
2016届 二模完成句子汇编

2016届 二模完成句子汇编 | 楼主 | 2017-08-06 02:08:37 共有3个回复 自我介绍 我要投稿
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  2. 22016北京中考完成句子汇编二模2
  3. 32016二模完成句子汇编


2016届 二模完成句子汇编2017-08-06 02:08:05 | #1楼回目录

(第七组)完成句子 (共10分,每小题2分)

69. 我叔叔曾经是一名电脑工程师。

My uncle _______________________________ be a computer engineer.

70. 我会在考前最后一个月尽力多读英语。

I’ll try hard to read English _____________________________ in the last month.

71. 我听说他现在正忙着冲浪呢。

I heard that he ____________________________________________surfing now.

72. 要认识到我们的优势和劣势是需要时间的

______________________________________ to realize our advantages and disadvantages.

73. 我的父母每天累得不想吃饭,不想说话,但他们仍然坚持辅导我的功课 Every day my parents ________________________________________________ my homework.

(第八组)完成句子 (共10分,每小题2分)


You have worked for three hours. have a rest?


_________________________________________________to learn to drive a car.


Di Wei dropped his crutches and jumped into the water ____________________ _______________________the cry for help.


____________________________Jenny’s mobile phone. Can you buy her a new one?


Li Tao didn’t ________________________________________________many times.(第九组)完成句子 (共10分,每小题2分)

69. 很高兴你能在这儿和我一起过周末!

_______________ you can stay here with me for the weekend.

70. 李娜因网球而闻名全世界。

Li Na _______________ her tennis throughout the world.

71. 天啊,我的QQ和MSN都登陆不了了!

Oh, my god! I can log in to __________my QQ___________ my MSN.

72. 你最好跟他一起走,他方向感很强。

_____________________ go with him as he’s got a very good sense of direction..

73. 我认为参加课外活动很重要,它不仅有助于我们的健康,还增进友谊。I think _______________________________the after-claactivities, because it can ______________________________________________improve our friendship.

(第十组)完成句子 (共10分,每小题2分)

69. 为什么不跟我们出去散散步呢?

__________________________ go out for a walk with us?

70. 昨天他睡过了头,上学又迟到了。

He overslept yesterday and ________________________school again.

71. 他和他哥哥游泳游得一样快。

He swims _______________________________________ his brother.

72. 她直到妈妈回来才停止弹琴。

She _________________________________________ her mother came back

73. 我认为父母没有必要阻止孩子参加不同的社团。

_____________________________________________________ different clubs.

(第十一组)完成句子 (共10分,每小题2分)


69. 多做运动对我们身体有好处。

Doing more exercise ___________________________________our health.

70. 他学校离家很远,为什么不给他买辆自行车?

His school is far from home, ____________________________ him a bike?

71. 我们不应该害怕困难。We shouldn’t ____________ difficulties.

72. 李雷是我的同学,他不但学习好,而且乐于助人。

Li Lei is my classmate. He ___________________________________, ____________________________ others.

73. 我觉得现在不是完全依赖电脑的时候,因此还是有必要把字写好。

____________________________________________________ to be good at handwriting.

(第十二组)完成句子 (共10分,每小题2分)

69. 玛丽会尽快给你回信的。

Mary will answer your letter ______________________________.

70. 我认为你那样和父母说话是不礼貌的。

______________________ it’s polite for you to talk with your parents in that way.

71. 她三周前读完了这本故事书。

She _____________________ the storybook three weeks ago.

72. 托尼,你可以停下来去帮莉莉(Lily)学习中文。

Tony, you can ____________________________________________________.

73. 这个小姑娘如此聪明,她不仅知道如何处理问题,而且与同学相处得很好。

The little girl is ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________.

(第十三组)完成句子 (共10分,每小题2分)

69. 当时玛丽太紧张了,一句话都没说出来。

Mary was _______ nervous ________ say a word for the moment.

70. 夏天了,天气正变得越来越热。

Now it’s summer, and it is getting _______________.

71. 你写完作文了吗,汤姆?今天该交了。

Have you _______________ the composition? It’s time to hand it in.

72. 北京的春天多风并且十分干燥。多喝水对你是有好处的。

It’s quite windy and dry in spring in Beijing._______________plenty of water.

73. 我认为我们应该采取措施阻止小明花费太多的时间上网。

I think _________________________________________________ surfing the Internet.

(第十四组)完成句子 (共10分,每小题2分)

69. 让我们放学后踢足球吧。

_____________________________play football after school.

70. 请你把自行车借给我好吗?

___________________________________________lend me your bike?


__________________________________________being late.

72. 汤姆过去害怕狗。

Tom____________________________________the dog.


His words _______________________________________________________ last night.

(第十五组)完成句子 (共10分,每小题2分)

69. 别吸烟,它对我们的健康有害。

Don’t smoke. It’s__________________________________ our health.

70. 放学后,他们正忙于做扫除。

They are _________________________________ some cleaning after school.

71. 她的身体太虚弱了,搬不动那个箱子。

She was ____________________________________________________the heavy box.

72. 一有人求助,他就会伸出援手。

He will give a hand ____________________________________________ ___________________________ help.

73. 重要的是每当阅读遇到新单词时,我们应设法猜测其词义而不去查字典。 _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________ when we come acroa new word in reading.

2016北京中考完成句子汇编二模22017-08-06 02:08:24 | #2楼回目录

中国地质大学附属中学. 初三英语(完成句子2) 2016.6.12 (DC-2)

69. 你累了吗?休息一下如何?Are you tired? ______ a break?

70. 听到这个消息我们都很高兴。

______ to hear the news.

71. 记得下次把英语书带给我。

Remember to ______ next time.

72. 那场雨没有妨碍我们享受旅行的乐趣。

The rain ______.

73. 班长经常帮助我们,我们都把他当作最好的朋友。

The monitor ______ our best friend.


69. 我想参加今年的夏令营。

I ________________ join the summer camp this year.

70. 我们不但要学习,还要践行北京精神。

We should ___________ learn __________ practice the Spirit of Beijing.

71. 健康的生活方式对于每一个人都很重要。

__________________________________ everyone ___ live in a healthy way.

72. 我们很高兴能用我们的业余时间为困难中的人们做点事。

We____________ we can ____________________________ for the people in need in our spare time.

73. 营地太远了,我们走了两天才到哪里。

The camp is_____________________________________________________ there.


69. 为什么不跟我们出去散散步呢?

______ go out for a walk with us?

70. 昨天他睡过了头,上学又迟到了。

He overslept yesterday and ______ school again.

71. 他和他哥哥游泳游得一样快。

He swims ______ his brother.

72. 她直到妈妈回来才停止弹琴。

She ______ her mother came back

73. 我认为父母没有必要阻止孩子参加不同的社团。

______ different clubs.


69. 开会别迟到啊,这对我们来说很重要。

Don’tthe meeting. It’s important for us.

70. 那孩子弹钢琴两个小时了,让他喝点儿水吧。

The child has kept playing the piano for two hours.some water.

71. 王老师今天不像平时那么高兴,她怎么了?

MiWangas usual today. What’s wrong with her?

72. 上课时,我们既不该听音乐,也不该打电话。

In class, we shouldtalk on the phone.

73. 亨利酷爱读书,每年他都用零花钱买他最喜欢的书。

Henry loves readingevery year.


69、 你都工作三小时了,为什么不休息一下?


中国地质大学附属中学. 初三英语(完成句子2) 2016.6.12

You have worked for three hours.


to learn to drive a car.


Di Wei dropped his crutches and jumped into the water the cry for help.


Jenny’s mobile phone. Can you buy her a new one?


Li Tao didn’tmany times.


69. 别吸烟,它对我们的健康有害。

Don’t smoke. It’s _________ our health.

70. 放学后,他们正忙于做扫除。

They are ________some cleaning after school.

71. 她的身体太虚弱了,搬不动那个箱子。

She was ________the heavy box.

72. 一有人求助,他就会伸出援手。

He will give a hand __________________ help.

73. 重要的是每当阅读遇到新单词时,我们应设法猜测其词义而不去查字典。

______________________when we come acroa new word in reading.


69. 让我们放学后踢足球吧。

_______________play football after school.

70. 请你把自行车借给我好吗?

_____________________________lend me your bike?


____________________________being late.

72. 汤姆过去害怕狗。

Tom______________________the dog.


His words _________________________________________ last night


69. 多做运动对我们身体有好处。

Doing more exercise _____________________our health.

70. 他学校离家很远,为什么不给他买辆自行车?

His school is far fromhome, ______________ him a bike?

71. 我们不应该害怕困难。We shouldn’t ____________ difficulties.

72. 李雷是我的同学,他不但学习好,而且乐于助人。

Li Lei is my classmate. He _________, ______________ others.

73. 我觉得现在不是完全依赖电脑的时候,因此还是有必要把字写好。

_____________________ to be good at handwriting.


2016二模完成句子汇编2017-08-06 02:08:09 | #3楼回目录


燕山 二模完成句子汇编

69. 你都工作三小时了,为什么不休息一下?

You have worked for three hours. have a rest?

70. 对我来说学开车很难。

to learn to drive a car.

71. 听到呼救声后,邸伟扔下双拐就跳下了水。

72. Jenny的手机坏了,你能帮她买个新的吗?

Jenny’s mobile phone. Can you buy her a new one?

73. 和父母谈了多次后,李涛决定去英国深造。

Li Tao didn’many times.


69. 当时玛丽太紧张了,一句话都没说出来。

Mary was _______ nervous ________ say a word for the moment.

70. 夏天了,天气正变得越来越热。

Now it’s summer, and it is getting _______________.

71. 你写完作文了吗,汤姆?今天该交了。

Have you _______________ the composition? It’s time to hand it in.

72. 北京的春天多风并且十分干燥。多喝水对你是有好处的。

It’s quite windy and dry in spring in Beijing._______________plenty of water.

73. 我认为我们应该采取措施阻止小明花费太多的时间上网。

I think __________________________________________ surfing the Internet.


69. 很高兴你能在这儿和我一起过周末!

__ you can stay here with me for the weekend.

70. 李娜因网球而闻名全世界。

__ her tennis throughout the world.

71. 天啊,我的QQ和MSN都登陆不了了!

Oh, my god! I can log in to ______my QQ_______ my MSN.

72. 你最好跟他一起走,他方向感很强。

__ go with him as he’s got a very good sense of direction..

73. 我认为参加课外活动很重要,它不仅有助于我们的健康,还增进友谊。

I think __the after-claactivities, because it can_improve our friendship.


69. 我叔叔曾经是一名电脑工程师。

My uncle _______________ be a computer engineer.

70. 我会在考前最后一个月尽力多读英语。

I’ll try hard to read English __________________ in the last month.

71. 我听说他现在正忙着冲浪呢。

I heard that he ____________________________surfing now.

72. 要认识到我们的长处和短处是需要时间的

______________ to realize our advantages and disadvantages.

73. 我的父母每天累得不想吃饭,不想说话,但他们仍然坚持辅导我的功课

Every day my parents ________________________________ my homework.


69. 开会别迟到啊,这对我们来说很重要。

Don’’s important for us.

70. 那孩子弹钢琴两个小时了,让他喝点儿水吧。

The child has kept playing the piano for two hours.

some water.

71. 王老师今天不像平时那么高兴,她怎么了?

’s wrong with her?

72. 上课时,我们既不该听音乐,也不该打电话。

talk on the phone.

73. 亨利酷爱读书,每年他都用零花钱买他最喜欢的书。

every year.


69. 你累了吗?休息一下如何?

__ a break?

70. 听到这个消息我们都很高兴。

__ to hear the news.

71. 记得下次把英语书带给我。

____ next time.

72. 那场雨没有妨碍我们享受旅行的乐趣。


73. 班长经常帮助我们,我们都把他当作最好的朋友。


69. 让我们放学后踢足球吧。

_______________play football after school.

70. 请你把自行车借给我好吗?

_____________________________lend me your bike?


____________________________being late.

72. 汤姆过去害怕狗。

Tom______________________the dog.


His words _________________________________________ last night


69. 多做运动对我们身体有好处。

Doing more exercise _____________________our health.

70. 他学校离家很远,为什么不给他买辆自行车?

His school is far fromhome, ______________ him a bike?

71. 我们不应该害怕困难。We shouldn’t ____________ difficulties.

72. 李雷是我的同学,他不但学习好,而且乐于助人。

Li Lei is my classmate. He _________, ______________ others.

73. 我觉得现在不是完全依赖电脑的时候,因此还是有必要把字写好。 _____________________ to be good at handwriting.


69. 玛丽会尽快给你回信的。

Mary will answer your letter ______________________________.

70. 我认为你那样和父母说话是不礼貌的。

______________________ it’s polite for you to talk with your parents in that way.

71. 她三周前读完了这本故事书。

She _____________________ the storybook three weeks ago.

72. 托尼,你可以停下来去帮莉莉(Lily)学习中文。

Tony, you can _________________________________________________________.

73. 这个小姑娘如此聪明,她不仅知道如何处理问题,而且与同学相处得很好。

The little girl is ___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________. 通州

61. “你怎么了?”“我感冒了。”

“__ with you?” “I have a cold.”

62. 这座城市以悠久的历史而著名。

______ it’s long history.

63. 明天去踢足球怎么样?

________ playing football tomorrow?

64. 李雷和他的父亲一样高了。

65. 我既不喜欢唱歌也不喜欢跳舞。


69. 别吸烟,它对我们的健康有害。

Don’t smoke. It’s _________ our health.

70. 放学后,他们正忙于做扫除。

They are ________some cleaning after school.

71. 她的身体太虚弱了,搬不动那个箱子。

She was ________the heavy box.

72. 一有人求助,他就会伸出援手。

He will give a hand __________________ help.

73. 重要的是每当阅读遇到新单词时,我们应设法猜测其词义而不去查字典。 ______________________when we come acroa new word in reading. 延庆

69. 电影院很近,为什么不走着去?

70. 来吧,孩子们!该进行体育活动了。

_ do the exercises.

71. 昨天我和妈妈起得一样早。

my mother yesterday.

72. 这道题太难,我做不出来了。

73. 课外活动不仅能帮助我们保持健康,而且还能增进友谊。


69. 为什么不跟我们出去散散步呢?

___ ___ go out for a walk with us?

70. 昨天他睡过了头,上学又迟到了。

71. 他和他哥哥游泳游得一样快。

__ his brother.

72. 她直到妈妈回来才停止弹琴。

She ______ her mother came back

73. 我认为父母没有必要阻止孩子参加不同的社团。

___ ___ different clubs.










