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学个词Learn a Word 第1466课

时间:2018-07-09 12:03:37 office办公 我要投稿

学个词Learn a Word 第1466课


  Successive, 意思是连续的,连接的。

  "New York Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin scored an average of 20 points a game over six successive games," 纽约尼克斯队控球后卫林书豪连续6场比赛取得了平均每场得20分的成绩。

  "Housing prices fell in Scotland for the fourth successive month," 苏格兰的房价连续第四个月降低。

  "UK stocks slid slightly after five successive days of gains," 英国股市在接连五天上涨后略微回落。

  "This was the school's fifth successive victory," 校队连续获得了五场比赛的`胜利。


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