英语听说 百分网手机站


时间:2017-06-17 14:31:57 英语听说 我要投稿


  But it's still strong and firm: 但是依旧透着一种坚定


  Between friends: 朋友之间用


  - Adam, I've found a perfect girl for you. You should totally go out with her.

  - Uh-uh. No way, Jose

  当然不要跟你的老板说No way Jose. (即使他的名字就叫Jose......)

  - Can you get me the report by 4 pm?

  - No way, Jose XXX

  5. No Siree/No Siree Bob

  "Yes"节目里说道"Yessir"的说法,No这里呢,有“No Siree”

  Sometimes they even say "no siree Bob". I don't know who Bob is. It doesn't matter: 有时也会说“no siree Bob”,但是这里的Bob没有任何意思,就像Jose一样,只是一个很常见的名字。


  If you're talking to your iPhone you say "No, Siri [siri]," but if you are rejecting someone, you say “No, Siree [sə'ri]”: “No Siri”的发音也要注意,跟iPhone里的Siri不一样哦。


  - "Did you drink any wine with dinner tonight?: 今晚晚饭喝酒了吗?

  - "No, Siree. No I did not": 没有,没喝酒”

  It's really not about asking you if you want something. It's probably more about if you did something:“No Siree”多用于否定做过某件事

  “No Siree” can also apply when someone offers you a drink, but you're driving, so you can say:

  -"No Siree, I'm driving tonight": 如果有人给你一杯酒,但你开车不能喝,这时候可以用这个说法


  6. Not in a million years



  - Adam, you should totally go out with the girl. She is perfect for you. You should really meet her: Adam, 你一定要去见见那个女孩儿,她太合适你了,你应该跟她去约个会

  - Not in a million years: 一百万年也不会发生(绝对不可能!)

  a million: 一百万

  a million years: 一百万年

  “Not in a million years" means we could wait a million years, and we would still be waiting: "not in a million years" 就是永远不会发生

  This is a fixed expression, so you can't change it to "not in ten years" or "not in a hundred years": 这是一个固定表达,你不能随便把一百万年改成10年、100年其它的数字

  7. Not for all the tea in China



  >China has a lot of tea: 中国有很多茶

  >So when you say "not for all the tea in China": 所以当你说“not for all the tea in China"

  >it means that even if you give me all the tea in China, I'll still say "no": 引伸的意思就是即使你把全中国的茶叶都给我,我依然还是拒绝你




  “Not for all the tea in China!"

  It's like the last one. It's not gonna happen. Forget about it: 所以跟上一个not in a million years很像,指绝对不可能发生的事

  8. Not on your Nelly


  This is an English expression, just like "Rightio" which means "yes": 这是很英式的一种表达,就像表达yes的“Rightio”

  If you have any British friends, you can make them laugh: 如果你有英国朋友,说这句,他们一定会被你逗笑

  That's something only your British friend will get: 但是只有英国朋友才听的懂噢

  Your American friends won't get it; they'll just stare at you blankly: 如果你跟老美这么讲,他们肯定一脸茫然
