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时间:2020-08-25 19:31:10 试题 我要投稿





  Read with Greater Speed

  Do you have difficulty reading in class? If so, a special reading program that helps match sounds with letters could speed up your brain.

  At least one out of every five elementary school students in the US has trouble learning to read, even when the students are good at other subjects.__________ (46) Researchers from Yale University, US, studied a group of children from New York and Connecticut State. As part of the study, 37 struggling readers received special tutoring.

  Every day, instructors worked with them on recognizing how written letters represent units of sound called phonemes (音素) . __________ (47)

  By the end of the school year, these children could read faster than before. They also made fewer mistakes, and understood more of what they read than they could earlier in the year.

  As part of their study, the researchers used a special machine to take action photos of the students' brains.__________(48) This is the same part of the brain that becomes active when good readers read, This activated brain area appears to include a structure that helps people recognize familiar written words quickly. In lower level readers, this structure remains inactive.

  A year later, the brain structure was still working hard in the students who had gone through the special tutoring, and they continued to do well in reading tests. __________ (49) However, some researchers still doubt the study.__________ (50)

  A. Many adults are interested in matching sounds with letters.

  B. The students also practiced reading aloud and spelling.

  C. The biggest challenge for many of these kids, scientists say, is matching sounds with letters.

  D. Another group in the study who went through a more traditional reading program didn't show the same progress.

  E. The pictures showed all increase in activity in the back of the brain on the left side.

  F. They believe that reading without making any noise or linking words to sounds is more efficient.






  50.F。最后一段的第一句说的是:然而,有些研究人员仍然不太相信这一研究。从提供的选项中的第一个词组可以看出,只有F是合适的,因为它的起始词是They,指some researchers。


  Einstein Named "Person of the Century"

  Albert Einstein, whose theories on space time and matter helped unravel (解决) the secrets of the atom and of the universe, was chosen as "Person of the Century" by Time magazine on Sunday.

  A man whose very name is synonymous (同义的) with scientific genius, Einstein has come to represent more than any other person the flowering of 20th century scientific though that set the stage for the age of technology. "The world has changed far more in the past 100 years than in any other century in history. The reason is not political or economic, but technological—technologies that flowed directly from advances in basic science," wrote theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking in a Time essay explaining Einstein's significance.__________ (46)

  Time chose as runner-up President Franklin Roosevelt to represent the triumph of freedom and democracy over fascism, and Mahatma Gandhi as an icon (象征) for a century when civil and human rights became crucial factors in global politics.

  "What we saw was Franklin Roosevelt embodying the great theme of freedom's fight against totalitarianism, Gandhi personifying (象征,体现) the great theme of individuals struggling for their rights, and Einstein being both a great genius and a great symbol of a scientific revolution that brought with it amazing technological advances that helped expand the growth of freedom,"said Time Magazine Editor Walter Isaacson.

  Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany in 1879.__________(47) He was slow to learn to speak and did not do well in eleme.ntary school. He could not stomach organized learning and loathed taking exams. In 1905, however, he was to publish a theory which stands as one of the most intricate examples of human imagination in history.__________ (48) Everything else- mass,weight, space, even time itself--is a variable (变量) . And he offered the world his now-famous equation (方程式) : energy equals mass times the speed of light squared-E=mc2.

  __________ (49) "There was less faith in absolutes, not only of time and space but also of truth and morality." Einstein's famous equation was also the seed that led to the development of atomic energy and weapons. In 1939, six years after he fled European fascism and settled at Princeton University, Einstein, an avowed pacifist, signed a letter to President Roosevelt urging the United States to develop an atomic bomb before Nazi Germany did.__________(50) Einstein did not work on the project. Einstein died in Princeton, New Jersey in 1955.

  A. "Indirectly, relativity paved the way for a new relativism in morality, art and politics,"Isaacson wrote in an essay explaining Time's choices.

  B. How he thought of the relativity theory influenced the general public's view about Albert Einstein.

  C. "Clearly, no scientist better represents those advances than Albert Einstein."

  D. Roosevelt heeded the advice and formed the "Manhattan Project" that secretly developed the first atomic weapon.

  E. In his early years, Einstein did not show the promise of what he was to become.

  F. In his "Special Theory of Relativity," Einstein described how the only constant in the universe is the speed of light.






  50.D。本段主要讲爱因斯坦与原子能和原子武器发展的关系。前一句告诉我们爱因斯坦于1939年在给罗斯福总统的一封信中敦促美国抢在纳粹德国之前研制原子弹,并签了名。D说:“罗斯福对这项建议十分关注,遂制定了秘密制造第一颗原子弹的‘曼哈顿计划’。”后一句说爱因斯坦未参与这项计划,其中the project指的就是the Manhattan Project。










