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The haunted house英语短文

时间:2021-07-08 12:36:17 英语 我要投稿

The haunted house英语短文

  I didn’t find anything strange about the condominium when I entered it. Rex, my ex-colleague, and I planed to move in this house, because it was not far away from where we worked. It was on McPherson road, where my company located only 2 miles away from it. And the rental was reasonable and acceptable to us. It was S$1500 per month for 3 rooms and a bathroom. A good deal, ah?

The haunted house英语短文

  The owners of this condo were an old couple. They didn’t talk much. After we formed the deal, they led us upstairs to see our rooms. It was sunny on the day, but sunshine could not reach into the corridor. So I could only see some weird incantations or something alike them pasted on the door of my room. I did not know they were incantations until one day Candice, my girlfriend in Singapore, told me the truth, because her mother was kind of a witch.

  I didn’t took it as a big deal cause I was not a idealist. I did not believe in ghosts. I do now, though. Besides, I believed I had done no guilty things in Singapore. What could a ghost do against a foreigner like me?

  Several months later, Candice’s mother told me that a girl had killed herself inside my room. So there might be some dirty things(the Southeastern people call ghosts dirty things) in there. ‘Well”, I said, “so what?” “I’m not sacred, and I will still live there”, I insisted. Candice, however, decided to live with me in that scary indeed room.

  I had never seen a ghost before in my entire life, so I was so curious that I actually wanted to see it/her or whatever you name it. Everything was quiet and smooth until one night, when I was deep inside my dreams, I was woke up by a noise, sounded as if it came from nowhere. It also sounded like a woman shouting out in a whispering way. Opened my eyes and woke up Candice, I turned to the window, because the noise was from there. I saw nothing! I have very good eyesight, but I saw nothing, no matter how big I tried to “enlarge” my eyes.

  The volume of the noise was raised higher and it sounded like a woman was murmuring to herself now. “What the hell is this”, I asked myself, still not believing in ghosts. “It’s her”, Candice replied. “She’s there on the wall”, Candice added. “What the…? Jesus Christ, How come I can’t see her?” I asked her. “Because you are not connected yet”, she explained. What does that supposed to mean to me? I asked. “She’s no harm to you”, Candice said. Ok, Cool, Excellent, Good,… I said to myself! That was fair enough!

  After careful consideration, I decided not to release some details here in the salon, in case I may arise public panic(hehe, kidding). I will, however, write another essay to further discuss with you guys about ghosts, zombies and vampires. I had the discussion with a friends named Sansanom before, though.

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