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高考英语阅读题 学会分享(2)

时间:2017-06-11 14:24:02 英语阅读 我要投稿

高考英语阅读题 学会分享

  “I forgot to buy wrapping paper,” I told her.“I __10__ use newspaper.”

  It was Christmas as usual—easier to __11__ everything was normal than deal with hardhearted __12__.Ross and Patrick quarreled over whose stocking was __13__,and Shane parked himself in front of a bowl of M&Ms.They all got to open the customary one __14__ on Christmas Eve,and after doing so,we went off to bed.It was Christmas __15__—easier to pretend everything was normal than deal with hardhearted reality.

  But there was one __16__ thing that had to be done.I went over to Tom's desk,found a red __17__ in the top drawer,and stuck into it a check made out to the American Heart Association.It seemed __18__ “I know the kids—and even I—have to go on with our lives,Tom,” I whispered.“But I wish you were here.”It __19__ to me as I tucked the red envelope midway up the __20__ that one of the kids would say,“Oh,yeah—I remember he always did that.”

  And then there would be a silence and perhaps sheepish looks.I hoped so.


  keenly adv.敏锐地 ②tuck vt.卷起 ③sheepish adj.害羞的

  【语篇解读】 乐善好施的Tom永远地离开了我们,在圣诞前夕,我们都非常怀念他,但是大家都避免谈起他,以免彼此伤心。在整理Tom的.抽屉时“我”发现了Tom打算捐给基金会的支票,这又一次勾起“我”对他的思念。

  1.A.however B.therefore C.still D.then

  答案 A [前后为转折关系,因此用however。]

  2.A.front B.corner C.midst D.back

  答案 C [联系空后我们知道,“我”被家人所包围,因此应在家庭成员的中间。]

  3.A.forced B.asked C.located D.surrounded

  答案 D [“我”在中间唱Silent Night,家人围绕着“我”。force表示“强迫”;locate表示“放置”。]

  4.A.successful B.tall C.strict D.lazy

  答案 A [一个英俊的、成功的25岁的儿子。B、C均有一定的干扰性,tall指长相,与空前的handsome重复;其他选项中,strict不能表达自己对儿子的喜爱。]

  5.A.sad B.worried C.aware D.disappointed

  答案 C [联系下文我们意识到,Tom已经离开了这家人,因此是自已敏锐地意识到,有人离开。]

  6.A.take B.avoid C.discuss D.mention

  答案 B [空后的the subject指someone was missing,再联系下文每个人的举动我们知道,大家都避开这个话题。]

  7.A.gifts B.food C.pictures D.books

  答案 A [联系下文“They all got to open the customary one __14__ on Christmas Eve”,可以知道,Molly为他们买了礼物,把礼物从袋子中拿出来。]

  8.A.tree B.wrappings C.design D.shopping

  答案 B [联系下文“I forgot to buy wrapping paper.”我们知道,这里在谈包装的事情。]

  9.A.considerate B.kind C.careful D.creative

  答案 D [联系下文可知,用报纸当包装纸,因此Amy说“我”很有创造力。]

  10.A.can B.should C.had to D.need

  答案 C [因为忘了买包装纸,因此“不得不”用报纸。]

  11.A.pretend B.assure C.suppose D.guess

  答案 A [联系下文“easier to pretend everything was normal”可以得出答案。]

  12.A.difficulties B.feelings C.reality D.problems

  答案 C [从下文的“deal with hardhearted reality”可以得出答案。]

  13.A.there B.better C.whose D.empty

  答案 C [他们在为袜子的归属争论不休,因此用whose。B有一定的干扰性,联系上下文可知,他们并没有对袜子的好坏进行评判。]

  14.A.party B.present C.dinner D.meeting

  答案 B [联系上文的“She knelt down and began pulling(gifts)out of a shopping bag to add to my pile.”可知,现在人们分得平安夜的传统礼物。 ]

  15.A.in reality B.by accidentC.on purpose D.as usual

  答案 D [联系上文的“It was Christmas as usual”可以得出答案。]

  16.A.good B.important C.more D.sad

  答案 C [在其他事情做完后,“我”还有一件事情。]

  17.A.envelope B.letter C.note D.stocking

  答案 A [联系下文的“It __19__ to me as I tucked(卷起)the red envelope midway up...”可以得出答案。]

  18.A.endless B.impossible C.appropriate D.strange

  答案 C [这是对Tom做法的肯定,这似乎是合适的。]

  19.A.occurred B.seemed C.appeared D.came

  答案 A [It occurs to me that...为固定句型,意思是“我突然想到……”that后面的主语从句是想到的内容。]

  20.A.bed B.tree C.wall D.drawer

  答案 B [“我”要把Tom的信封挂在树上。]

  维C 阅读理解(每题2分,满分分)






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