散文随笔 百文网手机站


时间:2021-06-25 13:48:25 散文随笔 我要投稿


  生活, 工作


  天气骤然变冷, 让人有点措手不及. 今天早晨起床时, 我已经明显感觉到冬天真的到来了. 于是, 我拿出了一件外套穿上, 再去上班.

  上班的路上, 看到大家都裹着厚厚的大衣, 行色匆匆. 走到地铁时, 已经是8:40分了. 如同往常一样, 地铁里人潮汹涌. 而我每天坐的罗宝线, 人更是多得让人目瞪口呆. 好不容易挤进地铁, 有一种想窒息的感觉, 因为里面挤得大家都好像背靠背一样. 大部分人都是上班一族, 我也不例外. 挂包的带子不小心又断了, 书包里的雅思辅导书散落一地. 那一刻我感到特别困窘, 因为人太多了, 我居然连腰也弯不下来. 幸好旁边一位女士让出位置, 而且帮我把书捡起来. 当我连声道谢时, 她问我: “你要考雅思出国吗? 是深大的学生?” 我摇摇头笑着说: “ 我曾经是深大的学生, 但现在不是了. 我现在不是要考雅思, 我是雅思老师.” 她听了感到有点吃惊, 同时旁边的人都向我投来好奇的目光, 让我感到有点不好意思.

  列车终于到了岗厦站. 出站时仍然是一片人潮, 想站上扶梯也要等好一阵子. 走出地铁口时, 看到大家都匆匆忙忙地赶着上班, 我突然感慨良多. 原来, 深圳速度, 只会越来越快. 大家都在为生计而奔波, 忙得不亦乐乎. 哪怕工作有很大压力, 我们也会迎头而上. 很多人, 包括我在内, 都经常抱怨工作忙或者压力大, 可是仔细想想, 很多时候, 我们的压力是自己给自己的, 忙碌也是自己给自己的. 好比拿我自身作例子. 其实如果我想工作轻松点并不是一件难事, 也不会说缺钱花. 可是我就是想赚多点钱, 于是只要培训中心有课安排给我, 我就毫不犹豫地去上. 上完课后如果有人私下想请我教雅思而且报酬可观的, 我也会安排时间去做. 于是, 我经常忙得吃饭也要狼吞虎咽, 而且时不时还要在肯德基或者麦当劳吃午餐或者晚餐. 另外, 时不时又有什么校园招聘宣讲会或者笔试面试, 我还要找时间去参加. 反正从国庆到现在, 我好像没有放过什么假了, 连周末也是在忙碌中度过的. 今天晚上在地铁上, 我算了一下自己一个月的公交费, 平均每天要差不多15块钱, 一个月要用450块钱, 还真的吓一跳.

  明天是周六, 可是我仍然有一天的课. 有时想想还真的挺累的. 不过看到学生很用功的学习, 我也感到很安慰. 有时我真的挺同情他们的, 一天到晚都在备考雅思, 连我这个老师都受不了, 他们却可以一如既往地学习. 想到这里, 我就由衷地佩服他们! 可能他们以前没有好好努力学习外语, 所以现在要付出巨大的艰辛. 但是, 他们现在 “迷途知返”, 正在为了理想而不懈奋斗. 他们此刻的毅力真的让我深受鼓舞! 特别是此刻我正在找工作的途中遇到不少挫折, 但当我在课上看到他们专注的表情时, 我就会精神焕发, 觉得生活一片光明, 因为我和他们一样, 都在为了自己的理想而前进着.

  明天, 又将会是崭新的一天.

  Chinese factories choke on complex cocktail

  By Jamil Anderlini,Rahul Jacob in Beijing,in Hong Kong

  At the Winfire cigarette lighter factory in the eastern Chinese city of Wenzhou, Hannah Sun, the foreign trade manager, does not need economic data to know that manufacturing in China is struggling.

  Earlier this year, a big overseas client stopped new orders at the company because of global uncertainties, forcing the factory to sack about 40 of its 100-strong workforce.

  “The situation is even worse for shoe manufacturers,” Ms Sun says. “This is normally a very busy time for them but this year lots of shoe factories have just stopped production altogether and many migrant workers have been fired and returned home.”

  Millions of factories like Ms Sun’s are being squeezed on all sides by rising costs, labour shortages, shrinking margins and a collapse in new orders from overseas. Many small manufacturers face going out of business thanks to government policies and immutable demographic and economic forces that make low-end production in China increasingly untenable.

  China’s official purchasing managers’ index for November shows this trend playing out across the country as the manufacturing sector, which officially makes up about 50 per cent of gross domestic product, contracted for the first time in almost three years. The index, released on Thursday, fell to 49.0 in November, down from 51.4 in October, dropping below the 50 reading that separates expansion from contraction. Readings for new orders and new export orders point to worse to come, with factories already laying off workers, buying fewer raw materials and cutting production.

  “China’s PMI tells a simple story: an across-the-board, deepening slowdown in the country’s manufacturing sector,” said Stephen Green, head of research for greater China at Standard Chartered.

  The first and most obvious reason for the slump in manufacturing is the decline in global demand, particularly from embattled economies in Europe. David Liu, president of Luca Angelo Leather Product in the southern industrial town of Dongguan, says his company’s exports to Europe have dropped by up to 40 per cent in the last two months and, although orders from the domestic market have held up, his costs are rising.

  “Suppliers ask for payments without delay and that adds to our finance costs,” Mr Liu said. “Banks are strictly controlling loans to [small and medium-sized enterprises] and many of my friends are considering cutting production.”

  Mr Liu’s comments highlight the longer-term challenges facing manufacturers of low-tech products in China’s coastal manufacturing belt, which until recently was better known as the workshop of the world. Falling orders come as many companies face higher prices for raw materials, restricted access to credit and greater environmental compliance and labour costs. For years, Beijing has promoted policies aimed at moving manufacturing up the value chain and actively discouraged the state-owned banking system from lending to small, low-tech producers such as Winfire. But with a huge portion of Chinese manufacturing still in low-end industries such as textiles, rising costs and inadequate access to credit mean many producers are being slowly strangled rather than climbing the technology ladder.


  1. Write a list 列清单

  Your list should be organized, prioritizing what needs to be done, what should be done, and what you want to get done.


  A goal calender and a written agenda are also good ideas.


  2. Carry around a pen and paper 随身携带纸笔

  To remind yourself of any ideas or important questions that pop into your head.


  3. Avoid interruptions 避免干扰

  Keep both telephone and online chatter to minimum ,restrict your breaks to a ten minutes maximum ,and resist the temptation of checking email or the latest headlines on a new website.


  4. Pace yourself 自我调节

  First and foremost,get enough sleep;second,walk around and stretch at least once an hour to give your neck,wrest,eyes a rest;third,keep health snacks around to munch on.


  5. Surround yourself with positibe people 让你的周围都是积极的人

  Hang out with cheerful, goal-oriented people, you'll not only get plenty of encouragement, you can also get some handy tips.


  6. Break down your tasks 分解你的任务

  Don't try to trackle large tasks all at once, instead,split big projects into smaller, more manageable parts.


  7. Create a reward system 创建犒劳机制

  By giving yourself modest rewards for your progress,you creat an incentive to finish your task.


  8. Clean up the clutter 清理混乱

  Clean off any extraneous materiel:irrelevent notes,toys,books you never use.


  9. Limit your web surfing 限制你上网的时间

  Make surfing the web one of your small rewards by determing a set period of time.


  By implementing these simple 9 steps, you'll notice an immediate change in how much you can get done. And guess what? The more effective you are, the more respect and recognition you'll earn from your boss and colleagues, and that will translate into a happier you.





  Our surroundings have a direct link to our lives. Since we spend 40 or more hours at our jobs weekly, it is essential to your health and longevity that your place of work is as conducive to wellness as possible. These are just a few ways you can integrate health into your workplace.

  Longevity Lifework

  It is very important for your health that you enjoy your work and it has meaning for you. With that in mind, it is also important to consider the health risk factors that may be included in your job description. People in certain professions have a tendency to live longer than average. In studies carried out by the life insurance industry, it was found that symphony conductors and high-level company executives have a lower-than-average rate of mortality. Chinese surveys have found that artists, doctors, herb gatherers, and professors generally enjoy a lengthened life span. Contrarily, some industries cut your life short, especially those in which stress and work-related injuries are everyday occurrences, including agriculture, construction, fishing, forestry, manufacturing, mining, transportation, retail sales, and wholesale sales.

  Fresh Air for Office Care

  Energy-efficient standards of today require that modern office buildings be kept tightly sealed, in order to avoid temperature variations. This is one of the major contributions to the condition called "sick building syndrome," an ambiguous illness that affects the occupants of an unhealthy edifice. Carpeting, furniture, cleaning products, dry cleaning, insecticides, printers, and other products can give off unhealthy fumes, which trigger responses from the immune system that over time dull its, leading to premature aging. Circulate fresh air through your office by opening the windows early in the morning and late in the evening. These are the times of day that outdoor air is cleanest.

  Plants to the Rescue

  The synthetic materials found in buildings, furnishings, and electronic devices emit volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) into our work environment. Some examples of these toxic gases include formaldehyde from plastic bags, benzene from wall coverings, and xylene from computer screens. Indoor air pollutants aggravate allergies and fatigue; in some extreme cases, they can even lead to cancer and birth defects. This is where Mother Nature's air purifiers come in: plants produce oxygen and eliminate VOCs at the same time. The most effective plants include indoor palms, English ivy, ficuses, peace lilies, and chrysanthemums. Bring the fresh air indoors by filling your workplace with plants a plenty!

  Office Pick-Me-Ups

  The key to staying alert and awake on the job is to keep your chi moving. So before you reach for that third cup of coffee—which will initially give you a boost, but depletes your energy in the long run—try some of these:

  Take frequent breaks from sitting. Instead of using the phone to get what you need, use your legs! Find ways to keep moving all day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park your car a few blocks away from where you’re going.

  Take a field trip for lunch. If it's a nice day outside, have a picnic in a park or just take a walk around the block. The fresh air and the break from routine will be an invigorating addition to your workday.

  Make sure you are sitting up straight. Slouching not only makes you look older than you are, it also leads to a huge drop in energy by decreasing your oxygen intake. When you compress the diaphragm and ribs, full respiration cannot take place and the blood flow is slowed to your brain and extremities. Additionally, poor posture also affects your mood and contributes to chronic back and neck pains. The Chinese remedy for poor posture is to pull your chin inward and pretend there is a string pulling straight upward from the top of your head.



  It's long been known that high-powered careers can


  or delay women's plans to have children. But a new study suggests the challenges loom especially large for women of Generation X.


  A full 43% of skilled white-collar Gen X women, ages 33 to 46 years old, haven't yet had children based on a study of 2,952 college-educated white-collar workers released last week.


  The study conducted for the Center for Work-Life Policy, by Knowledge Networks, suggests the pressures imposed by demanding work schedules of 60 hours or more a week, along with strong career ambitions, heavy debt loads and thesluggisheconomy, are among the reasons, according to the Center. The conclusions are based on a survey, focus-group discussions and one-on-one interviews.

  Getty Images这项研究由工作-生活政策中心(Center for Work-Life Policy)委托Knowledge Networks进行。该中心说,研究显示,每周工作60小时或以上的严苛工作日程的压力,以及执着的事业追求、沉重的债务负担和萧条的经济是这种现象的原因。该结论是根据调查、焦点小组讨论和一对一访谈得出的。

  Of course, women in general are starting families later than they did in the past, using the extra years to finish their education or build a career, the Census Bureau says. The average age of U.S. women giving birth for the first time rose 3.6 years between 1970 and 2006 to 25 years, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. More recently, the recession and sluggish job market have also played a role in people's delaying plans to start a family, as we have posted before.

  当然,据美国人口普查局(Census Bureau)称,现在女性组建家庭的时间一般比过去晚,她们用更多时间来完成教育或开创事业。根据美国国家卫生统计中心(National Center for Health Statistics)发布的数据,在1970年至2006年间,美国女性初次生育的平均年龄提高了3.6岁,达到了25岁。最近,就业市场的衰退和萧条也对人们推迟成家计划有影响,正如前文提到的那样。

  The childbearing patterns of these white-collar workers depart from those of the population as a whole. Only 18.8% to 29.7% of women ages 30 to 44 years haven't yet had children, based on the most closely comparable and most recent Census Bureau data from 2010.


  That suggests workplace pressures may indeed be having an impact. Also, Gen-Xers, born between 1965 and 1978, shouldered a heavier burden of student loans after college, compared with preceding generations, and as young adults they experienced several boom-and-bust cycles, as well as a severe housing slump. All of these factors may have made starting a family and providing such basics as housing and education seem more difficult.


  "Searching for a balance between work demands and personal obligations leaves them overworked, overstressed and overstretched," the study says.


  As a result of the pressures, however, Gen Xers are also moreresilient, researchers say. They set lofty goals for themselves; of those surveyed, 75% of Gen-X women surveyed and 72% of Gen-X men describe themselves as ambitious. But many are frustrated in their career ambitions by older baby boomers ahead of them in the management pipeline, many of whom can't afford to retire. Nearly half of Gen-Xers feelstalledin their careers, the study says. Also, 43% say their ability to repay student loans plays an important role in their career choices.


  The finding calls to mind child-bearing patterns in the 1970s and 1980s among older members of the baby-boom generation, some of whom passed up having children because of the pressures of executive jobs. One 1982 study found only 39% of top female executives had children. That percentage had risen to 57% by the early 1990s, however, as combining motherhood and executive careers became more accepted and common.


  Readers, do you think demanding jobs keep women from having kids? Or cause them to delay child-bearing longer? Are student loans a major factor? Have workload, career ambitions or debt played a role in your decisions about starting a family?



  1. Start slowly. Make a list of all the contacts you have in mind who are beyond your usual comfort zone. Then rank them in order of difficulty and call the easiest ones first.


  2. Never assume a "no." Many times job seekers talk themselves out of contacting someone because they assume the person won't want to help or won't be able to. But you never know unless you ask, and you'll gain confidence when you realize how many people are actually pleased to hear from you.


  3. Ask for advice rather than information about specific job openings. Not only does this approach avoid putting the other person on the spot, it also might produce useful insights into what's going on at his or her company, or suggestions about other people you should call.


  4. Try to offer something in return. Just because you're out of work at the moment doesn't mean you have nothing to offer. The more networking you do, the more potentially valuable information you pick up along the way, which you can then pass along. Or, if you're doing Internet research and you come across an article that might interest one of your contacts, send it."


  5. Always ask for additional contact names. Finish up the conversation by asking if the person can suggest anyone else you might call for more information. If you've made a positive impression, he or she is usually happy to oblige. And if you can start off that next contact by saying, 'So-and-So recommended that I get in touch with you...' it takes a lot of the anxiety out of cold calling.


  6. Establish a network e-mail list. Put together a list of all the people you've spoken with who have shown an interest in your job hunt, and e-mail them regularly (once a month or so) to them on your search, including where you've applied, whom you've spoken with, and so on. Doing this keeps you in people's minds and lets them respond quickly if they hear of anything that might help you.




  You just landed an interview. You're excited. You're nervous. And, your head is full of questions about how to come across as the perfect candidate: "What should I wear?" "What should I say?" "How do I prepare?"


  Most of these first questions revolve around marketing yourself to the company. But remember, it's also critical that you use the interview process to answer the most important question of all: "Is this the job I want?"


  To answer that crucial question, you must pay close attention during the interview and actively engage your potential employer. That doesn't mean you should throw all your hard-hitting questions out at the beginning. The key is to strategize by asking questions that fit in with the goals of the various stages of the interview process.


  So, how do you know what to ask and when? Mark Stevens, CEO of marketing and public relations firm MSCO and author of 25 books, including "Your Marketing Stinks," suggests viewing the stages of an interview like different stages of dating -- falling in love, going steady, and getting engaged to be married. As with dating, you don't jump in asking about finances or other uncomfortable topics. After all, putting the cart before the horse can kill a good thing. Keep in mind the company's concerns as well as your own when asking questions, and you might find yourself getting swept off your feet by the perfect new job.


  Initial Interview: The 'Falling in Love' Stage


  Asking for and discussing a bureaucratic checklist of benefits or responsibilities is no way to entice a new employer to fall in love with you. The goal of the first interview is mostly to figure out if you like the company and if they like you and could use your skills. Also, this is a time to look for subtle clues about the workplace -- take note of the office mood, corporate culture, and how you are treated. Did anyone offer you a coffee or water? Do people make eye contact or say, "Hello"? Can you hear laughter anywhere?


  Once the interview starts, the questions you pose to your interviewer should open up dialogue on broader topics such as your professional values and goals, and how they all might align with company goals. Keep the tone personable and look for ways to convey your passions. Doing so will help you come across as confident and knowledgeable, and that can set you apart from other candidates. Furthermore, the depth of information you'll be able to discuss will leave the interviewer with a much clearer picture about who you are every day.


  For example, Stevens advises people to avoid the question, "What will my duties be?" Instead, he suggests posing a similar question this way: "I visited your Web site, and I liked what I saw. How would I be able to contribute to those values in this position?"


  Changing the way you ask a rather standard question can lead to a more interesting dialogue and give you a more complete idea of the job. It also shows your potential employer that you are aware of the company goals and that you are someone who will find ways to make them happen.


  Second Interview: The 'Going Steady' Stage


  If you're asked in for a second interview, you've obviously struck the company's fancy, and you can begin to ask some of the more difficult questions -- tactfully, of course.


  Your goal in this stage is to add detail to the broad picture that was painted earlier and to answer any doubts or concerns that you may have about the job. If your research has found a black mark in the company's record, ask about how that's been corrected. If you've found that the company's financial situation is a little rocky, ask how that's being addressed.


  Keep in mind, though, that the formats of follow-up interviews vary widely. You may be meeting with more people than you did in the first interview, or you might just meet with the same people to further explore some topics previously discussed. Either way, you may be asked some of the same questions you were asked before, and you may want to ask some of the same questions as well.


  If everything is going well at the end of this stage, you should feel fairly comfortable with this company and envisioning a future with them should be positive and without too many doubts or unknowns.


  Job Offer: The Engagement Stage


  Congratulations! They want you to join their company -- and no matter how excited you may be, don't jump too soon. This is the time to negotiate the nitty-gritty of numbers and benefits. If you have any remaining concerns, is this company willing to bend to meet them? Are you willing to compromise something in return? Don't stop looking at this as a relationship at this point -- neither party should be asked to sacrifice too much.


  If negotiations begin to feel uncomfortable, ask about the larger concern of the employer. Is it that you might be earning more than a supervisor? Are they nervous about giving you the responsibility you'd like to take on? Find out the root of any concerns and see if there are compromises that can be made so both you and your employer feel like you're being treated fairly.


  Remember, as with dating, one interview process is never the same as the next, and you may have to trust your gut to know when the time is right to ask some of the more difficult questions. Tread softly but confidently through the sticky topics -- succeeding in this will likely set you up for a rewarding relationship with your next employer.










