基础英语 百分网手机站


时间:2017-06-28 15:22:41 基础英语 我要投稿


  导语:根据英语语法,及物动词必须后接宾语,但有些及物动词,但它后面接只能接反身代词作宾语,而不能接其他成分作宾语。英语中的这类动词非常有限,最常见的有 absent, avail, pride等。如:

  1. absent

  absent 用作动词时,只用作及物动词,意为“缺席”,只接反身代词作宾语。表示“做某事缺席”,其后也接介词 from。如:

  He absented himself from the meeting. 他没有出席会议。

  Why did you absent yourself from class yesterday? 你昨天为什么没来上课?

  They’ve arranged that I should absent myself for part of the meeting. 他们安排好让我一部分时间不在开会现场。

  2. avail

  You must avail yourself of every opportunity to speak English. 你要利用一切机会说英语。

  表示“使用”“利用”时,虽为及物动词,但只能接反身代词作宾语,且主要用于avail oneself of(利用)这一结构,注意不能直接跟所利用的东西作宾语,如:

  误:You must avail every opportunity to speak English.

  3. pride

  pride 用作动词时,总是以反身代词作宾语,且主要用于pride oneself on [upon] (doing) sth 这一结构。

  She prided herself on being a Chinese. 她以自己是中国人为荣。

  He prides himself on his ability to speak French. 他以会说法语而自豪。

  He prided himself on knowing 10 languages. 他为自己懂得10种语言而自豪。


  1. abandon oneself to 沉溺于,纵情:

  He abandoned himself to despair. 他自暴自弃。

  2. advertise oneself 自吹自擂:

  Stop advertising yourself. 别再吹嘘自己了。

  3. bend oneself to 专心于,集中精力于:

  He bent himself to the completion of his task. 他专心完成工作。

  4. commit oneself on 对…表态(承诺或表明意见):

  He didn’t want to commit himself on that matter. 他不想就那样做任何承诺。

  5. commit oneself to 保证,承诺:

  Sorry, I’ve committed myself to working for Jim. 对不起,我已答应为吉姆做事。

  6. conduct oneself 举止,行为:

  He conducted himself in a most gracious manner. 他表现得极为温文尔雅。

  7. content oneself with 满足于,满意于:

  He contented himself with his present salary. 他对自己现在的`薪水感动满意。

  We should never content ourselves with book knowledge only. 我们切不可满足于仅有一点书本知识。

  8. devote oneself to 致力于,献身于:

  He devoted himself entirely to music. 他把自己完全奉献给音乐。

  After he graduated he continued to devote himself to research. 毕业之后他继续致力于研究工作。

  9. employ oneself in (doing) sth 忙于做某事(有时用于被动语态):

  He employed himself in writing. 他忙于写作。

  He was employed in watering the garden. 他忙于浇花园。

  10. enjoy oneself 过得愉快,玩得痛快:

  I enjoyed myself at the party. 这次聚会我很快活。

  11. express oneself表达自己的意思:

  I don’t know if I’ve expressed myself clearly. 我的意思不知是否讲清了。

  He expresses himself in good clear English. 他能用正确清楚的英语表达思想。

  12. flatter oneself 自认为:

  We flatter ourselves that we call do without their help. 我们自认为我们可以不需要他们的帮助。

  13. make a fool of oneself 出丑,闹笑话:

  Sorry I made such a fool of myself last night.I must have been drunk. 对不起,我昨晚真是出丑了,我一定是喝醉了。

  14. make oneself [one’s voice] heard 使自己的声音被听见:

  I couldn’t make myself heard above the noise. 我的声音被喧闹声淹没了。

  15. make oneself understood 清楚地表达自己的意思,使自己的意思为人所理解:

  Can he make himself understood in English? 他能用英语表达自己的意思吗?

  16. make oneself scarce 溜走,躲开:

  He’s in a bad mood so I’ll make myself scarce. 他情绪不好,我得躲着点。

  17. do oneself justice 发挥自己的能力:

  He didn’t do himself justice in the exams. 他在考试中没有发挥出自己的能力。

  18. list oneself as 把自己列为…一类:

  He listed himself as a Marxist. 他将自己列为马克思主义者。

  19. lose oneself in专心致志于:

  I soon lost myself in the excitement of the film. 影片中的刺激情节很快就把我吸引住了。

  20. pull oneself together 控制感情,使自己镇静:

  Pull yourself together and stop crying. 控制一下你自己,别哭了。

  21. repeat oneself 重说自己的话,重做自己做过的事:

  Am I repeating myself? 我以前说过这事吗?

  History will not repeat itself. 历史不会重演。

  22. resign oneself to 听任,顺从:

  I resigned myself to a long wait in line. 我只好在长队中等候。

  23. respect oneself自尊,自重:

  No girl who respected herself would go out dressed like that. 任何一个自重的女孩都不会穿着那样的衣服出门。

  24. revenge oneself on sb 向某人报仇:

  He was determined to revenge himself on his father’s murderer. 他决心要向杀害他父亲的凶手报仇。

  25. save oneself the bother of doing sth 省得自己麻烦去做某事:

  I should have phoned the shop first and saved myself the bother of going there. 我本来应该先给商店打个电话的,这样也就省得我走一趟。

  26. say to oneself 心里想:

  I said to myself, “I’ll do it this way.” 我心里想:“我就这样做。”

  27. seat oneself 就坐:

  Please seat yourself. 请坐。

  He seated himself near the window. 他在窗户边坐下。

  28. speak for oneself 不言而喻,不辩自明:

  The company has had a very successful year: the figures speak for themselves. 该公司本年度非常成功,一看数字便知道。

  29. suit oneself 随自己的愿意:

  You don’t want to come? Well, suit yourself. 你不想来,那好,随你便。

  30. throw oneself into 全身心投入:

  After my girlfriend left me, I threw myself into my work. 女朋友离开我之后,我把整个身心都投入到工作中去了。

  31. throw oneself on sb’s mercy 请求某人宽恕:

  They didn’t throw themselves on her mercy. 他们没有向她请求宽恕。