英语口译 百分网手机站


时间:2018-01-25 13:12:25 英语口译 我要投稿




  A:Could you please reserve a taxi for me?

  B: Do you think a private vehicle might be more to your liking?

  A: A private vehicle? No, thanks, I won't need one.

  B: Even better than a private vehicle is a limo. How does that sound?

  A: T A X I, please.

  B: A taxi it is. Where will you be headed?

  A: Rockefeller Center. Can you get the taxi here immediately, please?

  B: A taxi will be here in just a minute, sir.

  A: Good. I'll get my coat and come downstairs.

  B: The taxi will be ready when you are, sir.



  A:Excuse me. Can you suggest a good restaurant?


  B:Yes. What kind of food would you like to eat?


  A:Are there any Chinese restaurants around here?


  B:There's one across the street.


  A:Where can I have the best local food?


  B:I suggest you try Green Inn.

  我建议你去Green Inn试试看。

  A:Is it very far from here?



  Do you know if there's a good Chinese restaurant nearby?


  Are there any Chinese restaurants along the street?


  Is there a less expensive restaurant near here?


  I'd like to eat some French food.


  A:I'd like to book a table for three at seven this evening.


  B:For three. And your name please?


  I'd like to make reservation, please.



  I'd like a table for three or four at seven.


  Please reserve a table for three.


  I'm sorry, I'll be about thirty minutes late.


  Do I have to be formally dressed?


  B:Good evening. How many people do you have in your party?





  Dialogue A

  A:The ship is about to start. Let's go on board.

  B:All right. (passing up the gangway)

  A:Where is our cabin?

  B:Cabin No. 3,the upper deck. It's near amid ship.

  A:Here we are. There're four berths,two upper berths and two lower berths.

  B:Which is your berth?

  A:The upper one.

  B:Let's go for a walk on the deck.

  A:OK. Is there a daily passenger ship to Dalian?


  A:When does this ship 1eave?

  B:Four sharp.

  A:How many days does it take to Dalian?

  B:About two days. It arrives in Dalian at 6∶00p. m. The day after tomorrow. Look!The ship is lifting anchor.

  A:How many ports do we call at on our passage to Dalian?

  B:Two ports.

  A:The ship is going very fast.

  B:Perhaps she makes about 25 knots an hour.

  A:Ah,there is a small boat coming towards us.

  B:And she is signaling to us.

  A:The weather doesn't look very good. look at all those clouds over there.

  B:Yes,the wind is beginning to blow but the radio said the weather would be fine today.

  A:The wind is blowing hard. It's started to rain. There's going to be a storm.

  B:The ship is rolling and pitching now. You look pale. Are you seasick?

  A:I don't feel very good.

  B:I have some tablets for seasickness.

  A:They give me no help at all.

  B:Then we'd better go back to our cabin.

  A:The sea is very rough. I get terribly seasick. I'm afraid

  I'm going to be sick.

  B:Go to bed and shut your eyes. It will be all right. The storm will be over soon. (The wind is dropping and the clouds are breaking. )

  B:Well,the storm is over,the sea's calming down. How do you feel?

  A:I feel much better now.

  B:I see a red light off our bows.

  A:Is that a light house?

  B:Yes,may be we'll be in port before long.

  A:How long does this ship lie at anchor here?

  B:Half an hour.

  A:It is going to dock. Let's go ashore to buy some local and special products.

  Dialogue B

  (Austin is taking a boat trip to Tasamnia. He and his friendare strolling on the deck. )

  A:Nice day,isn't it?

  B:Yes,it couldn't be better!A sea trip is always enjoyable in fine weather like this.

  A:I hope it will remain fine all the way.

  B:So do I. It can be very rough,though. Is this your first voyage in Australia?

  A:Yes. How long does it take to get to Tasmania?

  B:The ship is making about thirty knots per hour,so we should arrive there within ten hours.

  A:I'm glad it's not very long.

  B:Do you get seasick?

  A:Usually not. But I don't know how I'd fee1 if the ship was pitching and rolling.

  B:In that case,better eat some solid food. Don't drink any liquids.

  A:Is that the best remedy?

  B:That helped me an uncomfortable voyage.

  A:Thank you for your advice. It's a bit chilly,isn't it?

  B:Are you feeling cold?Would you like to come with me tomy cabin for a beer?

  A:Thank you. It's nice of you to invite me.








