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高考英语阅读复习 语言幽默

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2016高考英语阅读复习 语言幽默


2016高考英语阅读复习 语言幽默






  The nurse approached him,smiling.“The labor is going great,” she said.“wouldn't you like to come in?”

  “Oh,no.” The man shook his __1__.

  The nurse __2__ the mother's side,and the labor progressed __3__.As the birth neared,the nurse returned to the man,now __4__ frantically in the hall.“She's doing so well,” she __5__ him.“Wouldn't you like to at least come in and see her?”

  The man seemed to __6__ slightly,then shook his head again.“No,no,I couldn't do that.” He jingled car keys in his sweaty __7__ and restarted his pacing.

  The nurse went back into the __8__ and coached Mom's great efforts in pushing the baby into the __9__.As the baby's head began to appear,the nurse raced to the hall,__10__ the man by his elbow,and __11__ him to the bedside saying,“You have got to see this!”

  At that very moment,the baby boy was born __12__ placed on the stomach of the mother whose happy smile __13__ through her tears.The man began to __14__ openly.Turning to the nurse,he sobbed.“You were right! This is the greatest __15__ in my life!”

  By now,the nurse,too,was __16__.She put her arms around him,and he rested his __17__ on her shoulder.She said,“No one should __18__ the birth of their son.”

  “This isn't my son,” the man sobbed.“This isn't __19__ my wife.I've never seen her before in my life.I was just bringing the car __20__ to my fellow across the hall!”


  frantically adv.烦躁地 ②jingle vt.使发出叮当声

  【语篇解读】 本文是一篇幽默故事。一位母亲正在产房生产,男子在门外徘徊。护士跑出来叫男子进产房,可是男子一次次拒绝进入。当孩子出生时,护士再也忍不住了,把男子拖进产房。可是男子告诉护士,他不是孩子的父亲,那女子也不是自己的妻子,他是来医院给同事送车钥匙的。

  1.A.hand B.head C.arm D.body

  答案 B [联系空前的“Oh,no.”可知,对于护士的要求, 男子摇头拒绝了。]

  2.A.approached B.returned toC.examined D.stood by

  答案 B [联系下文可知,护士离开产妇来找男子,让他到产房内,因此在男子拒绝后她又回到产妇身边。]

  3.A.smoothly B.quicklyC.carefully D.lately

  答案 A [联系下文的“She's doing so well”可知,产妇这边的进展很顺利。]

  4.A.waiting B.pacing C.lying D.sleeping

  答案 B [联系下文可知,男子一直在大厅里等着,现在他变得很烦躁,因此他在大厅里来回走着。A有一定的干扰性,联系下文的“restarted his pacing”可以排除A。]

  5.A.warned B.greeted C.examined D.assured

  答案 D [空前的“She's doing so well”是护士安慰男子的话,因此说她想让他放心,即assured him。]

  6.A.smile B.wait C.hesitate D.suffer

  答案 C [联系空后的“slightly”可知,当护士让男子进入房间的时候,他对是否进去稍微犹豫了一下。]

  7.A.pocket B.palm C.leg D.face

  答案 B [空前的“jingled car keys”的意思是“晃动车钥匙,使之发出叮当声”,因此此时车钥匙应是在他的掌心。]

  8.A.room B.hall C.office D.house

  答案 A [联系空前的“The nurse went back into”以及空后的“coached Mom's great efforts”可知,护士又跑回了房间。]

  9.A.world B.bed C.arms D.pool

  答案 A [联系空前的“pushing the baby into”可知,这位妇女在生小孩,因此说护士帮助她努力把孩子带到这个世界。]

  10.A.shook B.congratulatedC.grabbed D.welcomed

  答案 C [联系空后的“by his elbow”可知,此时护士着急了,她一把抓住男子的胳膊,拉他进入屋内。]

  11.A.helped B.led C.moved D.dragged

  答案 D [联系上文的“grabbed the man by his elbow”可知,护士抓住他的胳膊,因此此处用dragged表达了护士的着急,也表达了不等男子说话,他就被拖进屋内的情形。]

  12.A.so B.and C.but D.or

  答案 B [“was born”与“(was) placed on the stomach of the mother”为并列关系,因此用and 。]

  13.A.shone B.hid C.got D.went

  答案 A [联系空前的“happy smile”和空后的“through her tears”可知,她的泪水中闪耀着幸福的微笑。]

  14.A.laugh B.smile C.cry D.sob

  答案 D [联系下文的“Turning to the nurse,he sobbed.”可知,男子不是笑了,而是哭了。]

  15.A.day B.place C.moment D.baby