英语四级 百分网手机站


时间:2018-04-16 09:17:47 英语四级 我要投稿


  2.Did George Washington sleep nearby? Or Billy the Kid? Your library’s collection of local history books can put you on the trail.

  3.Cook a Polynesian feast.Or an ancient Roman banquet.Read how in the library’s cook books.

  4.Take up photography.Check the library for consumer reviews of cameras before you buy.Take out books on lightin9,composition,or darkroom techniques or—you name it!

  M)If you haven,t detected by now my enthusiasm for libraries,let me offer two personal notes.I'm particularly pleased that in recent years two beautiful libraries have been named after me:a small community library in Quakertown,Pennsylvania,and the huge research library located at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley.And I like libraries so much that I married a librarian.

  46.The nucleus of any public library is the car,d catalog.

  47.Yesterday’s best sellers are still good for readin9,which shouldn’t be overlooked.

  48.The author suggests that people should go to the library for answers when things go wrong

  49.The Reader,s Guide is a green—bound index which provides a guide to very latest expert information of any subject that interests readers.

  50.The sure remedy to kick the TV habit is to take home from the library interesting books to read.

  51.There are various kinds of fun and rewarding projects available in different libraries.

  52.A notebook will help readers to record the identification numbers of the frequently used books which can’t be taken home.

  53.Readers should not try to return the book taken from the stacks to their desk to its proper place.

  54.When asking for help,readers are suggested not asking the reference librarians silly questions they ought to solve themselves.

  55.When asking for help,readers are suggested not asking the reference librarians silly questions they ought to solve themselves.

  46.The nucleus of any public library is the card catalog.任何公共图书馆的核心都是卡片目录。

  【解析】 F)。细节题。根据句中的关键词The nucleus ofany public library可将本句定位在F)段的前四句。怎样找到这些,或其他你想找的书呢?很简单——用卡片目录。每次去图书馆的时候——我每周至少去一次——在做任何事之前,我每次都会径直走向卡片目录。它是所有公共图书馆的核心。

  47.Yesterday’s best sellers are still good for readin9,which shouldn’t be overlooked.过去的畅销书仍然值得一读,不容错过。

  【解析】 E)。细节题。根据句中关键词yesterday’s best sellers可定位在E)段的前三句。有些人读书只限于当前受到热评的畅销书。哦,他们错过了多少好东西呀!图书馆满是从前的畅销书;而且它们在今天仍深深吸引着读者。

  48.The author suggests that people should go to the library for answers when things go wrong.


  【解析】 A)。归纳题。根据句中关键词go to the library和when things go wron9可定位在A)段。作者在本段列举了几个生活中的难题,建议大家到图书馆寻求答案。归纳起来就是:作者建议遇到难题到图书馆寻求答案。

  49.The Reader’s Guide is a green—bound index which provides a guide to very latest expert information of any subject that interests readers.《读者指南》是一本绿色封皮的索引书,可以指导你找到你感兴趣的任何主题的最新专业信息。

  【解析】 I)。细节题。根据句中关键词The Reader’s Guide可定位在I)段的前半部分。还要学会使用《期刊文献读者指南》。这本绿色封面的索引是所有图书馆最有用的物品之一。它能查询到各大主要杂志上


  50.The sure remedy to kick the TV habit is to take home from the library interesting books to read.为戒掉看电视的习惯,一个稳妥的补救方法就是从图书馆带回家一些有趣的书来读。

  【解析】C)。细节题。根据句中关键词kick the TV habit和sure remedy可定位在C)段的第一、二句。


  51.There are various kinds of fun and rewarding projects available in different libraries. 不同图书馆有各种有趣有益的专题。

  【解析】L)。归纳题。根据句中关键词fun and rewarding projects可定位在L)段,此段列举了形形色色的图书馆专题,归纳得出结论:不同图书馆有各种有趣有益的专题。

  52.A notebook will help readers to record the identification numbers of the frequently used books which can’t be taken home.


  【解析】 J)。细节题。根据句中关键词notebook和the identification numbers可定位在J)段的第四句。


  53.Readers should not try to return the book taken from the stacks to their desk to its Proper place.读者不要试图把从书架拿到他们桌子上的书放回到合适位置。