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  历年英语等级考试pets二级阅读理解练习题 1

  When mentioning Korea.people might come up witha string of things,such as kimchi(泡菜),cosmetics and beautiful girls.In fact,Korea is also famous for hand—madeclothes.In Korea,you Can get asuit that is well made to your measure within a couple of days but be carefulabout the size because Korean sizes are often a little small,especially to westerners.Even a “large” sizeT-shirt bought in Korea can be too small for an American! Korean clothes aremade of various kinds of silk and other materials.YouCan also buy hand—made traditional clothes in Korea. Those traditional Korean clothes have quite along history which Can be found in ancient wall paintings or on tombs.“Hanbok”(韩服)Can be the best representative of Korean culture.Today hanbok is still worn during formal occasions.Hanbok consists of two parts.“Jeogori”(赤古里),me top part,isblouse—like and has long sleeves.For the bottom part,women wear “Chima”(高腰背心裙),a kind of skirt,and men wear “Paji”(巴基),bag—like trousers. White is the color for common people whileduring festivals or on Special days,upper classes will wear clothes in bright colorsto indicate their social status.Accessories likejewelry and head—dresses complete traditional Korean clothes.Traditional Korean clothes favor soft flowing lines to hide thebody’s shape representing the pursuit for beauty and elegance of Korean people.The de-signs of various forms of Hanbok represent the rich cultureof Korea.

  (10)Which statement is trueabout the first paragraph?

  A. It isvery difficult to get a hand-made suit in Korea.

  B. Westernerscannot wear Korean clothes because they are often too large.

  C. Youcan buy traditional Korean clothes and many other kinds of clothing in Korea.

  D. A11Korean clothes are hand—made by Korean tailors.

  (11)__________will not appear intraditional Korean clothes for women.

  A. Hanbok

  B. Jeogori

  C. Chima

  D. Paji

  (12)How can we recognizepeople with high social status during festivals or on special days in Korea?

  A. Bythe accessories they are wearing.

  B. By mecolor of clothes they are wearing.

  C. Bythe size of clothes they are wearing.

  D. Wecouldn’t distinguish them because they dress the same.

  (10) :C一提起韩国,人们可能会想到很多东西,比如泡菜、化妆品和美女。实际上,韩国的手工制作衣服也很有名。在韩国,几天的时间就可以让你拥有一套手工制作的衣服,但是一定要留意尺寸,因为韩国的尺码通常偏小一点,特别是对西方人来说。即便是一件大号的T恤衫对美国人来说也可能太小了!韩国的衣服由各种丝绸以及其他材料制作而成。你也可以在韩国购买传统手工服装。





  (11) :D细节题。题干意为“——不会出现在传统韩国女性服装中。”根据第二段第四句和第五句可知,Hanbok是韩服的总称,Jeogori(赤古里)是韩国男性和女性都会穿着的上装,Chima(高腰背心裙)是韩国女性穿着的下装,而Paji(巴基)则是韩国男性穿着的下装,不会出现在传统韩国女性服装中。故D为正确答案。

  (12) :B推理题。题干意为“在韩国的节日或者特殊日子里,我们如何认出社会地位高的人?”根据第三段第一句“在节日或者特殊的日子,普通韩国百姓一般穿着白色服装,而上层阶级则以穿着鲜艳来表明自己的社会地位。”可以推知韩国人通过衣服颜色的不同来表明社会地位。故B为正确答案。

  历年英语等级考试pets二级阅读理解练习题 2


  Nipponex Electrics


  27 August,2014

  Amperlite Ltd

  146 0’Leafy St


  Dear Sirs,Improved ways of production make US able to offer you our change of Drilite batteries(电池)at a reduced price for large quantities.

  Further information of the New prices for your market are sent to you together with the letter,and you will see that the price has already reduced 5 percent.As c.i.f(成本、保险加运费) to Dublin is included in our prices,you will agree that they are clearly lower than those of producers of the same batteries,both here in Japan and elsewhere.The quality of our products remains the same--only the finest chemicals are used.The new prices are for the least orders of l.000 pounds and will begin from January 1.Immediate sending off is sure because enough Can be made whenever you require it.

  We appreciate your past dealing and cooperation(合作)with us,and look forward to supplying you in the new year at the new prices.

  Yours truly,Nipponex Electrics

  1.If the Irish expect to enjoy the 5%of reduction at prices,they should__________.

  A.pay the Japanese at least£1,000

  B.order 1,000 pounds of batteries in weight

  C.order£1,000 worth batteries at least

  D.Pay the Japanese£1,000 ahead



  C【解析】事实细节题。从文中第二段倒数第二句,The new prices are for the least orders of l,000 pounds and will begin from January


  2.Which is NOT the reason of reduction of the price at 5 percent?

  A.The Japanese.producer holds a large quantity of stores and can’t sell them out.

  B.The Japanese have improved their production means.

  C.They can turn out more products.

  D.They expect to go on dealing with the Irish in the coming year.


  参考解析:A【解析】判断推理题。文中给出了几个原因:Improved ways of pr0·duction;turn out more products;and look forward to supplying you inthe new year at the new prices,等。文章说的是,公司有能力立即大批量的生产,而不是说由于库存过多,卖不出去才迫于降价的.。所以选项A(库存太多,卖不出去)是不符合原文的意思的,故正确答案为A。

  3.From the letter,we can know__________.

  A.the two sides cooperated before

  B.the Irish should pay for the transportation fee in terms of the new price

  C.they use the best chemicals to improve the quality










