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新视野大学英语4:Unit2 SectionB 单词

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新视野大学英语4:Unit2 SectionB 单词

  你知道新视野大学英语4Unit2 SectionB的单词有哪些吗?你知道应该如何学习英语单词吗?下面是yjbys小编为大家带来的新视野大学英语4Unit2 SectionB单词,欢迎阅读。

  new words

  addicted [dktd]

  a.1 liking sth.so much that you do not want to stop donging it or having it 对…痴迷的;

  2. unable to stop taking a harmful substance, esp. a drug(吸毒)成瘾的;上瘾的

  biomedical [bamedkl]

  a. relating to the science that applies the principles of biology and biochemistry to the practice of medicine 生物医学的

  physiological [fz'ldkl]

  a. 1 relating to the way that the body of body if a living thing operates 生理的;生理机能的

  2 relating to physiology as a science 生理学的

  corrode [krd]

  v. 1 become or make weak by causing gradual damage (逐渐的)损害,伤害

  2 destroy sth. slowly, or be destroyed slowly, esp. by chemicals(使)附属;(使) 侵蚀

  criterion [kratrin]

  n. a standard that is used to judge sth.or make a decision about sth.标准;准则

  sensual [senul]

  a.1 making you thing of physical pleasure, esp. sexual pleasure 性感的

  2. relating to the feeling of your body rather than your mind 肉体上的;官能的

  outgoing [atg]

  1 friendly and enjoying meeting and talking to people外向的;好交际的

  2 soon to leave a position of authority or power 即将离任的

  esthetic [es'θetk]

  a. 1 relating to beauty or the study of beauty 审美的;美学的;艺术的

  2 nice to look at 美的

  scar [skɑ:(r)]

  vt. 1.leave you a feeling of unpleasant experience or fear that continues for a long time (在精神上)留下创伤

  2.leave a permanent mark on your skin or an object 留下疤痕(或伤痕)

  n. 1 a feeling of fear or sadness that remains with you for a long time after an unpleasant experience 精神创伤

  2 a permanent mark on your skin or an object伤疤;伤痕;斑痕

  jealousy [delsi]

  n. a feeling of anger and sadness because sb. has sth. that you wish you had 妒忌;嫉妒;羡慕

  preface [prefs]

  vt. say, do or write sth. before you say, do, or write the main part 给…作开场白;为…写序言

  n. an introduction to a book or a speech(书的)前言,序言;(演讲的)开场白

  naked [nekd]

  a. 1 not wearing any clothes or not covered by clothes 裸体的

  2(of a light, flame, etc.) not covered(灯)无罩的;无遮蔽的

  exempt [gzempt]

  a. not affected by sth. or not having to do it or pay it 被免除(义务)的;被豁免的

  predominant [prdmnnt]

  a. most common, greatest in number or amount , most powerful, or most important最普遍的;占绝大多数的;占主导地位的

  underscore [ndsk:(r)]

  vt. 1 emphasize the fact that sth.is important or true 强调

  2 draw a line under a word or sentence to show that it is important 在…的底下划线

  dietary ['datr]

  a. relate to the food sb. eats 与饮食有关的;饮食的

  capsule [kpsju:l]

  n. 1 a small round plastic container filled with medicine that you swallow whole 胶囊

  2 the part of a space vehicle in which people travel(太空船的)密封舱,太空舱

  meditation [medten]

  n. 1 quiet thought that helps you relax and that is intended as a spiritual or religious exercise 打坐;冥想;默念

  2 the act of thinking deeply and seriously about sth 沉思;冥想

  regiment [redmnt]

  n. 1a large group of people, animals or things, esp. an organized one 大群;大量

  2 a large group of soldiers, usu. consisting of several battalions(军队的)团

  hamper [hmp(r)]

  vt.1 prevent sth.from happening or progressing normally阻碍;妨碍

  2 limit sb. ’s freedom to move 束缚;限制

  stylish [stal]

  a. attractive in a fashionable way 时髦的`;有品味的

  costume [kstju:m]

  n. 1 clothes that are typical of a particular place or a period in history 服装;装束

  galaxy [glksi]

  n.1a large group of stars and planets that make up the universe 星系

  2 a large number of people or things that are similar 一大批(相似的人或物)

  symphony [smfni]

  n. a long piece of classical music played by a large orchestra 交响曲;交响乐

  majestic [mdestk]

  a. big, beautiful,or impressive in a calm and serious way 雄伟的;壮丽的;威严的

  bruise [bru:z]

  v. get or cause a mark on sb. 's body by hitting or knocking it (使)碰伤;擦伤;(使)成瘀伤

  collide [klad]

  vi. 1 disagree strongly with a person or group 冲突;抵触

  2 crash into each other 碰撞;相撞

  elicit [ilst]

  vt.1 make sb. react in a certain way 引出,引起(某人的某种反应)

  2 manage to get information from sb. 探出(信息);套出(情报等)

  barren [brn]

  a. 1 without any interesting, attractive or positive features 无趣的;无吸引力的

  2(of land or soil)dry and with no plants growing(土地)贫瘠的,荒芜的

  stumble [stmbl]

  vi. 1 walk in an unsteady way and often almost fall 蹒跚而行;踉跄

  2 hit your foot against sth. While you are walking or running, so that you fall or almost fall 绊脚;绊倒

  3 make a mistake when you are speaking 打结巴;说错

  knit [nt]

  v.1 join closely together as a group(使)紧密结合

  2 make clothes out of wool and sticks called knitting needles 编织;针织

  illuminate [lu:mnet]

  vt.1 make a light shine on sth., or fill a place with light 照亮;照明;照射

  2 make sth. clearer and easier to understand 阐明;解释

  ethic [eθk]

  n. 1 a set of principles that people use to decide what is right and what is wrong 道德规范;伦理

  2 a general idea or belief that affects the way people behave(道德)准则,观念

  lure [l(r)]

  n.1 sth. That attracts people, or the quality of being able to do so 诱惑物;诱惑力;吸引力

  2 an object used to attract fish or animals so that they can be caught 鱼饵;诱饵

  novelty [nvlti]

  n. 1 the quality of being new, unusual, and interesting 新颖;新奇性

  2 sth.new and unusual 新鲜失误;新奇事物

  interwoven [nt'wvn]

  a. closely related or mixed together 交织的;紧密结合的

  fracture [frkt(r)]

  v. 1 divide into parts because of disagreement(使)(团体或组织)分裂

  2 break or crack(使)折断;(使)断裂

  n. a break or crack in a bone or other hard substance 骨折;裂缝;裂痕

  saint [sent]

  n. 1 sb. Who is given the title “saint” by the Christian church after they have died, because they have been very good or holy(时候由基督教会追封的)圣徒,圣人

  2 sb. who is very good, kind, or patient 似圣人般的人;慈爱有耐心的人

  sentiment [sentmnt]

  n.1 a belief or an attitude toward sth.情绪;态度;观点

  2 feelings of pity, love, sadness, etc. that are often considered to be too strong or not appropriate for a particular situation 多愁善感;伤感情绪

  embody [mbdi]

  vt. 1be a very good example of an idea or quality 代表;体现

  2 include sth. 包括;收录

  embodiment [mbdimnt]

  n. sb. or sth. That represents or is very typical of an idea or quality体现;化身

  mortal [m:tl]

  a.1 human and not able to live forever 凡人的;不能永生的

  2 serious enough to cause death 致命的;致死的

  degenerate [ddenret]

  vi. become worse 恶化;堕落;退化

  checkpoint [tekpnt]

  n. a place, esp. on a border, where an official person examines vehicles or people 关卡;检查站

  purify [pjrfa]

  vt. 1make a person pure or without evil 使(人圣洁);净化(心灵)

  2 make sth. clean by removing dirty or harmful substances from it.净化;使纯净

  divine [dvan]

  a. coming from or relating to God or a god 神的;上帝的;天赐的

  Phrases and expressions

  be addicted to

  1 like sth. so much that you do not want to stop doing it or having it 对…痴迷的;沉迷于…的

  2 be unable to stop taking an illegal or harmful drug(吸毒)成瘾的

  on the rise

  increasing 在增加;在增长

  be exempt from

  be not affected by sth., or not have to do it or pay it 被免除…;被豁免…

  distract (sb.) from sth.

  take sb.’s attention from sth.by making them look at or listen toth. else 分散(注意力);使分心

  stumble through/ across/into etc.

  walk through/across/into sth. in an unsteady way and often almost fall 蹒跚而行;踉跄

  approve of

  think that sb. or sth.is good, right, or suitable 赞同;同意;赞许

  enquire about

  ask sb.for information 询问;打听

  wear out

  become damaged or useless, or make sth.like this by using it a lot or for a long time用坏;(使)磨损

  seek out

  try to find sb. or sth., esp. when that is difficult找出;找到

  form a …perspective

  from a certain way of thinking about sth.从…角度

  be accountable to

  be responsible for the effects of your actions and willing to explain or be criticized for them 对…负责

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