词汇 百分网手机站


时间:2020-08-15 15:37:19 词汇 我要投稿


  Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards.以下是小编为大家搜索整理的英语CET四级词语语法精选试题,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!


  1.When you choose a piece of cloth, the most important thing that you should pay attention to is its ____ .

  A. style B. texture C. textile D. content

  2.My mother came here only for a ____ stay. She would fly to Los Angeles the next day.

  A. shortened B. prolonged C. premature D. transient

  3.She cast her eyes round the room in ____of a chair to sit in.

  A. question B. quest C. demand D. requirement

  4.You must be very careful. The work ____ precision.

  A. retails B. repels C. retains D. entails

  5.She knows a lot of young men, but it isn’t easy to choose a/an ____ one who is both rich and attractive.

  A. diligent B. qualified C. eligible D. elegant

  6.He was ____ about the spring outing, but he came back quite depressed and said he shouldn’t have joined in it.

  A. enthusiastic B. fantastic

  C. courageous D. discouraged

  7. ____ the chance and the money, I’d come and see you in New York in the foreseeable future.

  A. With regard to B. Considering

  C. Given D. Assuming

  8.She is fond of ____ , so don’t approach her and tell her what troubles you. She’ll make it known to all.

  A. comment B. gossip C. speech D. appraisal

  9.The old man was kind and ____ enough to help the children cross the street.

  A. gracious B. graceful C. timid D. lively

  10.The rising of prices will ____ off demands for pay increases.

  A. trail B. switch C. trigger D. nudge


  当你选布料时,最应该注意的是其质地的好坏。此题为形近词辨析题,B、C为形近词,且A、C为干扰项。texture质地,结构:the delicate texture of her skin她皮肤细嫩。A. style式样。C. textile纺织品,织物。D. content内容。style衣服、家具、头发等有款式,式样;对于布要说图案、花样pattern和质地texture。


  我母亲到这儿只做短暂的逗留。第二天她就要飞往洛杉矶。此题为形容词辨析题,A、D的中文意思容易混淆。transient短暂的,片刻的:transient happiness短暂的欢乐。A. shortened缩短的,变短的。B. prolonged延长的,长期的:a prolonged absence长时期的缺席。C. premature过早的,早熟的:His premature death at the age of 32 is a great loss.他32岁即早逝是一大损失。从后面的句子she would fly to Los Angeles

  the next day她第二天就要飞到洛杉矶去,可知她逗留时间不长,而shortened常用来修饰衣袖、裙、裤、报告、文章等,在此句中不合适。


  她环视房子寻找一张椅子坐。此题考搭配辨析,即“in…of”结构。in quest of为固定搭配,意思是搜寻,探求。A. question问题,审问。C. demand需求,通常与for搭配:The workers’ demand for higher wages seems reasonable.工人们要求提高工资似乎很合理。D. requirement要求。


  你必须非常认真,这份工作需要准确性。此题为形近词辨析题,根据句意来判断。entail需要,使成为必需:Writing a history book entails a lot of work.写一本历史书需要花很大的功夫。A. retail零售:These shoes retail at $10 a pair.这些鞋子以每双10美元零售。B. repel击退;使厌恶,使反感:to repel an attack击退进攻。C. retain保留,保持:to retain one’s balance保持平衡。从前一句的be very careful和后句中相呼应的precision精确,可知这里说这份工作需要准确。



  eligible合格的,有资格的,适合被选作丈夫的:Up to now she hasn’t found an eligible young man as her life partner.目前她还未找到一个合格的年青人作为终身伴侣。B. qualified有资格的,合格,尤其指有知识能力够格去胜任一份工作:He is qualified for the job.他够资格做这份工作。D. elegant指行为举止礼貌优雅。A项表示勤勉的,不合题意。故C为最佳答案。


  他对春天郊游很热心,但他回来后却很沮丧,说他不该去。此题为形容词辨析题,根据句意来判断。enthusiastic热衷的,热心的:He is enthusiastic about collecting stamps.他热衷于集邮。B. fantastic幻想的,奇异的: a fantastic story奇怪的故事。C. courageous勇敢的:It is courageous of you to try and save the drowning man.你拯救溺水的人,真是勇敢。D. discouraged泄气的',沮丧的。这里fantastic奇异的,幻想的和courageous勇敢的,在意义上不是很符合,只有A最为恰当。


  若有时间和钱的话,我会很快去纽约拜访你。此题为语法题,考表示条件关系的介词短语。given假使,假若:Given the same treatment again, he is sure to get well.假如再得到同样的治疗,他一定会康复的。A. with regard to关于: With regard to your recent complaint, we will give you a solution as soon as possible.关于你最近抱怨的问题,我们将尽快给予解决。B. considering鉴于,考虑到:He wrote a very good article considering his age.考虑到他的年龄,他的文章也算写得相当好的了。D. assuming如果,假如(引导句子):Assuming it rains tomorrow, what shall we do 如果明天下雨,我们将怎么办 A. with regard to和B. considering意义上不符合,D. assuming语法不符,故C. given为最佳选择。


  她爱说闲话,别和她接近。如果你告诉她你的烦恼,她会让所有人都知道。此题为近义词辨析题,四个选项与“说话,评论”有关。gossip谈论别人长短,说闲话:Two neighbors are having nice gossip in the street.两家邻居在街上谈论东家长西家短。A. comment评论,对事件、人物、书籍等进行口头或书面评论。C. speech演说。D. appraisal对价值、品质及状况加以评价或鉴定,较为正式。从句中你把你的烦恼告诉她之后,所有人都会知道,说明她这人爱说闲话,故B最佳答案。


  老人亲切和蔼地帮孩子们过马路。此题为形近词比较题,A、B为同根形容词。gracious和蔼的,亲切的:She is gracious enough to show us around her new house.她亲切地带着我们参观她的新房子。B. graceful行为优雅的。C. timid羞怯的。D. lively轻快的,活泼的。选项应与kind相符,A为最佳选择。



  trigger发射;激起;引起:to trigger (off) a chain reaction引起连锁反应。A. trail off逐渐转弱,消失:Her interest in the work soon trailed off.她对工作的热忱不久便淡化了。B. switch off关掉电源等。D. nudge轻触,轻推,不跟off搭配:He nudged his friend to let him know it was time to leave.他轻轻碰一下他的朋友,意思是告诉他该离开了。









