口语 百文网手机站


时间:2021-07-09 10:16:40 口语 我要投稿


  Helen: Hello, this is Real English from BBC Learning English, I’m Helen.


  Chen Li: 我是陈鹂,hello.

  Helen: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.

  Helen: Today’s word is bland – that's B.L.A.N.D. – bland.

  Chen Li: Bland 意思是什么呢 Helen?

  Helen: Well if something is bland it means it’s not interesting or exciting in any way.

  Chen Li: 原来 bland 是个形容词,意思是乏味的。

  Helen: So you might say 'That singer is very bland.'

  Chen Li: 意思是,说这个歌手很乏味,没有什么有意思的。

  Helen: Or, it's often used to describe food that has no taste.

  Chen Li: 如果某种食品没有什么味道,也可以用这个词来形容。

  Helen: You might say 'I don’t like rice on its own – it’s a bit bland.'

  Chen Li: 仅仅吃米饭,自然是没有什么味道了。

  Insert 3

  A: Have you heard Westlife’s new song – I love it!

  B: I think it’s a bit bland actually – all their songs are really slow.

  C: Wow you look great. Have you lost weight?

  D: Aw thanks. Yes I’m trying a new diet but the food is so bland.

  Helen: Well I hope you don’t think I’m bland Li.

  Chen Li: Of course you’re not bland Helen. In fact you’re one of the most fun, exciting people I know.

  Helen: Really? Wow, thanks.

  Chen Li: However, these English sweets you gave me are rather bland. 我对这些糖果没有什么口味.

  Helen: I'm sorry, I actually really like them. But anyway that was today’s word – bland.

  Chen Li: 意思是乏味的。

  Helen: Join us for more Real English next time. Bye for now.

  Chen Li: 再会。









