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高考英语阅读题 学会分享(3)

时间:2017-06-11 14:24:02 英语阅读 我要投稿

高考英语阅读题 学会分享

  Arias was among the 32 residents displaced by a kitchen fire that spread through the Radcliffe Apartments at 366 W.Olive Ave,on the morning of Oct.28,damaging 17 units.

  Things looked bleak for Arias on the day of the fire,when she first spoke to the Sunnyvale Sun,but within the past few weeks,Arias has managed to turn her file around.Just a few days before Thanksgiving,she talked about what it has been like to rebuild her life.

  “At least I have my health,and that is what is most important,” says Arias,31,who escaped the flames that morning with her purse,cell phone and a handful of important documents.

  As the fire turned her belongings to ash,she stood on the opposite side of the street looking on.During the fire,Arias called her coworker Charli Freeman,who jumped in her truck and immediately drove to be by Arias' side.“It wasn't even a conscious thought,” Freeman said.“I didn't want her to be by herself.” Arias is from the East Coast and does not have family in California,but friends and coworkers came to the rescue.

  As word spread through her office,coworkers dug into their pockets and collected money to help Arias get back on her feet.Two women from her workplace took Arias the money that day,along with a jacket from a coworker to keep her warm while she stood outside.They also brought her photos of her boyfriend for comfort.


  bleak adj. 阴暗的

  【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。大火无情人有情,大火使Arias几乎失去所有财产,但同事们的帮助使她重新振作起来了。

  1.We can learn from the passage that the kitchen fire ______.

  A.started from Arias' kitchen

  B.left many people homeless

  C.was put out in a short time

  D.only destroyed Arias' home

  答案 B [细节理解题。从文章第二段可知,厨房失火引发的火灾使32家居民失去了家园。]

  2.Charli Freeman came to Arias' help because ________.

  A.she was sent by Arias' boyfriend

  B.she was Arias' best friend

  C.she came on behalf of the coworkers

  D.she thought it was natural to help a coworker

  答案 D [细节理解题。从文章倒数第二段可知,同事接到Arias的电话后想都没想就来帮助她,这说明同事认为帮助Arias是很自然的事情。]

  3.We can infer from the passage that Arias ________.

  A.is still sad about the things lost in the fire

  B.is struggling to find a new place to live

  C.has a positive attitude towards what happened

  D.has rescued much of her belongings

  答案 C [推理判断题。从文章第一段可推断出,她现在已经摆脱了大火的阴影,开始积极面对生活。]

  4.The passage is best regarded as a story of ________ as a whole.

  A.adventure B.luck

  C.kindness D.surprise

  答案 C [主旨大意题。综合全文可知,本文主要介绍了同事们对Arias无私、热情的帮助,因此C项符合逻辑。]

  维D 根据短文内容,从下框的A~F选项中选出能概括每一段主题的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余项。(每题2分,满分10分)

  Ways to Motivate Others


  As a leader you need to treat the people helping you with the most respect and kindness.Hand out your praise when it's necessary.You might not know it,but it's a big motivation booster(助推器) when people are treated right.People enjoy knowing when they're doing a good job and enjoy working with people that treat others with kindness.


  If there are certain tasks that you're allowed to delegate to others,by all means choose someone to take responsibility for that task.When people are fully responsible,they'll be more likely to find the motivation to complete the task.This is because,as a part of a group,they may not feel like their hard work matters,but when they're responsible it certainly matters.They also know that they're being held accountable for the success or failure of the project.


  Think long and hard about how your goal setting abilities can teach you how to motivate others.You don't want to set goals that are too easy.Your team might reach them quickly but they won't be pushed to become the best they can be.On the other end,you don't want to set goals that are unattainable (无法实现的) either.Your team will quickly lose motivation because they'll never get the feeling of having met their goals.You want to find a goal that would push them to achieve just a little more than they have in the past and keep going from there.


  You may not want to be personal friends with your colleagues,but that doesn't mean that you can't get to know them as people.Keep lines of communication open and get to know your team by paying attention to their wants,needs,strengths and weaknesses.People are smart and they'll know when they have a leader that cares and a leader that doesn't.They'll certainly be more motivated to work hard for somebody that cares about them.