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  清明节日英语作文带翻译 1

  “清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂”,转眼又到了一年一度的清明节,这一天是人们给祖辈挂亲、扫墓的日子。 今年的清明,也是一个细雨纷飞的日子。我和家人乘汽车来到了我的老家——坪村。放眼望去,只见一望无边的田野开满了金黄色的油菜花,好似来到了一片金色的海洋。我们用篮子装满了供品,沿着杂草从生的羊肠小道,从山脚向亲人的墓地走去。

  "It rained in succession during the Qingming period, and pedestrians on the road wanted to break their souls". In a flash, it was the annual Qingming Festival, which was the day when people hung relatives and swept tombs for their ancestors. This years Qingming is also a day of drizzle. My family and I took a bus to my hometown - Ping village. Looking around, I saw the endless fields full of golden rape flowers, as if coming to a golden ocean. We filled our baskets with offerings and walked along the grassy path from the foot of the mountain to the graveyard of our relatives.


  After an hour of hard work, we finally arrived at the grave of our relatives. I saw my father and grandfather. First, I used a knife and hoe to clean up the weeds on and around the grave. At this time, grandma told me some stories about the old lady. From these sporadic things, I learned that my old lady was a hard-working, kind-hearted person who had suffered all her life for the sake of future generations. Thinking of these, I suddenly had an indescribable attachment to my dead relatives. Before long, my father and mother arranged a space in front of the tomb, arranged the offerings, lit incense candles and money paper, and then I knelt down in front of the tomb in the sound of firecrackers, kowtowed several times, pinned our infinite yearning for our dead relatives and prayed for the blessing of our ancestors.


  When we come back, we are in the rain, with endless thoughts, reluctant to leave.

  清明节日英语作文带翻译 2

  On each Qingming Festival, all cemeteries are crowded with people who came to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices. Traffic on the way to the cemeteries bees extremely jammed. The customs have been greatly simplified today. After slightly sweeping the tombs, people offer food, flowers and favorites of the dead, then burn incense and paper money and bow before the memorial tablet.

  This is the most important day of sacrifice. Both the Han and minority ethnic groups at this time offer sacrifices to their ancestors and sweep the tombs of the diseased. Also, they will not cook on this day and only cold food is served.



  清明节日英语作文带翻译 3

  Its Chinese name"qingming" literally means "clear brightness"

  In this hoilday, first,I spend a lot of time on my homework and do many useful exercise .Second,I often help my parents do some housework .

  On wednesday, It was very windy ,so,I went to fly the kites with my friends in the park. The wind blew hard and our kite flew very high and very well. The wind blew hard and our kite flew very high and very well.In this day,we had a good time!

  在中国,清明又称之为“踏青节”。在这个假期,首先,我花费了很多时间做作业、做运动。然后,我还帮我父母做了很多家务。 在星期三,风很大,所以我和我的朋友去公园放风筝。风刮得很猛,我们的风筝飞得又高又好。在这一天,我们玩得很开心!

  清明节日英语作文带翻译 4

  "During the Qingming Festival, there are many rains, and pedestrians on the road are about to break their souls. By asking where the tavern is, the shepherd boy points to the Xinghua Village." Just like the famous poem of Du Mu, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, the annual Qingming Festival comes accompanied by a misty drizzle, which makes people feel sad.

  No, the annual Qingming Festival has come with a drizzle. This morning, it was a rich day again. After wandering for a while, I felt particularly sad and still not suitable!

  On the way to the tomb again, flowers and grass, I have no intention of appreciating: the chirping of birds and the chirping of insects, I have no intention of listening but to arrive at the parting earlier. In a moment, we arrived. Looking at the lonely tomb, I couldnt help feeling sad. After Dad hoed and played with the grass, we took out paper money and knelt in front of the grave, scattering them all on the grave.

  As the rain grew heavier, the flowers and plants were beaten upside down and the surrounding area was lifeless. This scene made me feel a yearning feeling: Thinking about the love and joy they gave me during their lifetime, and thinking about their dying will, I couldnt help feeling a burst of melancholy and burst into tears. At this moment, my father also shed tears. The rain did not abate, and we had already cried into tears, and it took us a long time to stand up.

  At this moment, I saw the fiery azaleas in the distance. According to my mother, the azalea, also known as the Qingming flower, blooms during the Qingming Festival because it is the best item to commemorate and soothe the dead. So I ran over and picked a few bouquets and ed them in front of my grandparents graves, hoping that they would all be comforted.

  Every year there is Qingming Festival, and every year there are different worries. This sadness is not something anyone can feel. I yearn for the sorrow in the rain, so I yearn for the coming of Qingming Festival!






  清明节日英语作文带翻译 5

  Qingming Festival is one of the 24 solar terms of the lunar calendar. The traditional Chinese Qingming Festival began in the Zhou Dynasty and has a history of more than 2500 years.

  Qingming Festival is not only a traditional festival in China, but also the most important sacrificial Festival. It is a day for ancestor worship and tomb sweeping. Tomb sweeping, commonly known as going to the grave, is an activity of offering sacrifices to the dead. The Tomb Sweeping Day reminds me of the poem "Tomb Sweeping Day" by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty: "it rains in succession during the Tomb Sweeping Day, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. Excuse me, where is the restaurant? The shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance." This poem describes the special atmosphere of the Qingming Festival. The first two days of this years Qingming Festival, as described in the poem, had a few days of drizzle. On the Tomb Sweeping Day, God seemed to appreciate it. Instead of "rain after rain" in the past, it became sunny. I asked my grandfather, "shall we go to sweep the tombs of my grandparents?" Grandpa said, "because we went to sweep in the first month, we wont go to Qingming Festival."

  Although I didnt go to the Tomb Sweeping Day, I will cherish the memory of my great grandfather and mother-in-law, as well as the heroes who stood up in all kinds of life and death battlefields and disaster relief.







  清明节日英语作文带翻译 6

  Another year is Tomb Sweeping Day, also known as grave sweeping day, which is the day when we pay tribute to our dead relatives and go to their graves.

  Today, I got up very early because I was going to the countryside to go to my grandfathers grave. My grandfathers grave was in a county next to us. It took about an hour to take the bus. It shook all the way and arrived unconsciously. As soon as I got off the bus, wow! There are so many people! The county and the countryside got together today. We first went to the street to buy some small paper works and went up the mountain. It is said that there was a lot of rain during the Qingming Festival. This years Qingming Festival is different. Its sunny. We can see the ancestral tombs on the mountain all the way. We first went to Grandpas grave. According to our custom here, we should first remove the weeds next to the grave, and then carry out the ancestor worship ceremony, This year, the government stipulated that incense burning paper could not be lit on the mountain to avoid fire, so we just pressed some paper money on the grave symbolically, and surrounded the grave with YINGSHANHONG picked by ourselves.

  After sweeping grandpas grave, we have to sweep grandpas grave again. After crossing a mountain, we arrive. Grandpa died of illness, so he is very young. On Grandpas grave, grandma remembered many of Grandpas past events and cried loudly. We all felt the same sadness when we pressed her down the mountain.

  The one-day tomb sweeping activity ended in this way. Although it was difficult to climb the mountain, I finished the activity smoothly with the team. I like Tomb Sweeping Day.






  清明节日英语作文带翻译 7

  Today is April 5, ching Ming festival.

  My father and I went back to the countryside hometown for ancestors grave. We came to the ancestral grave, dad with his shovel the tombs to repair, and then put the tribute to the grave, took me to the ancestors on three head, got up and down a bowl of wine, spilled a circle around the tombs. In the grave, we walk in the mountains Youll also be able to contribute, on a mountain high, there are lush trees, there are green grass, there are clear lakes, beautiful!

  On the way home, winter jasmine, plum and cherry blossoms are scrambling to in full bloom, fragrance of flowers floating around, a lot of visitors to take photos in front of the flower, laughing faces as beautiful as flowers, how happy ah! Dad told me: tomb-sweeping day is our memory of martyrs, ancestor worship festival, festival is blooming, play for an outing. He told me the martyrs brave fight, fear no sacrifice revolutionary story. I listened to the very touched, it is our predecessors bloody sweat, hard working, just have our good life today, so we should cherish the happy life today, study hard, healthy growth, grow up contribution strength, serve the country!




  清明节日英语作文带翻译 8

  The tomb sweeping day is one of the traditional festivals in China. On April 5th, people start to visit their ancestors’tombs.

  Generally speaking, people will bring the home-made food, some fake money and paper-made mansion to their ancestors. When they start to honour their ancestor, they will light up some candles and incense, put some flowers around the tombs.

  The most important thing is to put the home-made food in front of the tombs. The food, also known as sacrifices, is usually made up with a chicken, a fish and some pork. It’s a symbol of the offspring’s respect to the ancestors.

  People believe that the forbears will share the food with them. The children dedicate the food and money to their forbears in order to show their love and caring. The young offspring will go down on their knees and pray for their ancestors. They can say their wishes in front of the tombs and the ancestors will make their dreams e true.





  清明节日英语作文带翻译 9

  Today is Saturday. It is also a special sacred holiday -- Qingming Festival.

  During the Qing Ming Festival, we went back to the tomb sweeping. Today, I came to my ancestors grave, ready to sweep the grave for them. I removed the grass from their grave with a hoe.

  Weeding is seemingly simple, but it is very tiring. If you dont help the adults, you may have to rest for a while, but I cant get rid of it even if I dont help you two days.

  A piece of light in front of the grave, feeling very monotonous, lonely. So after second days of supper, I ran to the mountain and dug several fruit trees and planted them in front of the grave.

  Qingming Festival is an important festival. Lets remember this sacred and special holiday. Remember that on this day, we must help our ancestors to go to the grave.

  One more thing, in this festival, I believe that you have a missing person! I miss my grandmother most is my grandmother, my grandmother left me forever when I was very young, how I hope she can come back to me again, this is the person I miss most, who you miss most in the Qingming Festival









  清明节日英语作文带翻译 10

  Ching Ming festival is a traditional Chinese festival, has a history of two thousand five hundred years; Its main traditional cultural activities are: grave, outing, cockfighting, swing, play mat, pull hook, tug-of-war), etc. The members (the grave), is very old. Tomb-sweeping day, as a traditional culture, it is a full of mysterious colorific festival, on this day, the pedestrians on the road are missing people who died, to express their respect and grief!

  Ching Ming festival, in hainan many locals call it the "qingming festival". Middle age the qingming festival is very important, if not as a legal holiday, they will also take time to go home "qingming festival". This suggests that the qingming festival has bee a culture, bee a man of the late express a way of missing loved ones.

  Qingming festival, is a kind of Chinese traditional culture recognition and respect. Qingming festival is very important in the ancient tradition of a festival, is also the most important festival of festivals, was the day of ancestor worship and the grave. This grave, the shrine of the dead an activity. The han nationality and some minority are mostly in the tombs. According to the old tradition, the grave, people to carry goods such as especially fruit, paper money to the grave, will be food for offering in the family tomb, then paper incineration, new soil up to the grave, fold a few branches pale green branches ed in the grave, and then salute kowtow worship, finally eat especially home. The tang dynasty poet tu mus poem "qingming" : "rains fall heavily as qingming es, and passers-by with lowered spirits go. Restaurant where? Boy pointed apricot blossom village." Write the tomb-sweeping day is special atmosphere. Until today, tomb-sweeping day ancestor worship, mourning the

  late relatives customs still prevail. And the more brought to the attention of the people.

  Chinese is influenced by its culture, make clear the Chinese memorial ancestors festival. Ancestor worship in qingming festival people are back, this is a kind of culture, a kind of habit.














