英语试题 百分网手机站


时间:2020-11-11 13:23:35 英语试题 我要投稿





  1. (请) sit down, Alice.

  2. Is the girl from (日本)?

  3. My room(房间) (号码) is 401.

  4. I like (苹果).

  5. I can (帮助) you.

  6. The (铅笔) in the bag are Sally's.

  7. My daughter and son are (学生) in No.26 Middle School of Shanghai.

  8. Linda and Jenny are good f (朋友).

  9. This is a (地图) of the zoo.

  10. My mother bought(买) (八) apples in the morning.

  11. (请) call Mary.

  12. Mount Fuji is one of the most famous mountains in (日本).

  13. The little children learned five (数字) last week.

  14. (苹果) are our favourite food.

  15. Tom is my good friend and he (帮助) me a lot.


  16. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. W to our concert!

  17. I'm glad to m you.24

  18. Miss. Zhang teaches us math. She is our favorite t .r

  19. Lucy and Lily are from A . They can speak English well.o

  20. These are some photos of Lucy's f . This is her mother.5

  21. --- E me. Where is the library?e

  --- Let me show you.6

  22. There are t months(月) in a year.Y

  23. --- What class and g is she in? N

  --- Sorry, I don't know.e

  24. I like apples, pears and o very much.S

  25. That is my s . I study(学习) in it.8

  26. W to our school. Let's play games together.2

  27. Nice to m you.g

  28. Miss Qin is a good t . She teaches(教) English well.M

  29. She comes from A .2

  30. Hello, I'm Bob. My f name is White.O


  31. 欢迎来到我家。(词数不限)W

  my house!B

  32. 她妈妈多大年龄了?r

  is her mother?/

  33. --- 这些狮子来自哪里?B

  --- 它们来自南非。Q

  --- Where the lions ?=

  --- They're from .=

  34. --- 这些是你的书吗?

  --- 不,它们不是。它们是她的。

  --- your books?

  --- No, aren't. They are .

  35. 他们有电脑吗?(词数不限)

  have a computer?

  36. 欢迎到上海来。


  37. 你多大了? 我只有12岁。

  are you? I am only years .

  38. 它们来自哪里?

  Where they ?

  39. ---那些书是你的.吗?


  --- books yours?

  --- Yes, are ..

  40. 他们是我的父母。5690731

  are my .

  41. 欢迎到北海公园来!

  Beihai Park!

  42. --- 你多大?

  --- 我十三岁。

  --- are you?

  --- I'm thirteen.

  43. 在我那儿,我们对时间(的要求)相当宽松。

  I'm , we're pretty relaxed about time.

  44. 那些是我的英语书。

  my books.

  45. 他是一名酒店经理。

  is a hotel .


  46. I twelve. He eleven. We good friends.

  A. am; is; are B. is; are; am C. am; are; is D. are; is; am

  47. Tim is friend. is an English boy.

  A. I; His B. I; He C. my; He D. my; His

  48. --- the baseball on the chair?

  --- No, it .

  A. Is; is B. Are; are C. Is; isn't D. Are; aren't

  49. --- Hello, Li Han!

  --- I'm fine. Thank you.

  A. How do you do? B. How are you doing?

  C. What do you do? D. What are you doing?

  50. --- What class are you in?

  --- I'm in .

  A. Class Seven, Grade Eight B. Grade Eight, Class Seven

  C. class seven, grade eight D. grade eight, class seven

  51. --- Where is Sally from, Mike?

  --- .

  A. I am from China B. She is from America

  C. He is from England D. You are from Japan

  52. --- Where you from?

  --- I from Weifang, Shandong Province(省).

  A. is; am B. are; is C. are; am D. is; are

  53. I want to know your age.

  A. How are you? B. How old are you?

  C. What's your name? D. When is your birthday?