

演讲稿法国介绍 | 楼主 | 2017-08-03 14:38:49 共有3个回复 自我介绍 我要投稿
  1. 1演讲稿法国介绍
  2. 2介绍法国食品的演讲稿
  3. 3美国文化之节日介绍演讲稿(英文版)

演讲稿法国介绍2017-08-03 14:38:12 | #1楼回目录


Today I will introduce a beautiful country ,France.

Let me take you into this romantic country.

First of all, I want to tell you that...


France is the largest country in Western Europe and the third-largest in Europe as a whole.France is a developed country.It said that France was the wealthiest nation in Europe – and the fourth-wealthiest in the world.France is one of the world‘s longest life expectancies.(预期寿命)

Average life expectancy at birth is 78 years for men and 85 years for women.

This is the national emblem of the France,and this is the National flower of the France.And this song is the national anthem of France.

France is famous for having many castles, palaces and manors(庄园). It's said to have around 40,000 castles.

Then I will introduce two cities of France.


The high Eiffel Tower, the colorful streets, the beautiful river Seine, the glorious palaces, the romantic people, the old history … Paris is a great place to all people in the world.

Paris is the capital of France and also the biggest city of France.

As the capital of France, Paris is a modern city with a long and rich history. So many events took place here and there are so many places for the visitors to have a trip.

This is the Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔), which is 320 meters high, is the symbol of Paris. The Eiffel Tower, built in 1889 designed by

a famous architect Eiffel. When the Eiffel

Tower was first built, it was the tallest

building in the world.

The Louvre is the biggest museum

in the world which is located on

the bank of the Seine River.


Provence is like a paradise because of its climate, wine and lavender. The climate of Provence is famous for its sunshine.


There are more than 300 kinds of cheese(奶酪) made in France.

French cuisine is considered one of the best cuisines in the world.


In the future, if you have the chance, be sure to go to the France,

the beautiful scenery, the romantic atmosphere will make you

unforgettable for lifetime.

介绍法国食品的演讲稿2017-08-03 14:37:41 | #2楼回目录

Bonjour tout le mond !提到法国大家就会想起法国的衣服,红酒和香水当然还有法国的美 食,说起法国的美食要讲的实在是太多太多了,详细的可能要讲几天几夜才讲得完,因此今 天首先我就讲讲法国人最离不开的两样食物:法国面包和法国奶酪. 首先讲的是我最喜欢的法国面包. 法国最有名的面包是 棍子面包(la baguette),因外形像一条长长的棍子,

所以俗称法式棍 是世界上独一无二的法国特产的硬式面包. 法式棍, 与大多数的软面包不同, 法式棍 它的外皮和里面都很硬,所以除了法国人之外,并不是很多人都喜欢吃的一种面包. 一般一根 250 克.最适合做三明治,过程有些象我们夹馒头,从中间纵向将面包 剖开,然后就看各人口味了.最简单的就是抹上黄油,铺几片火腿肉.想精致一些的, 会先铺上翠绿的碎沙拉叶,加上猪肉,鸡肉或是冷鱼,几片黄白相间硬鸡蛋,最后还 有鲜红欲滴的番茄点缀,看了就让人食指大动. 笛子面包(la flute),一根大约 400 克,和棍子面包长度一样,但要厚上一倍. 圆形面包( 圆形面包 ( La boule) : 这是个从法语面包师(boulanger)引申而来的词. ) 这种面包又圆又大,差不多有一公斤重,外皮非常厚,面包心也很坚实.有时管它叫 La miche,这个词有屁股的意思,可能因为它也是圆圆胖胖的吧. Le batard: 一种花式面包,看上去比棍子面包粗一倍,总量却和棍子面包一样. ):含有至少 65%的黑麦面粉.如果含量在 10%到 黑麦面包 ( pain de seigle): ): 35%,就必须叫做含黑麦面包.这种面包经常搭配海鲜享用.市面上搀有核桃仁的黑 麦面包非常受大家的欢迎. 面包心( ):也就是在超市常见的切片面包. 一般在早餐食用, 面包心 ( pain de mie): ): 用烤面包机加热后抹上黄油是很多人的至爱.它也常常用来做三文鱼和鹅肝酱吐司. ):用全麦面粉制作,也就是说它吸收了所有的小 麸皮面包 ( le pain complet): ): 麦成分,因此含有丰富的纤维质和矿物盐,是一种很受推崇的健康型面包. 法式棍等一部分法国面包的制作也是对面包师的考验,上等的法国面包的外皮是 脆而不碎. 下面来说说法国人的面包情节! 法国的餐馆无论大小,一般都设有面包房. 对法国人来说,面包就像中国人碗里的米饭.早餐时涂上黄油和果酱,午餐时做 成三明治,晚餐时用来揩净菜盘子里剩下的调味汁,放上干酪一起吃.每一餐都少不 了面包.面包房出售形状,颜色和味道各不相同的各种面包,每个面包的价钱在 2.5 —6 法郎之间,有长条面包,最适合做三明治;有夹心丰富,体积很大的家庭面包; 有乡村面包,皮和心都很厚,形状有圆有长,比其它的面包都耐存放;还有黑麦面包, 麸皮面包抹上干酷特别好吃的桃仁面包……同葡萄酒一样,法国面包也上升到神祗的 地位

;它是能用手拿着吃的唯一食品. 在法国买面包要自带盛器,因为面包裸露,很少是有包装的. 下面来说说法国奶酪~~~

之前老师也说过法国的奶酪就像中国的臭豆腐一样,如果不爱吃的人就会很受不了它的味 道,但是奶酪在法国人心中的地位是十分重要的,法国人在奶酪分类上相当讲究~~ 法国奶酪家族

基于不同的乳源,法国奶酪家族概分为七大类: 1.鲜奶酪: 口感柔和, 未完全熟成, 味道较大众化; 因尚未完成发酵程序, 所以保存的期限很短,水 份多口感新鲜,柔软中带着乳香,由于保存期限太短,因此大多在原产地销售食用, 极少外 销. 2.花皮软质奶酪: 是法国最具代表性的一种成熟的奶酪,有着浓浓的奶香, 口感绵柔细致.与新鲜奶酪不同 的是软质奶酪己经完成奶酪的发酵成熟程序, 有奶酪制品特有的风味, 是最受欢迎的奶酪 种类. 常见种类:布利(Brie)不错, 卡门培尔(Camembert)味道很强. 3.水洗软质奶酪: 这种奶酪的生产过程同花皮软质奶酪一样,但在整个成熟期需要频繁水洗,这样它的表 皮就呈橙红色.经淡盐水水洗之后,奶酪团和表皮都能保持湿度和柔软性.口感相当醇厚. 这种奶酪需要保存在潮湿的环境中,湿度应接近 90%,温度应在 12° 至 15° 之间. C C 常见种类: 曼司特奶酪 Munster) 利瓦若奶酪 ( , (Livarot) 以及埃波瓦斯奶酪 , (poisses) 4. 蓝纹奶酪: 硬度由半软到软膏?,有美丽的蓝绿色大理石花纹或点状图案,这是由内含的特殊益菌发 酵所形成, 是法国奶酪家族中极为特殊的一类,散发出独特的香气,口感清新特殊. 常见种类:蓝纹奶酪(Bleu de Bresse), Roqurfort, Bleu de Gex 等 5. 硬质未熟奶酪: 这种奶酪需要压榨, 但无须煮熟. 奶酪的成熟期较长. 较长时间的熟化过程, 乳香味浓郁, 质硬,带咸味,外表色泽多变. 常见种类:康塔尔奶酪(Cantal)和勒布罗匈奶酪(Reblochon). 6.硬质成熟奶酪: 性质接近中硬奶酪,外皮更为坚硬;有些奶酪中间有气孔,这是熟化过程中气体造成的变 化.这类由法国传统农庄与高山水草蕴育出的绝佳风味, 入口略咸, 越嚼越有味. 常见种类:孔泰奶酪(le Comté)不错, 埃曼塔奶酪(l'Emmenthal), 格鲁叶尔奶酪(le Gruyère) 7.山羊奶酪:

属于小尺寸的奶酪, 有多种形?的外观, 有些还覆有灰褐色的外皮.顾名思义是由山羊的 乳汁制成,香味与牛奶奶酪截然不同,味道可口略带酸性和刺激性,口感近似果仁.食用山 羊奶酪的最好季节是三月和十月, 一般搭配当地产的白葡萄酒, 有画龙点睛的效果. 常见种类:大羊奶酪(Chavroux),纯羊奶奶酪(Buchette Couturier Fresh Goat Cheese), Sainte-Maure, Chabichou 等. 8.软质融化奶酪: 一种或几种经过挤压的奶酪团,煮熟与未熟均可,经融化后加入牛奶,奶油或黄油后就可 制成这种奶酪.这

种奶酪的优点在于其可长期保存,口感清淡满溢乳香,是奶酪火锅的主要 原料. 常见种类:Raclette. 如同葡萄酒般,法国的奶酪亦有一套 AOC 法定产区制度,各产区的奶酪必需沿袭规定及 传统的制作法则来生产,奶酪的 AOC 法令源自 15 世碱, 1955 年正式立法, 1990 年由法国 原产地监管制度管理局(INAO-Institut National des Appelations d'Origines)正式接管.目前 共有 35 个奶酪 AOC 法定产区标示, ?自五百多种的法国奶酪, 分?依据其产地归属自不同的 AOC, 消费者可根据其外皮或包砚上的标示来辨别.以下为 AOC 制度的主要准则: * 在地理条件上, 所标示的 AOC 产区表示必需产自于该产区, 包括其乳源,制造及熟化 皆需在同一产区. * 必需严格的延袭其传统的制造方式, 不同的奶酪分?有其不同的制造方法与?定. * 典型的奶酪, 为维持其风味, 无论在尺寸,外皮,结构及最低含脂量…等都必须遵守其 严格而准确的制造. * 所有的奶酪制造商都必须遵守公会及政府所制定的规定, 以确保产品的品质与水准. 如果我们采用利用葡萄酒产区来标明法国地图的方法, 我们肯定也能发现, 林林总总的奶 酪也可以将法国的疆土划分成十几个产区. 除了奶酪,面包这些日常食品,法国还有另外的食品也是比较有特色的~ 就是鹅肝~~~鹅肝在法国相当昂贵~~ 鹅肝 鹅肝是法国的传统名菜,法语称为"FoieGras". 其中,"Gras"有顶级的意思,鹅肝在法国菜中的地位可见一斑.这道名菜将法国菜的浪漫 推到了极至,更有人表示,鹅肝是最适合女人的一道西菜. 选材讲究这道名菜的原料来之不易, 首先是精心挑选在春天出生的鹅, 用混合了麦, 玉米, 脂肪和盐为主的饲料进行"填鸭式"喂养,每天填塞至少 1 公斤的饲料,时间长达至少 4 周, 直到鹅的肝被撑大为止.这些鹅肝一般重达 700 克至 900 克. 此外,鹅肝的颜色也很重要,受伤或有损坏的鹅肝是不被采用的,只有那些纯鹅或鸭肝才 能被称作"FoieGras". 然而,即便挑选了合格的鹅肝,保存鹅肝也是重要环节.据悉,一般情况下,新鲜鹅肝只 能保持 24 小时,保存温度在 0 度到 2 度之间.

法国鹅肝的吃法通常是用小火微煎后,佐以波特酒或深色的酱.另一种吃法需要经过"特 殊处理",这种混合了别的材料的鹅肝通常在煮熟后冷却,再切片成冷盘,也可淋上调味酱 享用. 一般在处理这种鹅肝时会加入的材料包括白兰地 (cognac) 苹果白兰地 , (Armagnac) , 波特酒(port)和松露(truffles). 鹅肝在制作时,选用苹果做配料.苹果是西餐中常用的配料,用于去除西餐中的油腻,经过 特殊处理后,苹果会散发出一种特殊的香味,酸中带甜. 烹饪技巧如此娇贵的鹅肝对于厨师的烹饪技巧要求颇高, 火候掌握更是一大考验. 德大厨 师在烹制鹅肝时

有一项不成文的规定,在小火微煎鹅肝时,厨师只能将鹅肝翻一次面,这样 充分保证了肉质的鲜嫩和营养价值. 法国是公认的美食天堂, 鹅肝就是最让人惊叹的美食之一. 根据法国最著名的美食百科全 书《Larousse Gastronomipue》的定义,鹅肝是"用特殊办法喂肥的鹅或鸭的肝脏."有人可 能对这种强行喂食的办法有意见, 但对于喜欢吃鹅肝的人来说, 这一奢侈美味是无与伦比的. "乐"为你追踪到了北京最美味的鹅肝,让你在享受这入口即化的美味同时,还能了解一些有 关鹅肝的知识. 鹅肝其实并不是法国的专利.古埃及人早就发现,野鹅在迁徙之前会吃大量的食物,把能 量储存在肝脏里,以适应长途飞行的需要.而在这段时间捕获的野鹅味道也最为鲜美.很自 然,人们马上想到了强行喂食(中国人早就用这种办法让鸭肉变得更鲜美了).这种办法从埃 及传到了罗马,又传到了法国.现在最著名的鹅肝出自法国西南部和斯特拉斯堡,美食家们 仍在为哪个地方的鹅肝更好而争论不休.最近,中国也加入了竞争:山东和云南的农场都制 作出鹅肝,口味正宗得连法国人都不得不承认.这的确很了不起. 当然,如果不愿意跑那么远,你也可以到商店买即食的鹅肝.不过要注意,如果罐头上写 的是"慕思"(Mousse)或"鹅肝泥"(Cr ème de Foie Gras),这就不是百分之百的纯鹅肝.要吃 纯鹅肝,你得挑"鹅肝块"(Bloc de Foie Grasd'Oie).还有一种办法是到餐馆买做好的鹅肝. 提醒一句:要尝鹅肝可不便宜,但那么一点点也够你享用一阵子了.另外,我们也不必担 心鹅肝对心血管健康有什么影响.据制作鹅肝的人说,鹅肝里含量较高的是不饱和脂肪(也 就是好的脂肪),据说对心脏也有好处.当然,一切都要适可而止.

美国文化之节日介绍演讲稿(英文版)2017-08-03 14:37:58 | #3楼回目录

The American Heritage Festival

1.United States is a cultural powers. Short but rich history and unique it makes for an ethnic melting pot, and bring together the

world's culture. If the thought of this huge social and human treasures of get in, we may wish to take a short cut, that is, on his holiday to be a general understanding of the culture, because it is a microcosm of the Festival.

2.Day(情人节 情人节)(February Valentine's Day(情人节)(February 14)

St. Valentine's Day is an informal observance (非正式的庆祝) of a lover's holiday. Today, the observance has no connection with the many legendary (传说的) St. Valentines, and holds no religious significance. The day is observed with exchanges of love notes and cards, and other tokens(标志) of affection(感情), called valentines. The symbols of the heart and Cupid(丘比特) are common in cards, decorations of store windows,candies and other paraphernalia(随身物品). Easter(复活节) Easter(复活节)

(The first Sunday after the first full moon following

the vernal equinox(春分)) Easter is important for several reasons. Primarily(主要) it is a time for families to get together much like Christmas or Thanksgiving. They usually have a large meal and serve traditional(传统的) dishes such as baked ham(火腿). In addition, there is a commercial aspect(商业特征) of Easter. It is a time when manufacturers(制造商) of candy and chocolate can sell their products. They make chocolates in the shape of eggs and rabbits since those things are associated with(与……联系) spring and Easter. Finally, Easter is a religious holiday. Many Americans go to church on that day if they are Christians to celebrate the resurrection(耶 酥复活) of Christ. Symbols(象征) which we see at Easter are chicks, flowers, eggs, baskets for children to dye Easter eggs and then to hide them. Other children look for the eggs and collect them in baskets. People often get new clothes for spring for around Easter

3. November 1, Halloween is the traditional festival of the West. Halloween, namely 31 October night, children enjoy a good time to play. As night fell, the children put on colorfulcostume, and wore a mask of all sorts, put on a pumpkin lamp

ran out to play.Packed with parity, the demons were dressed up as children of mobile pumpkin lamp, ran to a neighbor's door, intimidation, like shouting: "to trick or treat" and "give money or to eat." If the adults do not have to change for the hospitality they candy, and those naughty boy just talk the talk: well, you're not playing entertaining, I you.

4.November 4th Thursday is Thanksgiving. On Thanksgiving Day, the United States the whole fun, people follow the customs of the prayer of Thanksgiving to the Church, and rural towns are nearby, theatrical performances or sporting events, etc. Continues for another year of relatives will return from many, one family luck, taste the delicious Thanksgiving Turkey.

5.25 December Christmas is America's largest and most exciting Festival. Christmas night the most interesting activities to a few "harki", the symbol of the angels to report to the shepherds of Bethlehem on the outskirts of Messiah's good news. Late in the season, in a church choir from door to door to come to their doorstep in chorus to sing Christmas carols. So the family out to join the chorus. Songs, the everyone invited to host House,refreshments. Laughing, the choir to sing someone's House, the owner of a home is often accompanied by the "harki"

team growing, they sung from the houses, joyful atmosphere continue to increase, and often continue until dawn.

Christmas is the most typical Christmas tree decorations, people in a small FIR or pine filled with gifts and lantern, the top of the tree with a big star.










