Now it hit me hard. My old friends, buddies since college or even childhood, know everything about me; when they left, they had taken my context with them.

  B) Research has shown the long-range negative consequences of social isolation on one's health. But my concerns were more short-term. I needed to feel understood right then in the way that only a girlfriend can understand you. I knew it would be wrong to expect my husband to replace my friends: He couldn't, and even if he could, to whom would I then complain about my husband? So I resolved to acquire new friends -- women like me who had kids and enjoyed rolling their eyes at the worlda little bit just as I did. Since I'd be making friends with more intention than I'd ever given the process, I realized I could be selective, that I could in effect design my own social life. The down side, of course, was that I felt pretty frightened.

  C) After all, it's a whole lot harder to make friends in midlife that it is when yon're younger -- a fact woman I've spoken with point out again and again. As Leslie Danzig, 41, a Chicago theater director and mother, sees it, when you're in your teens and 20s, you're more or less friends with everyone unless there's a reason not to be. Your college roommate becomes your best pal at least partly due to proximity. Now there needs to be a reason to be friends. "There are many people I'm comfort-able around, but I wouldn't go so far as to call them friends. Comfort isn't enough to sustain a real friendship," Danzig says.