

时间:2021-07-05 17:48:35 词汇 我要投稿


  1.She likes the _______ flower instead of the natural one.

  A. article B.adventure C.ancient D.artificial

  2.This highway runs _______ to the railway.

  A. identical B.suitable C.parallel D.distribution

  3.The rent for this house is $ 250. But you need also pay $50 first as the _______.

  A.deposit B.council C.desired D.submitted

  4.The rebuilding plan was _______ to the committee.

  A.taped B.admitted C.desired D.submitted

  5.Jack London worked very hard and finally he _______ success.

  A.made B.found C.sought D.achieved


  1.D 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.D





  Chinese companies want to create world brands and the foreign companies want to increase the selling in China which all change the Chinese design industry.The Chinese manufacturers realize that they have to design better products if they want to stand out in the domestic markets as well as distinguish themselves in the foreign markets.Previously,the overseas caompanies always took the products which were designed in somewhere to Chinese market,but now the foreign companies such as Sony begins to realize that the Chinese consumers become more and more fastidious and no longer easy to be satisfied.

  这里的“脱颖而出”和“崭露头角意思相近”,我们尽量选择不同的译法,两个词语可以分别译为“stand out”和“distinguish themselves”。





  In 1936,Zhu Kezhen was appointed as the principal of Zhejiang University.Even before then,he had been a famous natural scientist.From 1936 to 1949,Zhu Kezhen worked as the university principal for 13 years.In the extremely hostile environment filled with converging attacks by continuous wars and various university affairs,being homeless and miserable,he trudged 5,000 li and drifted from place to place through 5 provinces,with the university location being changed 5 times.He actually developed the university into one of the nation's two most integrated universities composed of 7 schools and 27 departments,compared with only 3 schools and 16 departments when he took it over.

  颠沛流离:drifted from place to place,这个词还有另外一层意思就是“无家可归,生活痛苦”,为了意思表达的全面,将“homeless and miserable”以分词形式作伴随状语译出,可以表达这是一种持续的状态。





  However,no matter how they are allocated in the firset place,the material resources which can create fortune will flow into entrepreneurs'hands eventually through various channels.It is the basic tendency of free market.Those people acquire the right of disposal and the right of use of other people's wealth to create and accumulate wealth for them.This is the very source of efficiency of free market.It can dynamically and spontaneously transfers the resources from the people who are inefficient in resourses use to the people who are efficient in resources use.There is a Chinese saying that “the rich can not last three generations”.It has no alternative but also reveals some pith and marrow of the free market:the fortune itself can not be be guraantee of the fortune,because the fortune is not created by fortune.

  这里“富不过三代”的俗语可以翻出它的意思即可,后面的“无奈…但…”可以用“have no alternative but also”这种结构。



  A scientific panel convened by the World Health Organization recommended guidelines on Friday for doctors conducting clinical studies of SARS patients. The panel urged doctors to apply the guidelines in analyzing the masses of potentially useful information about various therapies that were collected in this year’s epidemic. Much of that information has not been published or analyzed.

  “It is a matter of urgency to get better analysis and review,” said Dr. Simon Mardel, a WHO official who led the two-day meeting that ended on Friday. He said thousands of potential therapies and compounds had been tested so far as researchers try to determine treatments for SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome. “We recognize that having no treatment for SARS is hindering our ability to control an epidemic in so many ways.” He said.

  In the epidemic earlier this year, various treatments, like drugs to fight the virus or strengthen the immune system, as well as traditional Chinese medicine, were delivered under emergency conditions, in widely different settings and countries to patients suffering from varying stages of the illness. Those conditions—generally without standardized measurements or controlled situations—have made it hard to interpret results.

  Standard supportive therapy like nursing, and in severe cases the use of mechanical respirators(呼吸器)to help patients breathe, is the mainstay(主要支持)of SARS care, and helped many patients survive. But doctors still do not know how best to treat SARS patients who have breathing difficulties. Dr. Mardel said. One method is invasive ventilation. A second method involves blowing oxygen into the lungs through a mask. Both carry the risk of transmitting the virus to hospital employees. Without proper analysis, the panel was unable to say definitively which treatment worked best, or which caused the most harm. “There is a lack of shared information,” Dr. Mardel said, noting that a lot of data have not been published.

  The panel also agreed on guidelines that would allow doctors to conduct quick and safe clinical trials, a process that generally takes years to complete. The world Health Organization, a United Nations agency did not release the guidelines. Dr. Mardel said they were flexible because no one knew where, when and in what setting SARS would return. Experts in many countries have already listed the treatments they want to test, and the health agency is leaving these decisions to individual nations.

  (402 words)

  1. Guidelines recommended by the scientific panel can be used for _____.

  A. gathering potentially useful information about various therapies collected

  B. conducting clinical studies of SARS patients

  C. determining treatment for SARS

  D. publishing all the information about SARS

  2. According to the passage, it is difficult to interpret the results of certain treatments for SARS because _____.

  A. patients were in different countries

  B. patients were given medicines in widely different settings

  C. patients were at different stages of the illness

  D. these conditions had no standardized measurements or controlled situations

  3. According to doctors, the two methods to treat SARS patients who have breathing difficulties both _______.

  A. carry the risk of infecting hospital employees

  B. are effective in curing patients who have breathing difficulties

  C. don’t run the risk of transmitting the virus to hospital employees

  D. prove to work effectively and cause no harm

  4. According to a WHO official, Dr. Mardel, the guidelines were flexible because _____.

  A. SARS would reemerge in poor countries

  B. no one knew where, when and in what setting SARS would return

  C. SARS would not appear in developed countries

  D. no one knew whether SARS would return or not

  5. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

  A. SARS, a Dreadful Disease

  B. No Good Methods to Treat SARS

  C. SARS Will Return One Day

  D. Health Panel Recommends New Guidelines on SARS


  1. B 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“…guidelines…for doctors

  conducting clinical studies…”得出此结论。

  2. D 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句。

  3. A

  细节理解题。根据第四段介绍的两种方法的评论“Both carry the risk of transmitting the virus to hospital


  4. B 细节理解题。根据第五段Because引导的从句“because no one knew where,

  when and in what setting SARS would return.”可知。

  5. D




  1.Our efforts will pay off if the results of research_____(能应用于新技术的开发)。

  2. I can’t boot my computer now .Something_____(一定出了毛病) with its operation system.

  3. Leaving one’s job, _____(不管是什么工作), is a difficult change even for those who look forward to retiring.

  4. When I walked past his house,________________(我听见他在弹钢琴).

  5. ________________(学生们应该从这里得出一条经验):Don’t be misled by false appearances.


  1.can be applied to the research and development of new technology。“被应用于”翻译为“be applied to”,“……的开发”译为“the development of…”。

  2.must be wrong。“……一定……”译为“must be”,表示对现在发生的事情的推测。

  3.no matter what job it is。“无论……”可用no matter what 或whatever.

  4. I heard him playing the piano


  5. Students should draw a lesson here










