英语词汇 百分网手机站


时间:2018-04-03 08:50:05 英语词汇 我要投稿





  1. safe adj安全的 n. 保险箱 safely 安全地 safety n. 安全

  He came back safe and sound.安然无恙

  2. sale. n出售,销售; 销售量/额(多用复数) for ~ 待售; on ~ 出售

  3. same. adj. 相同的,同样的 Don’ I have the same bike as you.

  -Happy Christmas to you! -The same to you.

  -I like black tea and white coffee. –It is the same with me.

  4. satisfaction n. 满意 to one’s ~ 让某人满意的是

  express one’s ~ with sth 对某事表示满意 satisfy vt. ~ one’s need/desire/demand 满足需要 satisfied adj. be satisfied with sth/sb 对…满意 satisfying adj.

  5. save vt.挽救;节省;保留;避免,省得 I am saving for a new bike.

  Thanks for sending that letter for me—it saved me a trip.

  6. say. vt. 说,写有() ~ sth to sb

  The sign says ― No Smoking‖. 牌子上写着

  7. ◎schedule 1) n. 时间表,日程表 a train schedule ahead of schedule

  2) v. 安排,排定 We have scheduled the meeting for Monday.

  8. scold vt. 责骂,训斥 ~ sb for n/ doing

  9. score. v. 得分,打分 n. 得分,分数;20个

  two score of books He won the game with a score of 2:1.

  scores of books ~ a point

  10. search v& n. 搜寻,搜查 search…for …. in search of sb/sth

  11. season. n. 季节,赛季,旺季 in ~ 旺季 out of ~ 在淡季

  12. seat. n. 座位 take a ~ = sit down vt. 使…就座 能坐…人

  seat oneself in the chair= be seated in the chair

  We want to rent a bus which can seat 40 people.

  13. secret adj. 秘密的 n. 秘密

  keep sth (a )~ from sb 把某事对某人保密 in ~秘密地

  14. ◎secure adj. 1)安全的 2)牢靠的,a secure job

  3)无忧无虑的,a secure old age 4)有把握的 be secure of

  5) security n. a sense of security

  15. see看见,领会,明白 ~ sb do sth ~ through 看穿,看透 ~ sb doing sth ~ sb off 送行

  ~ sth done ~ to sb/sth/doing 照看,负责

  You16. ●seek 寻找 寻求 seek something/somebody seek for something/somebody

  seek something from somebody She managed to calm him down and seek help from a neighbor

  seek one’s fortune外出闯荡

  17. seem. v. 好像,似乎 He ~s (to be) happy/a good man. He ~s to have said it.

  It ~s to me that…在我看来… There ~s(ed) to be… 好像有…

  Aftre what ~ed several hours, he left.

  18.●seize 抓住 He seized her by the arm. seize a chance/ an opportunity

  19. sell卖,售出;【喻】出卖 sell sb sth =sell sth to sb

  He sold the book for $5. = He sold the book at the price of $5.

  These books sell well . be sold out 被卖光

  20. send v.(sent-sent) 寄,送,用无线电波发送信号;打发,派遣;使变得

  ~ a message / ~ him a telegram / sent their children to school.

  This noise is ~ing me mad. / A telegram sent him hurrying home.

  ~ sb away 解雇某人 ~ for sb 派人去叫某人 ~ off 发出,寄出

  ~ out 派去,打发,散发出 ~ up 发射 send sb./ sth doing

  21. sense n. 感官;感觉;…感;情理,道理;意义 vt. (隐约)感到,领会

  a ~ of sight/touch/smell/humor/ duty /direction/language/music/business

  common sense There is no ~ in waiting here. What’s the ~ of doing that?

  The sentence doesn’t make sense. Can you make sense of the poem.

  She fully ~d the danger of her position.

  22. separate v. 分开,隔开 adj. 分开的,不相连的;单独的,独立的

  Separate the good ones from the bad. The children sleep in ~ beds.

  23. serious adj. 严肃的,认真的,严重的 Please be ~ about your work. take sth seriously

  24. serve vt. 为…服务;接待;对…有用;供应,上(饭菜等);vi. 服务,服役;接待,招待;适用 ~ the country/the people/~ dinner/wine/the soup to the guests

  He has served in the army for three years. ~ as

  service n. 服务(行为);服侍,招待;公共设施,业务;使用 I am at your ~.

  25. set vt.(set-set-setting)放,摆;指定,规定;装置,调整;使处于某种状态;使…做某事;树立,

  出(题) ~ foot on… / ~ a standard / ~ a clock/watch / ~ …free / ~ an example to sb ~ about (doing) sth / ~ aside留出,拨出 / ~ back(the clock one hour)往回拨

  ~ off 动身,出发;燃放,使爆炸 /~ out 动身,出发/~ out to do 开始,着手

  ~ up 建立,开办 The sun has ~.(vi. 落,下沉)

  26.settle vt. 解决,调停;整理;使平静;安放;支付,结账 vi. 安定,定居;停息,停留;稳

  定下来 ~ a question / ~(down) in New York

  A bird ~d on the branch. Wait until the excitement has ~d down.

  27. shade n. 阴(影),阴凉处【u】;(色彩的)浓淡【c】

  in the ~ of a tree / various ~s of green各种深浅不同的绿色

  28. shake摇动,抖动;使发抖 vi. 震动,发抖

  ~ hands with sb He was ~ing with cold.

  29. shame n. 羞愧(感),羞耻(心)【u】;[a ~] 一种耻辱,遗憾的事,可耻的人/事物

  He is a ~ to his school/family. What a ~ it is to lie.

  30. shape n. 样子,形状,形态;体现,具体形式

  in good ~ 完整无损,状态良好/ out of ~ 走形

  v. (使)形成,塑造,具体化 It is ~d like a bell. / Our plan is shaping well.

  31. share vt. 分配;分享;分担;n. (一)份儿;份额;股份

  ~ apples among the children / ~ joys and sorrows with sb I will take my ~ of the money.

  32. sharp adj. 锐利的;敏锐的,灵敏的;尖酸的,刻薄的;剧烈的

  a ~ knife/~ eyes/ears, a ~ sense of smell, a ~ boy/~ words/a ~ pain/ a ~turn

  sharpen v. sharply adv.

  33. sheet n. 被单,床单;薄片/板,(一)片/块 put clean ~s on the beds/ a ~ of paper/water/ice

  34. shock vt&n(使)震惊,打击,震动,电击

  I was ~ed by/at the news ./ The news was a ~ to me.

  He got ~ed when he touched the wire. / If you touch the wire, you’ll get a ~.

  He couldn’t recover from the ~ of his son’s death.

  35. shoe n. 鞋 a pair of/two pairs of ~s / put on (take off)one’s ~s

  be in one’s ~s 处于某人的位置/处境

  36. shoot v.(shot-shot)发射,射击,射中,投掷;拍摄 n. 射击;投篮;嫩芽

  ~ a person dead / ~ sb in the head /~ the ball in / ~ a scene 拍一场戏 ~ at…向…射击

  37. short adj. 短的,短期的,近的;矮的;缺少的, 不足的

  in a ~ time be ~ of …缺少 be ~ for…是…的缩写 in short 简言之 shorten v.

  38. shoulder n. 肩(膀)vt. 肩负,扛;用肩膀挤 ~ a task

  He looked over his ~. …回过头看 He has broad ~s. / ~ to ~

  39. show v. 给看,展示,显示,出示;展出;指示;引导,带领

  ~ sb sth=~ sth to sb Show me how to do it. show sb around

  ~ off 卖弄,炫耀 ~ up 露出,揭露 n. on ~

  40. shower n. 阵雨,淋浴 be caught in a ~ have / take a ~

  41. shut v(shut-shut-shutting) 关,闭,合拢

  ~ one’s mouth/ eyes The door won’t ~.

  ~down 放下来关住;关闭,停业 ~ up关闭,闭嘴

  46. sick adj. 患病的;恶心的【只作表语】;渴望的,向往的 homesick

  a ~ man, be ~/ill in bed /fall ~/ill

  47. side n. 边,旁边,侧面;一方,一派 Every coin has two ~s. Which ~ are you on? on all ~s=on every ~ She is excellent on all sides .

  48. sight n.视力,视觉;望见;视野[u];景象[c] I have good/bad ~.

  catch ~ of… at first ~ lose ~ of… out of ~ at the sight of

  There is not a boat in ~. the beautiful ~s of Beijing

  49. sign n. 符号;预兆,迹象;牌子,招牌,标记;手势 v.签字,签名,示意

  A dark cloud is a ~ of rain. There were ~s that they would succeed.

  Please ~ (your name)on the paper. The policeman ~ed them to stop.

  50. silence n. 寂静;沉默 silent adj. 寂静的;沉默的,无声的

  keep silence/silent listen in silence

  51. similar adj. 类似的,相似的 similarly adv. in a ~ way be similar to

  52. simple adj. 简单的;朴素的;单纯的 live a ~ life=live simply He is as ~ as a child.

  simply adv. 简单地;朴素地;仅仅,只不过;简直,完全

  She is not ~ clever, she even studies hard.

  53. since prep. 自从… adv.从那以后 conj. …以来; 既然

  He has lived here ~ then/1949. He left the town in 1980 and I haven’t seen him (ever) ~.

  It is/has been 3 years ~ we parted. Since you are all here, let’s make a decision.

  54. single adj. 单一的,单个的,单程的;单身的,独身的`;单人的

  Not a ~ tree could be seen. a ~ ticket a ~ man

  This room has two ~ beds. n. 单打比赛 men’s/women’s ~s

  55. sink v. (sank-sunk)使下沉,沉没,下沉,低沉

  The ship sank into the river. ~ into a chair 一屁股坐下 Hearing the news, his heart sank.

  56. sit vi(sat-sat-sitting) 坐,(鸟等)栖息 ~ down/ ~ at the desk / ~ at table就席,进餐

  57. situation n. 位置,形势,局面,境遇,处境 the ~ of a town位置 the international ~ I am in a very difficult situation ____ I don’t know what to do.

  58. size n. 大小,尺寸,号码 be of a / the same size

  The two houses are of a ~.=The two houses are of the same size .

  59. sky n.天空 in the sky a blue sky

  60.sleep 睡觉 n. I didn’t get much sleep last night.

  I feel better after a good night’s sleep. fall into sleep have a sound sleep

  v. slept/slept sleep well / deeply / soundly / badly

  61 slide (slid, slid) 滑行;悄悄的移动 The drawers slide in and out easily

  She slid out while no one was looking.

  slide sth. + adv. / prep. The man slid the money quickly into his pocket.

  62. ◎slight adj.1) 轻微的,少量 a slight fever 2)小的,微不足道的 a slight mistake

  3)纤细的, 瘦的 a young girl of slight build 身材瘦小的少女

  not in the slightest/ not at all 一点也不,毫不

  slightly adv.略微的 轻微的 The man was slightly hurt. ---Are you worried? ---Only slightly.

  63. slow adj. 慢的;笨的;迟钝的 slowly adv. slowness n.

  Progress was slower than expected. He was the slowest student in the class.

  v. slow down You must slow down, or you will be ill.

  64. smell smelled/smelled; smelt/smelt link-v. 闻起来

  Dinner smells good. What does the perfume(香水)smell like?

  v. 闻; 嗅; 觉察到 Can you smell something burning?

  He smelt danger / trouble. n. 气味;嗅觉 Dogs have a very good sense of smell.

  65. smile v./ n.微笑 She smiled at him and he smiled back. He smiled with relief.

  He is wearing a big/forced/cold smile.

  66. snake n. 蛇 v The road snaked away into the distance.

  The soldiers snaked their way through the narrow street.

  67. ◎social adj. 1) 社会的 ,有关社会的 social reforms 社会改革

  2) 社交的,交际的 3)群居的 Man is a social animal.

  society n. 社会 in society

  68. soon adv. 马上; 很快; 不久 How soon will we be back?

  Please send it as soon as possible.

  the sooner…. the better; sooner or later; no sooner…than …

  69. sort n. 种类 类别 品种 There are all sorts of jobs you could do.

  v. 整理 把…分类 ; 处理 安排 sort (out) the letters

  Rubbish can be easily separated and sorted into the plastics, glass and paper.

  It is our problem. We will get it sorted.

  sort of = kind of 有点儿 He is sort of nervous.