英语阅读 百分网手机站


时间:2017-05-24 10:31:49 英语阅读 我要投稿


  74. Which of the following is not mentioned as a way to make electric cars cleaner? ?

  A. Developing cleaner coal technologies. ?

  B. Making electric cars run faster. ?

  C. Generating more nuclear power. ?

  D. Making advances in coal burning. ?

  75. What kind of attitude does the writer hold towards electric cars? ?

  A. The writer thinks highly of electric cars. ?

  B. The writer believes electric cars will disappear in the end. ?

  C. The writer thinks it’s hard to popularize electric cars at present. ?

  D. The writer thinks it’s impossible for us to use electric cars before 2030.


  阅读下面短文并回答问题,然后将答案写到答题卡相应的位置上(请注意问题后的字数要求)。Could Body Shape Be the Key to Weight Loss?

  [1]Water Is Best

  A new study suggests that the way to weight loss may be clear. A couple of glasses of water before meals helped dieters lose about 5 pounds more than those who did not drink water. While drinking water before a meal may fill a person up, the contents of their meal count as well. Should a person be eating a low-fat diet or a low-carb(低碳) diet? Or does it matter at all?

  [2]Neither Is Best

  Recent research suggests that one diet isn't any better than the other. While the low-carb dieters did show a slight increase in good cholesterol(胆固醇) and a reduction in blood pressure, there was no statistical difference in the dieters' weight loss. What helps a person see a diet through? It could be body type.

  [3]Apple vs. Pear

  A recent study really drills down into the low-fat/low-carb debate. As reported by Time magazine, researchers found that body shape is the key to which diet a person will be able to stick with. Apples are people who carry most of their weight above the belt, while pears carry their weight around their hips. Apple types lost the most weight on a low-carb diet. Pears lost the same amount of weight___________. But unstable insulin(胰岛素) levels can create stronger hunger sensations, causing the apple types to go off their diet plans.

  [4]Trial and Error

  All of these studies again come down to choosing the diet that helps you eat less. The body-type diet does make some sense as men are more likely to be apple types, with larger bellies, and tend to do well on higher-protein diets, while women, who tend to carry weight around their hips, find themselves drawn to the low-fat diets. The reality is if a diet is failing you try another one. A plan you can't, or won't, stick to will never work, regardless of what the research says.

  76. Why drinking some water before meals can help people lose some weight? (no more than 10 words)

  77. Fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper words. (no more than 5 words)

  78. What’s the advantages of a low-carb diet? (no more than 20 words)

  79. Which sentence can be replaced by the following one?

  How can a person make a wiser choice between the different diets?

  80. Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.



  36. A 从下文可知,这个人在二手店里浏览,不是小偷,也不是在画画。

  37. B 他拿起一件看似便宜的画,但仔细一看,有了新的发现。

  38. A 同上。

  39. C他发现这幅画下面藏着另一幅画,下文也有表述。

  40. D 从下文提示看,这贴画是丢失多年的一幅名画。

  41. B 于是他便买下来,匆匆回家。

  42. A 回家后便急忙把上面的画揭下来。

  43. C经过几个小时的细致的工作。

  44. D 最后他看到这正是一幅丢失多年的名画。

  45. B 经过修复,已经恢复了原来的美丽。

  46. A 这是作者的点评:作者认为我们每个人都像这幅画。

  47. B 因为作者点评的是人,所以此处用person很合理。

  48. D 此处与文章第一段内容呼应,即:别人怎么看待我们,特别是我们自己怎么看待我们。

  49. A 同上,二者是转折关系。

  50. C 如果不能正确看待自己,对自己的错误认识就会阻止我们成为真正的自己。

  51. C 我们的行事主要源自于我们看待自己的方式。

  52. B 下文提示说要改变不能只改变言行。

  53. D 最主要的是改变思考的方式。

  54. A 这是作者的总结:很多人只关注表面。

  55. C 在学校取得的成就也只是表面的`东西。



  56. A 主旨大意题。文章介绍了美国、韩国、日本和英国大学的学生宿舍情况,因此以Introduction to dormitories abroad最为贴切。