

时间:2023-08-10 15:10:46 振濠 职业英语 我要投稿
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  agar agar 琼脂

  abrus herb herba abri鸡骨草

  aconiteleaf syneilesis herb herba syneilesis aconitifoliae兔儿伞

  acutangular anisodus root radix anisodi acutanguli三分三

  adder‘s tongue herb herba ophioglossi一支箭

  african myrsine herb herba myrsines africanae碎米棵

  agaric polyporus猪苓

  air-plant herb herba bryophylli pinnati落地生根

  airpotato yam rhizome rhizoma dioscoreae bulbiferae黄药子

  aizoon stonecrop herb herba sedi aizoon景天三七

  akebia fruit fructus akebiae预知子

  akebia stem caulis akebiae木通

  aloes aloe芦荟

  alpine yarrow herb herba achilleae蓍草

  alum alumen白矾

  amber succinum琥珀

  american ginseng radix panacis quinquefolii西洋参

  amur adonis herb herba adonidis冰凉花

  amur ampelopsis stem caulis ampelopsis brevipedunculae山葡萄

  amur barberry root radix berberidis amurensis大叶小檗

  amur corktree bark cortex phellodendri黄柏

  amur grape stem caulis vitis amurensis山藤藤秧

  ancients euphorbia stem caulis euphorbiae antiquori火殃勒

  anemone clematis stem / armand clematis stem caulis clematidis川木通

  annual fleabane herb herba erigerontis annui一年蓬

  antelope horn cornu saigae tataricae羚羊角

  antifeverile dichroa root radix dichroae常山

  arabian jasmine flower flos jasmini sambac茉莉花

  arabic cowry shell concha mauritiae arabicae紫贝齿

  areca peel pericarpium arecae大腹皮

  areca seed semen arecae槟榔

  argy wormwood leaf folium artemisiae argyi艾叶

  ark shell concha arcae瓦楞子

  arrowshaped tinospora root radix tinosporae金果榄

  arsenic sublimate arsenicum sablimatum信石

  ash bark cortex fraxini秦皮

  asiatic moonseed rhizome rhizoma menispermi北豆根

  asiatic pennywort herb herba centellae积雪草

  asiatic toddalia root radix toddaliae asiaticae飞龙掌血

  auricled hedyotis herb herba hedyotidis auriculariae耳草

  autumn zephyrlily herb herba zephyranthis candidae肝风草

  avicennia pricklyash root radix zanthoxyli avicennae鹰不泊

  axillary choerospondias fruit fructus choerospondiatis广枣

  baical skullcap root radix scutellariae黄芩

  balsamiferou blumea herb herba blumeae balsamiferae大风艾

  bamboo shavings caulis bambusae in taeniam竹茹

  barbary wolfberry fruit fructus lycii枸杞子

  barbed skullcap herb herba scutellariae barbatae半枝莲

  barberry root radix berberidis三棵针

  bat dung faeces vespertilionis夜明砂

  bear gall fel ursi熊胆

  beautiful millettia root radix millettiae speciosae牛大力

  beautiful phyllodium twig and leaf ramulus et folium phyllodii pulchelli排钱草

  beautiful sweetgum fruit fructus liquidambaris路路通

  belladonna herb herba belladonnae颠茄草

  belvedere fruit fructus kochiae地肤子

  benzoin benzonum安息香

  bezoar calculus bovis牛黄

  bigleaf beautyberry leaf folium callicarpae macrophy


  biond magnolia flower flos magnoliae辛夷

  biotite schist and mica / carbonate schist by chloritization lapis chloriti青礞石

  bistort rhizome rhizoma bistortae拳参

  bitter apricot seed semen armeniacae amarum苦杏仁

  bitter bamboo leaf folium pleioblasti苦竹叶

  bitter orange fructus aurantii枳壳

  bittersweet herb herba solani lyrati白英

  black nightshade herb herba solani nigri龙葵

  black sesame semen sesami nigrum黑芝麻

  blackberrykiky rhizome rhizoma belamcandae射干

  blackend swallowwort root radix cynanchi atrati白薇

  blighted wheat fructus tritici levis浮小麦

  boat-fruited scaphium seed semen scaphii lychnophori胖大海

  boor‘s mustard herb herba thlaspis菥冥

  borax borax硼砂

  borneol borneolum冰片

  bottle brush herb herba equiseti arvensis问荆

  bottle gourd peel pericarpium lagenariae葫芦

  brittle falsepimpernel herb herba linderniae crustaceae母草

  brooklet anemone root radix anemones rivularis虎掌草

  broomjutre sida herb herba sidae rhombifoliae黄花母

  buddha‘s lamp twig and leaf ramulus et folium mussaendae pubescentis玉叶金花

  buerger pipewort flower flos eriocauli谷精草

  buffalo horn cornu bubali水牛角

  bulbiferous stonecrop herba sedi bulbiferi马屎花

  bunge auriculate root radix cynanchi auriculati白首乌

  bunge corydalis herb herba corydalis bungeanae地丁草

  bark or stem cortex seu caulis celtis bungeanae棒棒木

  bunge pine cone strobilus pini松塔

  bur beggarticks herb herba bidentis tripartitae狼把草

  burmann cinnamon bark cortex cinnamomi burmannii阴香

  cablin potchouli herb herba pogostemonis广藿香

  cajeputtree leaf folium melaleucae leucadendrae白千层叶

  calamine calamina炉甘石

  calcite calcitum南寒水石

  calomel calomelas轻粉

  camphor camphora樟脑

  camphorwood ligum cinnamomi camphorae香樟木

  canton ampelopsis root radix ampelopsis cantoniensis无刺根

  pagodatree flower bud 槐米

  pagodatree pod 槐角

  pale butterflybush flower 密蒙花

  palmleaf raspberry fruit 覆盆子

  panicled fameflower root 土人参

  paniculate swallowwort root 徐长卿

  papaya 番木瓜

  papermulberry fruit 楮实子

  parslane herb 马齿苋

  patience dock root 牛西西

  peach seed 桃仁

  pearl 珍珠

  pedate pinallia jackinthepulpit rhizome 天南星

  pedunculate acronychia wood 沙塘木

  peking euphorbia root 京大戟

  pepper 胡椒

  pepper wort herb 田字草

  peppermint 薄荷

  pepperweed seed / tansymustard seed 葶苈子

  perfoliote knotweed herb 杠板归

  perilla fruit 紫苏子

  perilla leaf 紫苏叶

  perilla stem 紫苏梗

  persimmon calyx and receptacle 柿蒂

  pevuvian apple herb 冰粉

  pharbitis seed 牵牛子

  philippine flemingia root 千金拔

  philippine violet herb 紫花地丁

  phoenix tree seed 梧桐子

  pillbug 鼠妇虫

  pilose asiabell root /moderate asiabell root/szechwon tangshen root 党参

  pine leaf 松毛

  pine nodular branch 油松节

  pine pollen 松花粉

  pinellia tuber 半夏

  pink herb 瞿麦

  pink plumepoppy herb 博落回

  pink reineckea herb 吉祥草

  pipe fish 海龙

  plant soot 百草霜

  plantain herb 车前草

  plantain seed 车前子

  platycladi seed 柏子仁

  platycodon root 桔梗

  poisonous buttercup herb 石龙芮

  pokeberry root 商陆

  pomegranate rind 石榴皮

  prepared common monkshood daughter root 附子

  prepared salt 秋石

  pricklyash peel 花椒

  princes-feather fruit 水荭花子

  princes-feather herb 荭草

  puberulous glochidion herb 算盘子

  pubescent holly root 毛冬青

  pubescent pepper herb 毛蒟

  puff-ball 马勃

  Lac 紫草茸

  Laciniate Kalanchoe Herb 鸡爪三七

  Ladybell Root 南沙参

  Lalang Grass Rhizome 白茅根

  Lance Asiabell Root 羊乳

  Lancelesf Lily Bulb / Greenish Lily Bulb / Low Lily Bulb 百合

  Langdu Root 狼毒

  Largeflower Jasmine Flower 素馨花

  Largehead AtractylodesRhizome 白术

  Straw-coloured Gentian Root

  Largetrifoliolious Bugbane Rhizome 升麻

  Lawn Pennywort Herb 天胡荽

  Leatherleaf Mahonia Stem Chinese Mahonia Stem 功劳木