基础英语 百分网手机站


时间:2018-09-17 12:40:45 基础英语 我要投稿





  感叹句用法很简单, How和What放句前, How与形、副词类连, What后面名词添.主语谓语不用变,省掉它们也常见. 当然,what 感叹句和how 感叹句有时可以互相转换。当What修饰单数可数名词时,如果这一名词有形容词修饰,也可用how引导感叹句,但不定冠词a或an 需放在形容词之后。如:What a large factory = How large a factory it is!

  祈使句: 祈使句所需注意的是:含有第二人称的祈使句的否定句用don't.含有第一、第三人称的祈使句的否定句用 Let+not+动词原形或 Don't let+第三人称代词的宾格或名词。

  下面稍微提一下常考的强调句:我们学过的强调句是it引导的句子。记住:强调句的连词只有两个,that和who。当强调的部分是人,且为句子的主语时,才用 "who",其余用"that". 句式是:It is (was) 被强调部分+that(who) + 句子其他部分。此结构强调的成分仅限于主语,宾语和状语。判断一个句子是否是强调句,只需看去掉It be… that是否还是一个完整的句子。


  It is twenty years ___ Miss Feng returned to China. A. that B. when C. since D. as

  答案C.本题易误选为A(that). 其实本句不是强调句。若是,去掉It be… that还应是一个完整的句子。而本句去掉 "It is...that",只剩下ten years Miss Feng returned to China.不成句。因此本句不是强调句。



  1. It was yesterday _______ Xiao Ming finished all his homework.

  A. that

  B. when

  C. where

  D. at

  2. You are not in Grade Two, ________you?

  A. aren't

  B. are

  C. do

  D. don't

  3. She has never read the book before, _______?

  A. has she

  B. hasn't she

  C. is she

  D. isn't she

  4. --I want to shopping this afternoon. What about you?


  A. So did I

  B. So I did

  C. So I do

  D. So do I

  5. It's time for supper now. Let's ______ it.

  A. stop to have it

  B. stop having

  C. to stop to have

  D. stopping to have

  6. _______ lovely she smiles !

  A. How

  B. How a

  C. What

  D. What a




  Earthquake is one of the most severe natural disasters. It's shaking of the ground caused by the sudden breaking and shifting of large sections of Earth's rocky ourter shell. Its results can be very horrible. The Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008 and Japan Earthquake in 2011 are the most severe earthquakes in recent years, causing huge casualties and property losses. But earthquakes almost never kill people directly. Many deaths and injuries in earthquaking result from falling objects and the collapse of buildings.






  注:n 名词 v 动词 adj形容词

  adv 副词 prep介词 conj连词

  phr.短语 num数词 pron 代名词

  第三册 1645----2182

  1645 CD player phr. 激光唱机

  1646 several ['sev?r?l] adj & pron 几个;若干

  1647 shelf [?elf] (pl. shelves[?elvz]) n 架子;搁板

  1648 already [?:l'redi] adv 已经

  1649 used to phr. 过去常常

  1650 on [?n] prep 关于

  1651 knowledge ['n?lid?] n 知识;学问

  1652 yard [j?:d] n 院子

  1653 schoolyard ['sku:lj?:d] n 校园

  1654 put (sth) down phr.把某物放下来

  1655 step [step] n & v 脚步;走;踏入;踩

  1656 librarian [lai'br??ri?n] n 图书管理员

  1657 probably ['pr?b?bli] adv 很可能;大概

  1658 pay (paid[peid] ,pay的过去式和过去分词)[pei]v 付钱;支付

  1659 pay for ['pei f?(r)] phr. 付钱;支付

  1660 sadly ['sdli] adv 难过地;悲哀地

  1661 come up with phr. 找到;提出(答案,办法)

  1662 mark [m?:k] n 记号;标记;痕迹

  1663 bookmark ['buk,m?:k] n 书签

  1664 think of phr. 想起

  1665 encourage [in'k?rid?] v 鼓励

  1666 get…back phr. 退还;送 回去;取 回

  1667 pick…up phr. 拾起;捡起

  1668 once [w?ns] adv 一次

  1669 abroad [?'br?:d] adv 到国外;在国外

  1670 copy ['k?pi] v 抄写;

  1671 as [z] prep 作为

  1672 screen [skri:n] n 屏幕

  1673 spoil [sp?il](spoilt[sp?ilt],spoil的过去式与过去分词) v 糟蹋

  1674 surf [s?:f] v 冲浪

  1675 surfing ['s?:fi?] n 冲浪运动

  1676 surfer ['s?:f?] n 冲浪者

  1677 wave [weiv] n 浪;波浪

  1678 beach [bi:t?] n 海(河、湖)滩

  1679 have a try phr. 尝试;努力;射击

  1680 twice [twais] adv 两次;两倍

  1681 none [n?n] pron 一个人也没有;没有任何东 西

  1682 water-ski ['w?:t?ski:] v 做滑水运动

  1683 canoe [k?'nu:] v 乘独木舟

  1684 describe [di'skraib] v 描写;叙述

  1685 all over phr. 遍及

  1686 especially [is'pe??li] adv 特别;尤其

  1687 attract [?'trkt] v 吸引

  1688 large numbers of phr. 许多

  1689 no matter phr. 不论

  1690 so-called ['s?u'k?:ld] adj 所谓的

  1691 possible ['p?s?bl] adj 可能的

  1692 both…and… phr. ...和...都

  1693 give up phr. 放弃

  1694 since [sins] adv & conj 此后;自..以来

  1695 ever since phr. 从那时起;此后一直

  1696 part-time['p?:t'taim]adj&n非全日工作的;业余 时间

  1697 although [?:l'?u] conj 虽然;尽管

  1698 fit [fit] adj & v 健康的;适合的;(使)适 合

  1699 prize [praiz] n 奖品;奖赏

  1700 competition [,k?mpi'ti??n] n 比赛;竞争

  1701 event [i'vent] n 大事;事件

  1702 Olympic [?u'limpik] adj 奥林匹克的

  1703 the Olympic Games phr. 奥林匹克运动会

  1704 such [s?t?] adj 这样的

  1705 fail [feil] v 失败;不及格

  1706 practice['prktis]?practise['prktis]n&v练习, 实践

  1707 business ['biznis] n 商业;生意;事务

  1708 so far phr. 到目前为止

  1709 cross [kr?:s] v 越过;穿过

  1710 channel ['t?nl] n 海峡;航道;频道;波段

  1711 come true [,k?m 'tru:] phr. 实现

  1712 mainland ['meinl?nd] n 大陆;本土

  1713 slow [sl?u] v 放慢;减速

  1714 slow down phr. 减缓;减速

  1715 journey ['d??:ni] n 旅程;旅行;路程

  1716 among [?'m??] prep 在……当中

  1717 proud [praud] adj 自豪的;骄傲的

  1718 be proud of phr. 以……自豪(兴奋)

  1719 speak highly of phr. 称赞

  1720 not only…but also phr. 不但……而且

  1721 pride [praid] n 自豪;骄傲

  1722 unless [?n'les] conj 除非;如果不

  1723 shot [??t] n 尝试;努力;射击

  1724 truth [tru:θ] n 真理,真相,事实

  1725 pour [p?:] v 倒;灌;倾泻

  1726 waste [weist] adj & n 废弃的;无用的;垃圾;废物

  1727 dirty ['d?:ti] adj 脏的

  1728 be afraid of phr. 害怕

  1729 member ['memb?] n 成员

  1730 join [d??in] v 加入;参加

  1731 environment [in'vai?r?nm?nt] n 环境

  1732 harm [h?:m] v 损害;伤害

  1733 rubbish ['r?bi?] n 垃圾;废物

  1734 collect [k?'lekt] v 收集;搜集

  1735 whenever [hwen'ev?] conj&adv无论什么时候;随时

  1736 produce [pr?'dju:s] v 产生;生产;制造

  1737 wherever [hw??r'ev?] conj & adv 无论在(到)哪里;在任何地方

  1738 neighbourhood ['neib?hud] n. 四邻;街坊;邻近

  1739 litter ['lit?] n & v 垃圾,废物;乱丢杂物

  1740 onto ['?ntu:] prep 在…上面;到…上面

  1741 public ['p?blik] adj 公共的;公众的

  1742 spit(spat[spt],spit的过去式和过去分词)[spit] v吐痰;吐唾沫

  1743 cut down ['k?t daun] phr. 砍倒

  1744 protect [pr?'tekt] v 保护

  1745 tidy ['taidi] adj 整洁的;整齐的

  1746 dustbin ['d?stbin] n 垃圾箱

  1747 recycle [ri:'saikl] v 再循环;回收再用

  1748 contribution [,k?ntri'bju:??n] n 贡献

  1749 make a contribution to phr. 贡献给;捐赠

  1750 suppose [s?'p?uz] v 猜想

  1751 riddle ['ridl] n 谜语

  1752 do well in phr. 在……某方面干得好

  1753 nearby ['ni?bai] adv 附近

  1754 headmaster ['hed'm?:st?] n (英)中小学校长

  1755 mount [maunt] n …山;…峰

  1756 as soon as possible phr. 尽可能早地;尽快

  1757 except [ik'sept] prep 除…之外

  1758 province ['pr?vins] n 省

  1759 enjoyable [in'd??i?bl] adj 愉快的;有趣的

  1760 rush [r??] v 冲;奔跑

  1761 rail [reil] n 轨道;铁路

  1762 railway ['reilwei] n (英)铁路

  1763 lively ['laivli] adj 热闹的;有生气的

  1764 all kinds of phr. 各种各样的

  1765 comfortable ['k?mf?t?bl] adj 舒适的;舒服的

  1766 keep doing something phr. 一直做某事

  1767 scenery ['si:n?ri] n 风景;景色

  1768 offer ['?:f?] v & n 拿出;提供

  1769 magazine [,mg?'zi:n] n 杂志

  1770 practise ['prktis] v 实践;练习

  1771 moving ['mu:vi?] adj. 活动的;移动的;动的人

  1772 click [klik] n & v 咔哒声;发出咔哒声

  1773 pity ['piti] n 遗憾的事,可惜的事

  1774 score [sk?:] n & v (比赛)得分

  1775 own [?un] adj 自己的

  1776 least [li:st] adj 最小的;最少的

  1777 kid [kid] n (口语)小伙子

  1778 scuba ['skju:b?] n 水肺(潜水者用的水下呼吸器)

  1779 Internet ['int?,net] n 因特网,互联网络

  1780 search [s?:t?] v 搜查,搜索

  1781 double ['d?bl] adj & v 双重的,双倍的

  1782 icon ['aik?n] n 图象符号,图标

  1783 type [taip] v (用打字机或电脑)打字

  1784 press [pres] v 按,压

  1785 enter ['ent?] v 进入

  1786 button ['b?tn] n 按钮,纽扣

  1787 capital ['kpitl] n 首都

  1788 population [,p?pju'lei??n] n 人口,人数

  1789 ridge [rid?] n 山脉

  1790 tomb [tu:m] n 坟墓

  1791 whether ['hwe?] conj 是否

  初一英语Spring Festival教案



  Spring Festival












  Period 1: Vocabulary, Listening and Pronunciation

  Period 2: Reading and Vocabulary

  Period 3: Speaking, Writing, Around the world & Module Task

  Period 4: Language in use




  语音 / l;动词ing形式的发音

  词汇 Festival, ready, cook, meal, learn, dragon, lantern, sweep, floor, happen, help, tradition, bad, luck, paint, mean, decorate, decoration, everyone, haircut, give, dumpling, sweet, pudding, fireworks, few, want, week, round, bring, colour, something, cut, Christmas, long

  词组 Spring Festival, get ready for, dragon dance, Lantern Festival, sweep away, at work, paper cut, New Year, New Year’s Eve, sweet pudding, a few, all the year round.


  功能 节日的表达与询问;描述准备的过程。

  话题 以“节日”为话题。


  听 能听懂有关为“节日”做准备的句子;能听辩动词词组。

  说 能就正在做或正在发生的事情进行简单的问答练习。流利的说出含有本模块生词的短语。

  读 能读懂有关节日描述的短文,并且能将段落与图片,段落与问题搭配。

  写 学会写要点,句子以及段落;用and连接句子。

  演示与表达 能向人们介绍春节或其他中外节日。




  中外对比 了解英语国家重要节假日及其主要庆祝方式,鼓励学生了解世界,加强交流。







  task –cycle:通过整个模块的听说读写的训练,强化“描述人物和活动。”的表达能力,为完成任务做好铺垫




  认知 联系,归纳,推测等技能。观察并归纳动词形式的变化规则,提高自学能力。

  调控 从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及中的错误进行修改交际 学习运用恰当词语简单描述节日。

  资源 通过其他资源获取更多有关“节日”的简单英语。

  自学 培养在词语与相应事物之间建立联想的习惯,形成话题联想的习惯。

  留心日常生活中使用的有关信的简单英语合作学习 互相学习,取长补短,把学习英语和信的基本应用结合起来


  Module 2 Spring Festival

  Period 1 Vocabulary, Listening and Pronunciation

  1、Teaching Content: Vocabulary, Listening and Pronunciation

  2、Teaching Aims and Demands:

  1) Language Knowledge

  Key words and phrases: Spring Festival, ready, cook, meal, dragon, floor, happen, help, get ready for, dragon dance, lantern, festival, sweep away, at work

  Key structure: be +v.-ing

  What is he doing?

  Is he working? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

  2) Listening skill: To understand conversations about the Spring Festival.

  3) Affection and attitudes: We should be interested in the festivals in the world.

  3、Learning strategies:

  Bottom-up approach and listening to the tape and do some exercises.

  4、Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder, video, handout,etc)

  5、Teaching Procedures:

  Activity 1: Revision

  Task: Recall what we have learned in last lesson.

  Step 1

  Label the pictures with the words.

  (1). Read through the words in the box and have the Ss. Repeat them after you.

  (2). Ask them to label them in the pictures on the screen.

  (3). Make some sentences with the words. Ask students to speak out as many as they ca n.

  Step 2

  Talk about the pictures that the teacher brings into the classroom.

  She is standing./walking/ buying/talking …

  I am not walkin g to school now.

  You are not walking to school no w.

  He is not walking to school now.

  Are you walking to school now?

  Is he walking to school now?

  Activity 2: Lead in

  Task 1: Brainstorm of the words “festival”.

  Step 1

  Draw a Festival tree.


  Chinese Festivals Western Festivals

  Step 2

  Talk about the festivals.

  Do you like festivals?


  What kind of festivals do you like, Chinese or western?

  What do people do on festivals?

  What festivals do you like best? Etc.

  Task 2: match the words with the pictures in activity 1 on page 8.

  Step 1

  Ask: What is the biggest festival in China?

  What do you think people usually do to get ready for the Spring Festival?

  Read through the words in activity 1 on page 8 and have the Ss. repeat them after you chorally and individually.

  Step 2

  Ask the students to do activity 1 on page 8. Play the recording and ask the Ss. to listen

  Step 3

  Play the recording again and have them check the words individually.

  Check their answers with a partner.

  Step 4

  Call back the answers in a whole- class setting

  Step 5

  Talk about the pictures

  Activity 3: Listening

  Task 1:. To understand conversations about getting ready for the Spring Festival.

  Step 1

  Give the Ss 2 questions:

  What are Lingling and her mother doing ?

  Where is Lingling’s father?

  Make sure the Ss understand the 2 questions:

  Step 2

  Play the recording and have them listen .

  Step 3

  Play the recording again and have them write the answers individually.

  Step 4

  Play the recording and have them check their answers with a partner

  Step 5

  Call back the answers from the whole class.

  Task 2: activity 3 on page 9.

  Step 1

  Choose the best answers in Activity 3.

  Step 2

  Call back the answer in a whole- class setting.

  Task 3: Listen and read:

  Step 1

  Play the recording and ask the Ss. to listen and read the conversation.

  Step 2

  Play the recording again and pause after each phrase, asking the Ss. to repeat chorally and individually.

  Step 3

  Put the Ss. into groups of 3 to practise the dialogue.

  Step 4

  They should repeat it several times, changing the roles each time.

  Task 4: activity 4 on page 9

  Step 1

  Explain by saying “This activity is designed to check if you have grasped the main structure.

  Explain that the students have to answer the questions in full sentences.

  Step 2

  Put the Ss. into groups to ask and answer the questions.

  Step 3

  Call back the answer in a whole- class setting.

  Step 4

  Ask different students to practice them in front of the class.

  Activity 4: Pronunciation

  Task: Grasp 3 phonemes / l

  Step 1

  Play the recording and ask the Ss. to listen and read the phonemes/ l.

  Step 2

  Play the recording again and ask the Ss. to repeat chorally and individually.

  Step 3

  Put the Ss. in pairs to practice them.

  Activity 5: A test

  Listen to the tape and translate some of the sentences into Chine se.

  Activity 6: Homework

  Recite the short passage as fluently as possible.

  Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary

  1、Teaching Content: Reading and Vocabulary

  2、Teaching Aims and Demands:

  1) Language knowledge:

  New words: tradition, bad, luck, paint, mean, decorate, decoration, everyone, haircut, dumpling, fireworks, few, week, round, bring

  Key phrases: paper cut, New Year, New Year’s Eve, sweet pudding, a few, all the year round.

  2) Reading skill: To understand the text. (重 点)

  beat, hit, strike的区别

  1. beat 指反复地打,尤指用木棍或其它较硬的东西打。如:

  He beat the boy with a stick. 他用棍子打那孩子。


  (1) beat 还可表示“(心脏)跳动”(注意联想心脏跳动的连续性与beat 表示“打”的反复性)。

  (2) “打鼓”、“打拍子”等均强调动作的连续和反复,因此可分译为:beat a drum, beat time.

  2. hit 指有目标地重重一击,侧重击中的意思。如:

  He hit 初三 me in the face, 他打了我一耳光。

  3. strike 指急速地或突然地用力打击或敲击。如:

  The car ran out of control and struck a tree. 汽车失去控制,撞在树上。

  初一英语作文:Great Changes in My Hometown

  I'm really giad to see what have happened in my hometown I used to live in a small town with trees all around. There was no tall building and the only street was narrow. Just outside the town,there was a river.You can see different kinds of fish swimming in the clear water. People here lived a simple life.

  Great changes have taken place here. You can see tall buildings, big department stores and factories everywhere. Different kinds of cars and buses are running in the big streets. But with the development of the industry,we have fewer trees. Air and water pollution is becoming more and more serious. We must do something to stop pollution and make our town even more beautiful.



  My Dream

  When I was a little child, I had many dreams. I wanted to be rich, so that I can live in a big and beautiful house. I can go everywhere by car. But now, my dream seems to be better and more realistic. I hope I can have a good job. It will not take much of my time, although I can’t earn much. Every year, I have holidays to travel. Traveling is my favorite and it can reduce my pressure. It’s good for my life. Therefore, 初中学习方法 I hope traveling can be a part of my future life.










