英语口译 百分网手机站


时间:2017-06-29 17:45:18 英语口译 我要投稿




  Countries with different social systems and cultural traditions can transcend ideological differences and enjoy common development on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence provided that they give priority to their people’s fundamental interests and respect and tolerate each other.

  这里的参考译文中用了provided that…巧妙地把“只要….相互包容”译成了条件句,译文连贯自然。但在实际的考试过程中,小编发现很多考生理不清分句之间的关系,更不用说调整语序了。其实,在口译考试过程中,要调整语序的话,一定是不得已而为之的事,小编不建议考生在考试的时候调整语序,尽量顺着原句的语序说下来,适当断句,这样是最节省“脑力”的方法。


  Countries with different social systems and cultural traditions must give priority to their people’s fundamental interests and respect and tolerate each other. Finally, those countries can transcend ideological differences and enjoy common development on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.


  例:Chinese communities are thriving in many American urban centers, and their reputation as a model minority has aroused further interest in this distant land, which is so vastly different.(中口)








  We are fully capable of maintaining stability and the normal public order in Tibet and at the same time we will continue to support the effort of Tibet to develop the economy and make social progress. We will continue to help Tibet to improve the livelihood of people of all ethnic groups and we will continue to support the efforts to protect the cultural and natural environment in Tibet. We will never waver in this position.

  例2. 我们之所以反对“入联公投”,就是因为如果这样一些主张得逞的话,它将改变台湾和大陆同属于一个中国的现状,势必冲击两岸关系,势必危害两岸人民的根本利益,势必造成台海的局势的紧张,破坏台海和平以至亚太地区的和平。

  We are opposed to the so-called referendum scheme for Taiwan’s membership in the United Nations because we believe that if such scheme should succeed, it would deny the reality that both Taiwan and mainland belong to one and the same china. And that will deal a serious blow to cross-straits relations. That will harm the fundamental interests of people on both sides. That will cause tension in the Taiwan Straits and that will threaten the peace in the Taiwan Straits and peace in the Asia-Pacific region at large.

  例3. 但是只要中印双方都抱有诚意,本着平等相待、互谅互让的'原则,我想解决边界问题的谈判会有新的进展。

  I would like to say that as long as china and India have the sincerity in resolving the issue, as long as we approach the issue on the basis of equality, mutual benefits and mutual accommodation,new progress will be made in the negotiations.

  各位考生朋友不难发现,小编划线的部分都是重复的部分,例1和例2中,译员重复了主语和谓语部分,例3重复了连接词as long as。在整个记者招待会的口译中,这样的重复可以说是比比皆是,此外,还有主语,不定式,介词词组的重复等,这里不再一一列举。这和我们上一次讲到的“简单句和断句”技巧也是相通的。








  例 Our high schools are obsolete and out-of-dated. By “obsolete”, I don’t just mean that they are broken, old-fashioned and under-funded.

  这是中级口译考试中的一句话,小编发现考试的时候,很多考生对obsolete这个词比较陌生,其实这个词的意思通过上下文就能猜出来,这句话中obsolete的近义词有out-of-dated, broken, old-fashioned, 所以,obsolete这个词就可以译成“陈旧的”、“过时的”。

  例 I am very happy to meet with so many scholars at this annual astrobiology conference in the beautiful city of Boston, Massachusetts.

  这句中的astrobiology是个难点,我们可以从构词法猜测出它的意思,astro-表示“外太空的”,biology 表示“生物学”,所以整个词连起来,译成“外太空生物学”或“天体生物学”,考生们猜出这个词的意思并不困难。