

时间:2024-10-12 18:02:27 专四 我要投稿
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  26.G) daily

  27.N) symptoms

  28.D) classified

  29.F) come

  30.H) definitely

  31.K) inactive

  32.E) clearing


  34.I) distractions

  35.M) reaping


  36. The lion dancers perform fromdoor to door to bring New Yearwishes to business people.


  37. The New York dance club alsoserves as a place for entertainmentwhere youngsters can enjoy

  themselves safely.


  38. Lion dancers need to have a littleimagi tionjts perform well


  39. There are a number of differentversions about the origin of the liondance


  40.Same 50% of the members of aNew York lion dance club are teenagers


  41.One club member says heproud of his culturaltradition


  42.Two dancers coordinate theirmovements,one manipulating thelions head and the other its body.答案:G

  43.One lion dancer compares theirNew York dance club to a family


  44.Lion dance should bezhandeddownc fature generations as part of Chinese culture


  45. One lion dancer learned how toperform from his elders



  Passage One

  46. A) They consider such exercises annoying.

  47. B) They rearanged the staff andoffice spaces.

  48. D) They were regarded as anintrusion into employees privatelives.

  49. A) By allowing participantsfreedom to express themselves.

  50. D) They have to be appliedcautiously to be effective.

  Passage Two

  51. A) To combat the countyshomelessness.

  52. C) They are responsible for theirown condition.

  53. A) They find it increasingly difficultto afford a place to live.

  54. C) The increase in new housingfalls short of the demand of thegrowing homeless population.

  55. D) They no longer find shocking.



  26.H located

  27.O scheduled

  28.I mostly

  29.N rising

  30.C crucial

  31.L pioneer

  32.D depend

  33.M potential

  34.A affardable

  35.G just


  36.Chase Carey believes greater use should be madeof digital technology to makeFormula One more accessibleto its fans.


  37.Chase Carey was deeplyimpressed by the ceremony preceding last years Monacorace.


  38.O of chase Careys goals is to make Formula Onemore appealing to Americans.


  39.A former motorbike parts dealer led Formula One the past forty years.


  40.Chase Carey thought theaudience of Formula One cou be made to share hisfeeling about the race.


  41. Chase Carey used to serveas a top advisor for a majorbroadcasting company.


  42.Chase Carey intends tomake connections easierbetween the audience andthe Formula One racers.


  43.The new leader of FormulaOne admitted he was not super interested in car racing.


  英语44. Peoples opinionsdiffer as to whether FormulaOne can be promoted in theU.S.


  45. Compared with otherracing series, Formula语One focuses more on speedand involves more danger.



  Passage One

  46.What problem have supermarkets been facing?

  B) hey have been losingcustomers and profits

  47.What does the passage sayabout the ideaof a self-service grocery?

  B) It originated in the UnitedStates.

  48. What did supermarkets doby adopting the Fordistfactory approach?

  D) They revolutionized thedistribution of goods.

  49. What is the typical supermarket layout intendedto do?

  C) Induce customers to makemore unplanned purchases.

  50. What have people longfeared about

  A) They use tricky strategiesto promote their business

  Passage Two

  51. A) Students needed tohelp with farm work.

  52. D) It will strengthen theirrelationship with teachers.

  53. D) It contributes to students healthy growth.

  54. A) It does little good tomost students.

  55. C) Outdated.


  NEWS 1

  Six people had to move away from their home toanother place after a fire broke out in a building onMain Street Saturday,officials said.Firefightersresponded to the three story building shortly after 1p.

  m.for a reported structure fire.According to NorwalkDeputy FireChief Adam Markiewicz.

  Markiewicz said crews encountered heavy smokecoming from the second floor when they arrived.Ateam of about 25 firefighters then spent about 25minutes extinguishing the flames.Officials describedthe structure as a mixed use building that featurescommercial businesses on the first floor andresidential on the second and third floors.

  Town records list four apartments in the building.Dueto smoke and heat damage,the four apartments weredeclared uninhabitable,and the six residents had tomove to another place,officials said.No injuries werereported in connection with the fire.The Norwalk FireMarshal is investigating the cause and origin of thefire.

  Q1:Why did the 6 residents haveto find another placeto stay?

  Q2:What does the news report say the Norwalk FireMarshal is doing?

  NEWS 2

  A new study has cast doubt on historic research,suggesting that the season or month of someones birth isassociated with an increased risk of certain mental healthconditions.The study looks at symptoms of anxiety anddepression among more than 70,000 older adults inEurope.A number of past studies have found the linkbetween season of birth and mental health diagnoses.

  Researchers have suggested that such links could arisefrom various things.These include nutrient intake,sunexposure,climate,and disease exposure varying across thecourse of the year.However,evidence has been mixed.More recent studies have suggested thatfactors such associal class oreconomicbackground have more to do withthese diagnoses thanmonth of birth.

  Overall,the new study found no significant relationshipbetween participants month of birth and symptoms ofdepression or anxiety.There was some variability in somecountries.In Poland,depressive symptoms fluctuated alittle depending on birth month.In the Czech Republic,thesame was true of anxiety symptoms.But on the whole,there was no systematic pattern.

  Q3:What have a number of past studies found aboutseason of birth?

  Q4:What did the new study find about the relationshipbetween participantsmonth of birth and symptoms ofdepression?

  NEWS 3

  Genetic researchers in China have made a clone of astar police dog.The clone was born in a laboratory inBeijing in December.Tests show that the clone andher mother are almost identical genetically.Themother dog helped solve multiple murders and manyother crimes.The clone has already performed betterthan traditionally bred dogs on several tests.

  If the clone continues to perform as well as expected,itcould mean a huge reduction in thetraining time forpolice dogs,which usually takes about fiveyears.Theultimate goal of scientists is to produce clones oftalented police dogs that can be trained in monthsinstead of years.However,this goal is not yet possibledue to thecurrent costs ofthe technology.

  This is not the first time a clone has been made of astar police dog.In South Korea,six clones beganworking with the police in 2008.

  Q5:What do the researchers tests show about thecloned dog?

  Q6:What is the scientists purpose in cloning policedogs?

  Q7:Why does the news report say the scientists goal isnot yet possible?

  Conversation 1

  W:Tom,did you see the article online about the new TV seriesbased on the book The Three Body Problem?

  M:A colleague mentioned the book,but Ive been so busywritingmythesis that I havent been able to read for pleasure in months.W:Well,soundslike if youre going to read anything for fun,this isthe book.Its written by a Chinese science fiction writer.I cantremember his name,but hes written three books in all,and TheThree Body Problem is the first inthe series.I dont wantto say toomuch and spoil it for you,but its definitely got some amazingtechnological and sociological concepts in it.

  M:It does soundlike itwould suit my taste,but if they are makingaTV series based on it now,I dont know ifI should read the book orwatch the show first.

  W:I think its better to read the book first.Its rare for the show ormovie to be better than the book.And then,you just end upruining the book for yourself,ifthe show isntvery good.

  M:When is the show supposed to start?Im a bit overwhelmed withthe amount of data I still need to collect to finish my thesis.But Istill need to relax sometimes.

  W:I cant remember exactly.Its pretty soon,and its going to bequite long.There are 24 episodes.Well,maybe you coulddownload an electronic copyof the book and try to read it beforethe show starts

  M:Thats a good idea.And then,maybe we can watch the seriestogether.Thanks forthe tip,Alice.No problem.

  Q8:How did the man getto know aboutthe book The Three BodyProblem?

  Q9:What does the woman say she cant remember about thebooks author?

  Q10:What does the man haveto do tofinish his thesis?

  Q11:What will the man most probably do first aftertheconversation?

  Conversation 2

  W:Hello,good afternoon.I have an inquiry to make.Itsabout thevegetarian food festival you are holding on the 19thof August at the Newcastle City Hall.

  M:Yes,ofcourse.My names Philip.How can I help you?

  W:It says on your website that you are still looking forvendors,and I grow organic vegetables on my farm,as well asdoing my own home baking.Would I be able to sell both thevegetables and items baked from them at the festival?

  M:Thats exactly the type of thing we are looking for.Weregetting close to the deadline,however.Do you prefer to fillout an application on the web,or to print it out and fill it in byhand and then post it back to us?Remember that you willhave to have all your certificates to hand when you are fillingout the forms,as the standards are high and they will becarefully checked before anyone will be able to sell theirproduce at the event.

  W:I should be fine with doing it on your website,and I alreadyhave all my certificates,as we run a small farm shop too.Butcan you give me yourdetails anyway?

  M:Sure.Please address it to the Organic Organization,VendorApplications,112 Queens Road,Newcastle,Northumbria.The postcode is NU 293LJ.Remember that the closing dateis next Tuesday,the 28th of June.

  W:Thats absolutely wonderful.Thank you so much for yourhelp.Goodbye.

  Q12:why does the woman call the man?

  Q13:what is the man still lookingfor?

  Q14:what does the man say?They are getting close to.

  Q15:what does the man finallyask the woman to remember?

  Passage 1

  Supporters call it wild camping.Opponents call itillegal camping.What both sides accept is that there has been a boom in the pastfew months,with increasing numbers of visitors pitching theirtents on any bit of land theyfancy in the UK.In part,this reflectsthe factthat official campsites have been wholly or partiallyclosed,or are overflowing,in a summer when fewer people aregoing abroad.

  It is also cheap,at a time when many are worried about whattheeconomic future holds.Butit may alsobe an expression ofadesire forgoingoutdoors.Aresponse to themonths of lockdown.Most of the coverage ofthe boom in wild campinghas beennegative.Camping in public parks has now been banned forAugust and the early part of September because campers dumplitter,human waste,and even their tents on the grassland.

  Similar action has been taken even in Scotland,wherecamping isusually permitted on most of its open land.Clearly,there have tobe rules.It would make sensethatwild campers need to ask forpermission to camp from landowners,especially outside Scotland,wherethe law is far more restrictive.It would be common senseforpeople to use small tentsand leave no trace of their visit.

  They have been attracted by a patch ofland that is close towilderness,and itis their responsibility to keep it that way.

  Q16:Why has wild camping become popular in the UK?

  Q17:Why is campingbanned for partof the summer in publicparks?

  Q18:What does the speaker suggestcampers do?

  Passage 2

  Imagine boating down the Amazon River,minding your ownbusiness,calmly keepingan eye outfor alarmingly large snakes,and a curious pink dolphin appears to swim alongside.While thismay seem like a mythical creature,pink dolphinsdo exist in theAmazon region.The Amazon River Dolphin is a giant among itsspecies.

  It can measure up to2 meters long and weigharound 204kilograms.Size isnt the only thing that setsthe Amazon RiverDolphin apart.Thriving in South American rivers and temporarylakes caused byseasonal flooding,this freshwater dolphin issometimes shockingly pink.Although born gray,males of thespecies are easilyidentified as they enter adulthood bya decisivepinkshade.

  Their unusual coloringis believed to be the result ofscar tissuefromdolphin fights,whetherplay fighting or a seriousbid for amate.The deeper the pink,the more attractivethe males arebelieved to be,and the older the male,the more pink he will have.Theres also a theory that this color helps thedolphins more readilyblend in withtheir surroundings.

  During heavy rains,rivers along the Amazon rainforestturn a pinkshade,and with Male dolphins are harderto detect.The Amazonwetland system,fed by the Amazon River,is a crucial place for pinkdolphinsto breed.And,since 2018,has been grantedinternationally protected status.

  Q19:Whatdoes the passage say about pink dolphins?

  Q20:What is the unusual coloring of pink dolphins believed tooriginate in?

  Q21:What has become of the Amazon wetland system since 2018?

  Passage 3

  In a new Merrill Lynch Age Wave survey,a full 70 percent of the earlyadults said theyve received financial support from their parents inthe past year,and 58 percent said they couldnt afford their currentlifestyles without it.The most common types of financial supportinclude cell phone plans,food,school costs and car expenses.

  Parental financial support of early adults,said Ken Dichtwald,CEO ofAge Wave,is the new normal.But 64 percent of theyoung adultssurveyed said parents financial support to children aged 25-34 is abad thing,because it makes thosekids dependent.By contrast,only29 percentthought supporting men and women aged 18-24 is bad.

  The remaining 71 percent thought that assistance helps the adultchildren get ahead.Dick Fould believes the young women and mensurveyed were saying that by 25,young adultsought to be financiallyindependent.In fact,the respondents said financial independencedefines adulthood.Financial independence is something they werestruggling with and challengedby.

  And it scared them a bit,Dichtwald said.One big reason theyrestruggling is attributed to college loans,of which the averageamounts to $37,000.Many ofthe parents havetaken on college loansfor the kids too,sometimes at the expense of their own finances.Inthe survey,60 percent of early adults define financial success asbeing debt-free.Whether thats likely,or even possible,anytimesoon,is anyones guess.

  Q22:What do we learn from a new survey by Merrill Lynch Age Wave?

  Q23:Why did most young adults in the survey sayfinancialsupport tochildren aged 25-34 is a bad thing?

  Q24:What did the respondents in the survey say regarding financialindependence?

  Q25:What is one big reason young adults are struggling?



  Passage One

  Supermarkets have long been suffering as one of the thin-nest-margined businesses

  In existence and one of the least-looked-forward-to places to work or visit.


  46-50 BBDCA

  46.What problem have supermarkets been facing?

  B)They have been losing customers and profits.

  47.What does the passage say about the idea of a self-ser-vice grocery?

  B)It originated in the United States.

  48.What did supermarkets do by adopting the Fordist facto-ry approach?

  D)They revolutionized the distribution of goods.

  49.What is the typical supermarket layout intended to do?

  C)Induce customers to make more unplanned purchases.

  50.What have people long feared about supermarkets?

  A)They use tricky strategies to promote their business

  Passage Two

  The traditional school year,with three months of vacation every summer..


  51-55 ADDAC


  51.A)Students needed to help with farm work.

  52.D)It will strengthen their relationship with teachers.

  53.D)It contributes to students healthy growth.

  54.A)It does little good to most students.




  36-40 FCJEB

  41-45 LGDIL

  36.【F】Today,the dancers travel across Chinatown going from business to business to bring good luck for the coming year.

  37.【C】 But the club also acts as a recreation center and safe haven(庇护所)for teenagers,with video games readily available.

  38.【J】“But what makes you a competent lion dancer is that theres a sense of imagination involved.

  39.【E】It is believed that the lion dance began in the third century.Stories vary about how lion dancing came to be,but most of them include a monster named Nian who would ter-rorize a village.

  40.【B】Teenagers comprise about half of the group,many of whom began lion dancing at the age of 14.

  41.【L】“I value my culture and tradition,being Chinese or Asian-Americanl have a lot of pride in that,he said.

  42.【G】As one person controls the head,a second follows under a train of fabric representing the body.

  43.【D】”Were a big family""he said,shaking hands with other members as they walked through the doors You know everyone.

  44.【l】Mr.Chan ,who has been involved with the club for nearly 50 years,said that passing the dance from one gener-ation to the next was vital.

  45.【L】Mr.Le comes by the dance as a legacy(传承).“Twas born intoit""Mr.Le said,noting that his uncle and father were club members.



  Morocco is responding to increasing energy demands…


  26-30 H O I N C;31-35 L D M A G

  26.H located

  27.0 scheduled

  28.1 mostly

  29.N rising

  30.C crucial

  31.L pioneer

  32.D depend

  33.M potential

  34.A affordable

  35.G just



  26.L sew

  27.B abundant

  28.E exact1

  29. N statistics

  30.F increasingly

  31.O textile

  32.C awareness

  33.I nearly

  34. K reducing

  35.M shrink


  36.【F】According to Francis Dittoh,their speech-based weathe information service was meant to beinexpensive and easy to use.

  37.【K】Using voice instead of typingenables doctors to spend more timetaking care of patients.

  38.【H】It is extremely difficult toconvert voice into text because of different pronunciations.

  39.【D】African farmers unable to read often dont have access to important information convyed online.

  40.【J】 Some phone users worry advertisers will take advantage of voice assistants to send ads directly to them.

  41.【M】The spoken web is helpful when ones hands are occupied.

  42.【C】Some people believe online interaction would soon depnd mainly on voice.

  43.【G】Setting up a spoken web isby no means an easy task.

  44.【E】Weather information isextiheiy important to farners.

  45.【J】 Some people are concernedabout privacy because their phonesare constantly collecting theirpersonaiinformation.


  Passage One

  46. What are big houses promoted tobe in the United States?

  B) A reward for industriousness.

  47. What is one of the consequencesof livitbig?

  A) Many Americans quality of life hasbecome lower.

  48.What questions arise from livingbig?

  A) Questions related to moral principles.

  49. What kind of social system doesthe author think is unacceptable?

  D) One in which the affluent enjoy amore comfortable life at the expense of the poor.

  50. What does the author advocate for people to live well?

  C) More public spaces created for everyone to enjoy.

  Passage Two

  51.What does the author think of mostentrepreneurs?

  B) They are more ambitious thanordinary people.

  52.What does the author imply bysaying ""this isnt always the case""(Line 1,Para.3)?

  A) Ambitious people may not have agreater change of success.

  53.What does the author say is ofextreme importance for one to become a successful entrepreneur?

  B)Being able to adapt to newsituations.

  54. How do the most ambitious entrepreneurs regard failure in theirendeavor?

  C) It means the end of their career.

  55. What does the author advise us todo concerning ambition?

  D) Prioritize health and happinessover material success.



  26.G) daily

  27.N) symptoms

  28.D) classified

  29.F) come

  30.H) definitely

  31.K) inactive

  32.E) clearing


  34.I) distractions

  35.M) reaping


  36. The lion dancers perform fromdoor to door to bring New Yearwishes to business people.


  37. The New York dance club alsoserves as a place for entertainmentwhere youngsters can enjoy

  themselves safely.


  38. Lion dancers need to have a littleimagi tionjts perform well


  39. There are a number of differentversions about the origin of the liondance


  40.Same 50% of the members of aNew York lion dance club are teenagers


  41.One club member says heproud of his culturaltradition


  42.Two dancers coordinate theirmovements,one manipulating thelions head and the other its body.答案:G

  43.One lion dancer compares theirNew York dance club to a family


  44.Lion dance should bezhandeddownc fature generations as part of Chinese culture


  45. One lion dancer learned how toperform from his elders



  Passage One

  46. A) They consider such exercises annoying.

  47. B) They rearanged the staff andoffice spaces.

  48. D) They were regarded as anintrusion into employees privatelives.

  49. A) By allowing participantsfreedom to express themselves.

  50. D) They have to be appliedcautiously to be effective.

  Passage Two

  51. A) To combat the countyshomelessness.

  52. C) They are responsible for theirown condition.

  53. A) They find it increasingly difficultto afford a place to live.

  54. C) The increase in new housingfalls short of the demand of thegrowing homeless population.

  55. D) They no longer find shocking.




  Nowadays community service has been placed more importance in our society. As aging society and empty-nest elderly has been proliferating in the entire society, it calls for

  community service to assist in tending to the elderly and pre-school children.

  To ensure high-quality community service,relevant administrationshould take the lead in

  putting forward regulations and order to promote a cooperating environment, so that the

  community staff can better carry out their work, or engage more people to join their cause, for example, organizing voluntary team to help with caring for the elderly residents and pre-school children in the community. In this way, the community as a whole can enjoy a more

  harmonious and secured rapport, which serves as the basis of any possible development.

  Taking into account what has been mentioned, concerted efforts in the whole society are needed to promote the community’s ability to enhance their service.



  1.D) She was accused of violating a city law.

  2.A) It will take time to solve the rat problem.

  3 B) Work in an environment resembling Mars.

  4.A) Ready-made food.

  5.C) He bit a softball players Olympic gold medal.

  6.D) Pay for the cost of a new one.

  7.C) Treat them as treasures.

  8.A) She covered its screen with a plastic sheet.

  9.B) It includes unnatural light.

  10.D) He has been burdened with excessive work.

  11.B) Sleep may be more important than people assumed.

  12.A) What they wanted to be when grown up.

  13.C) A mechanical engineer.

  14.C) Imaginative.

  15.B) Help their kids understand themselves.

  16.D) Promote Internet-ready phones

  17. A) They cater to Africansneeds

  18.B) An old-school keypad.

  19.C) It was cheaper than using fossil fuel plastic.

  20.D) A rapid increase in U.S. petroleum chemical production.

  21.D) Take measures to promote the use of recycled plastic.

  22.B) It rents a place for nap-takers.

  23.C) To understand the obvious importance of napping

  24.B) They depend on his ability to concentrate.

  25.A) Some bosses associate napping with laziness.


  1.A) A man was bitten by a snake.

  2.D) Who owned the snake.

  3.A) Taking her trash out in fancy dresses.

  4.B) To amuse people.

  5.C) Have a meal even if they have no money.

  6.C) It originated from a donation to her staff.

  7.B) More people have been giving than taking

  8.A) He is a psychologist.

  9.D) Why friends break off contact all of a sudden.

  10.C) They scream to get their parents back.

  11.A) They may regard any difference as the end of a relation-ship.

  12.C) Their quality.

  13.A) Jeans are a typical American garment.

  14.B) They are natural.

  15.D) They are worth the price.

  16.A) He desires more in life.

  17.D) It is relatively predictable.

  18.D) They are too simple.

  19.B) It can help connect people.

  20.B) Make them more open to learning

  21.C) Convey fundamental values.

  22.B)lmmigrants have been contributing to the U.S.

  23.D) More of them are successful business people.

  24.C) Their level of debt is lower than that of native bornAmericans.

  25.A) Keep their traditional values and old habits.

  Section A:新闻听力1

  Q1.A woman was charged withallegedly violating a Rhode Island City law agaict feedingwild animals. The fifty-year-oldwomans neighbors blame herfor making the areas rat problem worse. newly installedcameras captured several ratsactive in the middle of the day.Neighbors say that itsyepworse during the night. Thewoman and her parents whoown the home told reportersthat shes been charged for feeding birds who would haveknown just loving animals getsyou that much trouble she said.It is prohibited to feed any wildanimals including birds in RhodeIsland City. Nevertheless, whilethe womans intention was tofeed hirds, it is clear that ratswere aiso benefiting Q2.intanyMoradi, director of the cityadministration, said he sawmore than 20 rats near the womans home. He siitjwilltake months to get the problemunder control.

  Qugstion one. What do we iearnfrom the report about the fifty-year-old woman?

  Question two. What did thedirector of the city administration say at the end of the news report?

  To prepare for eventually sendingastronauts to-Mars, NASA began taking applications Friday for fourpeople to live for a yearpin MarsJune Alpha. Thats a 1700-square-foot Martian habitat, inside abuilding in Houston.

  【Q3】Thepaid volunteers will workin an envirgment similar to Marsitheywill have lihited communicationswith family, restricted food, and resources. NASA is planning threeexperiments with the first one

  starting in the fall next year. Foodwill all be 【Q4】 ready-to-eat spacefood. Some plants will be grown butnot potatoes like in the movie TheMartian.""We want to understandhow humans perform in them,"" saidlead scientists Grace Douglas,""Were looking at Mars realisticsituations. The applicatian process opened Eriday, and theyre notseeking just anybody. The requirements are strict, including amasters degree in a science,engineering or math field or pilotexperience. Only American citizensor permanent US residents areacceptable. Applicants must be

  between 30 and 55, and in goodphysical health.""Attitude is key,""said former Canadian astronautChris Hadfield. He said theparticipants need to be supercompetent, resourceful, and notrely on other people to feelcomfortable.

  Question Three: What does NASArequire the paid volunteers to ldo?

  Question Four: What will theparticipants in the project eat?

  [Q5]A JapanesenMayor apologizedThurseayfor hiting the Olympicgold eda[bfa softball player.

  Nagoya mayor Takashekawamurahad praised athlete Miu Goto.

  During a public media event. Heasked her to put the metal aroundhis neck Kawamura, then a bit intoit. Biting a metal in front of journatists and photographers hasbecome a common pose for Olympic medalists. However,jit isonly for the winners themselves, notothers. Im really sorry that I hurtthe treasurer of the gold medalist,Kawamura told reporters Thursday.

  [Q6]The mayor said the metal wasundamaged, though he offered topay for the cost of a new one. Goto,however, has accepted the International Olympic Committeesoffer of a replacement, according to Japanese media reports. The scenebroadcast on television promptedthousands of complaints to City Hall.[Q7]Some Olympianssaid theytreat their medals as treasures, andthat it was disrespectful and unacceptable for Kawamura to bite one.I would cry if that happened tome, said another athlete. Now hesaid to Koto.I handle my own goldmedal so gently that I would notscratch it.

  Question 5 What does the newsreport say about the Japanesemayor to Kashi Kawamura?

  Question 6 What did Mayor Kashi Kawamura offer to do?

  Question 7 What did some Olympians say they would do withtheir medals?

  M: Well start orange thing on your computerscreen.

  W: Q8a semething about yesterday, Its aplastic Sweet tHat-blocks blue light. I have onethat I use to cover my phewe:ssrean too.

  M: What do you mean by blue light?

  W: Q9.Blue light includes naturatlight, but italso includes light that isnt natural. Forexample,from computers, phones,televisions, andother electronic devices.

  M: So blue light is harmful and thats why youwant to block it.

  W: It isnt that simple.Q9.Blue light isntnecessarily bad for us. In fact, we need bluelight during the day to be herhgit[toomuch blue light, especially from electronicdevices can harm our health by weakeningour vision and making it harder for us to fallasleep. And poor sleep can cause all sorts ofhealth problems.

  M: Q10.Im not so sure that sleep is nearly asimportant as people always say it is.I haventslept enough in months, because I have toomuch work to do. And I feel fine. And its thesame for most of my friends. Poor sleepmight be a problem for older people, butsurely young people can handle late nights.

  W:Well, Q11.the research Iv Pshows that sleep isprobably even more important than wei thought and that not having enoughsleep can contribute to serious health probled li ppesity and heart disease. Andall the artificiat blue light from electronicdevices means we have to try harder to sleepwell.

  M: Maybe youre right. Im on my computervery late most nights and thats probablywhy I dont sleep enough.

  Question 8.What did the woman do toher computer?

  Question 9. What does the woman sayabout blue light?

  Question 10. Why does the man say hehasnt slept enough for months?

  Question 11. What has the womanlearned from the research she has read?

  Woman: as a kid, did you know 【12】 whatjob you wanted to do when you grew up?

  Man: No,I didnt. And I got sick every timeadults asked me what I wanted to be when Igrew up.

  Woman: Its the same with me. And lm tiredof people asking that question of my 10-year-old daughter. My daughters stock answersour basketball player, pop singer,【13】mechanical engineer. Adults love that last

  one, as its the perfect mix of the sensible andthe ambitjous. When she was much younger.My daughter used to say she wanted to bequeen of the clouds, which I loved.【14】Thats the kind of goal setting dje inchildren springing from their boundlessimaginations.

  Man: Yes, we grownups can be tedious andlimiting in our need for reality. And we teacha very gloomy image of adult hood, thatwhatever our childrens future holds it mustbe seen within the context of ajob.

  Woman: How utterly overwhelming and dull.

  Man: When people ask my son what he wantsto be when he grows up, I have to swallowthe urge to say,""Hey, back off my kidsdreams.""

  Man: We cant dismiss the idea thatteenagers have to plan to do something after theyfinish school, and parents are entitled tohope its more than simply spending 10 hoursa day playing computer games.

  Man: But asking ""What do you want to be?""isnt going to lead a child to fulfilled liferather lead to false expectations and a highchance of disappointment.

  Woman: Exactly.【15】We should be helpingour kids understand who therivn ifthat means letting go of who we thinktheyshound be.

  Question 12 What question were bothspeakers fed up with when they were kids?

  Question 13 What occupation do adults seeas both sensible and ambitious according tothe woman?

  Question 14 What kind of goal setting doesthe woman like to see in children?

  Question 15 What does the woman suggestadults should do?

  Section C:

  Greater Internet access correlatesdirectly with improved health care,education, and economic development.People living in rural areas, howeyer,lagbehind in online use, which limits theiraccess to government services,banking,and job opportunities. Nowhere is thischallenge clearer than in Africa. MostAfricans live in rural areas that are toughto wire for internet access. Now,[Q16]some phone eompanies are trying tointroduce internet-ready phones intoAfrican markets. Certain companies have started selling simple smartphonesfor only $20. Previously the lowest pricehad been around $40 well out of reachfor many people. These devices are

  powered by software from the giantelectronics company KaioS technologies limited. Most companiesare trying to make phones ever morepowerful and capable, but KaiOS wentthe other way.[Q17] It made every effortto keep the essential capabilities of smartphones, to strip out costs and preserve battery life for people wholikely have inadequate access to electricity.The KaiOS devices offer analternative to the more expensive models that remain out of reach ofmany Africans and contribute to thedigital divide. The body of KaiOS phonesis as basic as it gets. Instead .of atouchscreen,f8] theyreCsqhtliolledwith an ofd-school keypad. Theyre designed for 3g networks because 4gcoverage doesnt reach two-thirds ofAfricas customers. In total, KaiOS phonesiare made from about $15 worthof parts, while Apples top-of-the-lineiPhone has $390 worth of stuff.

  Question 16 What are a number ofphone companies trying to do in Africa?

  Question 17 How do KaiOS smartphonesdiffer from smartphones of most othercompanies?

  Question 18 What are KaiOSsmartphones equipped with?



  For over 40 years after the reform and opening-up, the Chi-nese government has placed increasing emphasis on highereducation, which has stepped into a stage of stable development with 47 million college students, topping the world in terms of number. With the rapid development of Chinas economy and the ever-increasing living standard of the Chi-nese people, more and more citizens long for higher education. The number of colleges and universities and the pro-fessionalism of disciplines and majors are continuously raised, the enrolments gradually increased, and the teaching quality constantly improved, creating more opportunities of higher education for young men.



  The Chinese government attaches progressively more importance to life-long education. Developing continuing edu-cation is an effective way to build life-long education. With advanced ideas and abundant teaching resources, high tech-nology as the basis of talent cultivation should be regardedas main body of adult education. In recent years, many colleges and universities have found a new developmental way of continuing education that is suitable to Chinas national conditions by meeting social needs and communicating with employers, so as to ensure continuing education a a greaterrole in the national strategy.



  The Chinese government has been emphasizing compulsory education all the time, making it available to each and every child. Since ""Law of Compulsory Education"" came intoforce in 1986, the authorities have made relentless efforts to achieve the goal of compulsory education for all. Nowa-days, the Chinese children start school at 6 and receive 9-year compulsory education from the primary school to the junior middle school. In the autumn of 2008, free compulsory education took effect. With the implementation of a series of educational reforms, the quality of Chinas compulsory education has been considerably improved.




  Online learning has become an option because it provides flexible learning opportunities. This method has ensured that students do not get left behind on their academic study, however, some problems have also emerged during the course.

  Since online learning lacks interaction compared with face-to-face teaching, it requires more attention and concentration. Sometimes, students find it so demanding to keep concentrated, and finally turn to some irrelevant online resources instead of academic study. To make sure that they stay tuned, some monitoring software can be ordered to download to ensure they are not browsing other websites while taking online courses. The increasing time students spending in digital devices also pose problems to their health. Thus, schools should encourage their students to do regular exercises such as stretches and eye massages during the break, and some guiding handbooks can be a good start.

  The advance of technology should not come with the cost of loosing its original purpose, so does remote study. So we should do our utmost in doing away its possible detriments to the young.



  Friendship is an indispensable thing in our lives. On our long journey of life, we will encounter various people and make various friends. We should learn how to maintain good friendships with friends or classmates and experience the benefits that friendship brings to us.

  In daily life, we can demonstrate the good character of being helpful when our friends or classmates encounter difficulties, and comfort them when they are feeling down. This is beneficial for maintaining friendship between both parties.

  Having good friendships and getting along well and harmoniously with friends can help us achieve success in our studies. When encountering difficulties in learning, we can not only seek the help of teachers, but also seek the help of friends and classmates. Their answers are also the key to our success in learning. In addition, when encountering difficulties in life that you cannot solve, attentive and enthusiastic friends will also bring warmth to you, which will be something worth remembering for a lifetime.

  In short, friendship is an essential thing in our lives, and with it, our path of life can be smoother.



  Nowadays community service has been placed more importance in our society. As aging society and empty-nest elderly has been proliferating in the entire society, it calls for

  community service to assist in tending to the elderly and pre-school children.

  To ensure high-quality community service,relevant administrationshould take the lead in

  putting forward regulations and order to promote a cooperating environment, so that the

  community staff can better carry out their work, or engage more people to join their cause, for example, organizing voluntary team to help with caring for the elderly residents and pre-school children in the community. In this way, the community as a whole can enjoy a more

  harmonious and secured rapport, which serves as the basis of any possible development.

  Taking into account what has been mentioned, concerted efforts in the whole society are needed to promote the community’s ability to enhance their service.



  26.L sew

  27.B abundant

  28.E exact1

  29. N statistics

  30.F increasingly

  31.O textile

  32.C awareness

  33.I nearly

  34. K reducing

  35.M shrink


  36.【F】According to Francis Dittoh,their speech-based weathe information service was meant to beinexpensive and easy to use.

  37.【K】Using voice instead of typingenables doctors to spend more timetaking care of patients.

  38.【H】It is extremely difficult toconvert voice into text because of different pronunciations.

  39.【D】African farmers unable to read often dont have access to important information convyed online.

  40.【J】 Some phone users worry advertisers will take advantage of voice assistants to send ads directly to them.

  41.【M】The spoken web is helpful when ones hands are occupied.

  42.【C】Some people believe online interaction would soon depnd mainly on voice.

  43.【G】Setting up a spoken web isby no means an easy task.

  44.【E】Weather information isextiheiy important to farners.

  45.【J】 Some people are concernedabout privacy because their phonesare constantly collecting theirpersonaiinformation.


  Passage One

  46. What are big houses promoted tobe in the United States?

  B) A reward for industriousness.

  47. What is one of the consequencesof livitbig?

  A) Many Americans quality of life hasbecome lower.

  48.What questions arise from livingbig?

  A) Questions related to moral principles.

  49. What kind of social system doesthe author think is unacceptable?

  D) One in which the affluent enjoy amore comfortable life at the expense of the poor.

  50. What does the author advocate for people to live well?

  C) More public spaces created for everyone to enjoy.

  Passage Two

  51.What does the author think of mostentrepreneurs?

  B) They are more ambitious thanordinary people.

  52.What does the author imply bysaying ""this isnt always the case""(Line 1,Para.3)?

  A) Ambitious people may not have agreater change of success.

  53.What does the author say is ofextreme importance for one to become a successful entrepreneur?

  B)Being able to adapt to newsituations.

  54. How do the most ambitious entrepreneurs regard failure in theirendeavor?

  C) It means the end of their career.

  55. What does the author advise us todo concerning ambition?

  D) Prioritize health and happinessover material success.



  26.H located

  27.O scheduled

  28.I mostly

  29.N rising

  30.C crucial

  31.L pioneer

  32.D depend

  33.M potential

  34.A affardable

  35.G just


  36.Chase Carey believes greater use should be madeof digital technology to makeFormula One more accessibleto its fans.


  37.Chase Carey was deeplyimpressed by the ceremony preceding last years Monacorace.


  38.O of chase Careys goals is to make Formula Onemore appealing to Americans.


  39.A former motorbike parts dealer led Formula One the past forty years.


  40.Chase Carey thought theaudience of Formula One cou be made to share hisfeeling about the race.


  41. Chase Carey used to serveas a top advisor for a majorbroadcasting company.


  42.Chase Carey intends tomake connections easierbetween the audience andthe Formula One racers.


  43.The new leader of FormulaOne admitted he was not super interested in car racing.


  英语44. Peoples opinionsdiffer as to whether FormulaOne can be promoted in theU.S.


  45. Compared with otherracing series, Formula语One focuses more on speedand involves more danger.



  Passage One

  46.What problem have supermarkets been facing?

  B) hey have been losingcustomers and profits

  47.What does the passage sayabout the ideaof a self-service grocery?

  B) It originated in the UnitedStates.

  48. What did supermarkets doby adopting the Fordistfactory approach?

  D) They revolutionized thedistribution of goods.

  49. What is the typical supermarket layout intendedto do?

  C) Induce customers to makemore unplanned purchases.

  50. What have people longfeared about

  A) They use tricky strategiesto promote their business

  Passage Two

  51. A) Students needed tohelp with farm work.

  52. D) It will strengthen theirrelationship with teachers.

  53. D) It contributes to students healthy growth.

  54. A) It does little good tomost students.

  55. C) Outdated.



  26.G) daily

  27.N) symptoms

  28.D) classified

  29.F) come

  30.H) definitely

  31.K) inactive

  32.E) clearing


  34.I) distractions

  35.M) reaping


  36. The lion dancers perform fromdoor to door to bring New Yearwishes to business people.


  37. The New York dance club alsoserves as a place for entertainmentwhere youngsters can enjoy

  themselves safely.


  38. Lion dancers need to have a littleimagi tionjts perform well


  39. There are a number of differentversions about the origin of the liondance


  40.Same 50% of the members of aNew York lion dance club are teenagers


  41.One club member says heproud of his culturaltradition


  42.Two dancers coordinate theirmovements,one manipulating thelions head and the other its body.答案:G

  43.One lion dancer compares theirNew York dance club to a family


  44.Lion dance should bezhandeddownc fature generations as part of Chinese culture


  45. One lion dancer learned how toperform from his elders



  Passage One

  46. A) They consider such exercises annoying.

  47. B) They rearanged the staff andoffice spaces.

  48. D) They were regarded as anintrusion into employees privatelives.

  49. A) By allowing participantsfreedom to express themselves.

  50. D) They have to be appliedcautiously to be effective.

  Passage Two

  51. A) To combat the countyshomelessness.

  52. C) They are responsible for theirown condition.

  53. A) They find it increasingly difficultto afford a place to live.

  54. C) The increase in new housingfalls short of the demand of thegrowing homeless population.

  55. D) They no longer find shocking.



  26.G) daily

  27.N) symptoms

  28.D) classified

  29.F) come

  30.H) definitely

  31.K) inactive

  32.E) clearing


  34.I) distractions

  35.M) reaping


  36. The lion dancers perform fromdoor to door to bring New Yearwishes to business people.


  37. The New York dance club alsoserves as a place for entertainmentwhere youngsters can enjoy

  themselves safely.


  38. Lion dancers need to have a littleimagi tionjts perform well


  39. There are a number of differentversions about the origin of the liondance


  40.Same 50% of the members of aNew York lion dance club are teenagers


  41.One club member says heproud of his culturaltradition


  42.Two dancers coordinate theirmovements,one manipulating thelions head and the other its body.答案:G

  43.One lion dancer compares theirNew York dance club to a family


  44.Lion dance should bezhandeddownc fature generations as part of Chinese culture


  45. One lion dancer learned how toperform from his elders



  Passage One

  46. A) They consider such exercises annoying.

  47. B) They rearanged the staff andoffice spaces.

  48. D) They were regarded as anintrusion into employees privatelives.

  49. A) By allowing participantsfreedom to express themselves.

  50. D) They have to be appliedcautiously to be effective.

  Passage Two

  51. A) To combat the countyshomelessness.

  52. C) They are responsible for theirown condition.

  53. A) They find it increasingly difficultto afford a place to live.

  54. C) The increase in new housingfalls short of the demand of thegrowing homeless population.

  55. D) They no longer find shocking.



  26.H located

  27.O scheduled

  28.I mostly

  29.N rising

  30.C crucial

  31.L pioneer

  32.D depend

  33.M potential

  34.A affardable

  35.G just


  36.Chase Carey believes greater use should be madeof digital technology to makeFormula One more accessibleto its fans.


  37.Chase Carey was deeplyimpressed by the ceremony preceding last years Monacorace.


  38.O of chase Careys goals is to make Formula Onemore appealing to Americans.


  39.A former motorbike parts dealer led Formula One the past forty years.


  40.Chase Carey thought theaudience of Formula One cou be made to share hisfeeling about the race.


  41. Chase Carey used to serveas a top advisor for a majorbroadcasting company.


  42.Chase Carey intends tomake connections easierbetween the audience andthe Formula One racers.


  43.The new leader of FormulaOne admitted he was not super interested in car racing.


  英语44. Peoples opinionsdiffer as to whether FormulaOne can be promoted in theU.S.


  45. Compared with otherracing series, Formula语One focuses more on speedand involves more danger.



  Passage One

  46.What problem have supermarkets been facing?

  B) hey have been losingcustomers and profits

  47.What does the passage sayabout the ideaof a self-service grocery?

  B) It originated in the UnitedStates.

  48. What did supermarkets doby adopting the Fordistfactory approach?

  D) They revolutionized thedistribution of goods.

  49. What is the typical supermarket layout intendedto do?

  C) Induce customers to makemore unplanned purchases.

  50. What have people longfeared about

  A) They use tricky strategiesto promote their business

  Passage Two

  51. A) Students needed tohelp with farm work.

  52. D) It will strengthen theirrelationship with teachers.

  53. D) It contributes to students healthy growth.

  54. A) It does little good tomost students.

  55. C) Outdated.




  Online learning has become an option because it provides flexible learning opportunities. This method has ensured that students do not get left behind on their academic study, however, some problems have also emerged during the course.

  Since online learning lacks interaction compared with face-to-face teaching, it requires more attention and concentration. Sometimes, students find it so demanding to keep concentrated, and finally turn to some irrelevant online resources instead of academic study. To make sure that they stay tuned, some monitoring software can be ordered to download to ensure they are not browsing other websites while taking online courses. The increasing time students spending in digital devices also pose problems to their health. Thus, schools should encourage their students to do regular exercises such as stretches and eye massages during the break, and some guiding handbooks can be a good start.

  The advance of technology should not come with the cost of loosing its original purpose, so does remote study. So we should do our utmost in doing away its possible detriments to the young.




  In the modern era,there is aheated debate regarding whether theuniversitys library should be open to the public.Some believe thatit will do us more good than harm,while others argue that it wilpose a threat to the order and operation of the university.In myview,the university authorities shouldbe cautious about offeringthe outsiders an access to such an important venue,

  Above all,the library,serving as a critical academic facility as well asan indispensable researchsite for both students and teachers,issupposed to keep those limited valuable resourcesto its authorizedusers.If the university choosesto open the library to the public,it ishighly possible that a mass of people will rush into this place,leavingmany college students and teachersunable to complete their aca-demic work.Furthermore,when too many citizens crowd into thelibrary,there will be unnecessary talking,laughing,quarreling oreven chasing,incurring disorder of one kind oranother.

  In conclusion,the merits of such a practice outweigh the demerits.Therefore,opening the universitys library tothe public must neverbe put on the universitys agenda.



  In the modern era,there is a heated debate regarding whether theuniversitys canteens should be open to the public.Some believethatit will do us more good than harm,while others argue that it willpose a threat to theorder and operationof the university.In myview,the university should recognize that this has both pros andcons.

  Lets start with the advantages.First,it allowsthe public to enjoy thediverse and delicious food offered by university canteens.This canenhance the reputation of the university and foster a stronger rela-tionship between the university and thelocal community.Second,itcan also generate additional revenue for the university,which canbe used to improve the facilities and services provided tostudents.However,there are also potential drawbacks to consider.For in-stance,the increased number of people using the canteen may leadto overcrowding and longer waiting times for students during peakhours.Additionally,the public may have different preferences anddietary requirements compared to students,which could affect themenu options available and potentially increase costs.

  In conclusion,the university should weigh the merits and demeritsso that itcan provide the best possible experiencefor both studentsand membersof the public.



  After the epidemic,there is a heated debate regarding whether uni-versity sports facilities should be open to the public.Some believethat itwill bringthe society much benefits,while others argue that itwill pose a threat to the security of college students.In my view,weneed to recognize that opening sports facilities to the public hasmore pros than cons.

  First,it has dramatically improved the health level of the whole soci-ety.People can exercise on the playground to invigorate health ef-fectively,reduce the risk of heart disease,and lower the odds ofobesity,which not only prolong peoples life but also curtail thewholeexpenditure of healthcare.Second,making university sportsfacilities available to the public contributes to the cost-cutting of thegovernment.If thecampus sports facilities are not open to thepublic,government willalso build them elsewhere,which is boundto increase its budget pressure.In the mean time,the utilization ofsports facilities in schools will also be reduced if the public cannotaccess to them,resulting wasting of resources.

  In conclusion,although too many “non-students”might cause se-curity problem toward the university,this can be overcome by strict-er regulation,while allowing people to use sports facilities in thecampus will undoubtedly bring agreat deal of benefits to the wholesociety.




  Friendship is an indispensable thing in our lives. On our long journey of life, we will encounter various people and make various friends. We should learn how to maintain good friendships with friends or classmates and experience the benefits that friendship brings to us.

  In daily life, we can demonstrate the good character of being helpful when our friends or classmates encounter difficulties, and comfort them when they are feeling down. This is beneficial for maintaining friendship between both parties.

  Having good friendships and getting along well and harmoniously with friends can help us achieve success in our studies. When encountering difficulties in learning, we can not only seek the help of teachers, but also seek the help of friends and classmates. Their answers are also the key to our success in learning. In addition, when encountering difficulties in life that you cannot solve, attentive and enthusiastic friends will also bring warmth to you, which will be something worth remembering for a lifetime.

  In short, friendship is an essential thing in our lives, and with it, our path of life can be smoother.




  In the modern era,there is aheated debate regarding whether theuniversitys library should be open to the public.Some believe thatit will do us more good than harm,while others argue that it wilpose a threat to the order and operation of the university.In myview,the university authorities shouldbe cautious about offeringthe outsiders an access to such an important venue,

  Above all,the library,serving as a critical academic facility as well asan indispensable researchsite for both students and teachers,issupposed to keep those limited valuable resourcesto its authorizedusers.If the university choosesto open the library to the public,it ishighly possible that a mass of people will rush into this place,leavingmany college students and teachersunable to complete their aca-demic work.Furthermore,when too many citizens crowd into thelibrary,there will be unnecessary talking,laughing,quarreling oreven chasing,incurring disorder of one kind oranother.

  In conclusion,the merits of such a practice outweigh the demerits.Therefore,opening the universitys library tothe public must neverbe put on the universitys agenda.


  农历(the lunar calendar)起源于数千年前的中国,根据太阳和月亮的运行规律制定。长期以来农历在农业生产和人们日常生活中发挥着重要作用。古人依据农历记录日期,安排农活,以便最 有效地利用自然资源和气候条件,提者农作物的产量和质量。中国的.春节、中秋节等传统节日的日期都基于农历。农历是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,当今依然广为使用。

  The lunar calendar,which originated from China thousandsof years ago,was set by themoving law of the sun and themoon.For a long period of time,such a calenda has playeda very important role inagricultural production and peoplesdaily life.Ancient Chinese arranged their farm work by thedate of the lunar calendar to make the best use of natural re-sources and climate and improve the quality and yield ofcrops.Traditional Chinese festivals such as the Spring Festi-val and the Mid-autumn Festival are based on the lunar cal-endar.It is a significant part of traditionalChinese culturewhich is still widely used today.



  文章开头A team of researchers led by














  文章标题 How to better work towards long-term goals

  答案速查36-40 ICMFA

  36.Our brains are genetically determined tosatisfyimmediate desires.

  【1】定位:Our brains are hard-wired for instantgratification.

  37.Taken in a practical way,saving for post-workyears is likegiving money away to others.

  【C】定位:Understand inthat way,saving forretirementisthe equivalent of giving money awayto someone elseentirely.

  38.Research found that,as regards achievementof onesgoals,it is important to focus more onenjoyingthe processthan the long-term benefits.

  【M】定位:These findings suggest that whedit话comes toachieving your goals,enjoving theprocess itself is moreimportant than wanting thelong-term benefits.

  39.Regarding our future selves as still beingourselves willhelp us makě better long-termdecisions.

  【F】定位:If the central problem..,it follows thattrying toidentify more closelywith our future语selves will encourageus to make better long-termdecisions.

  40.Savings rates in America have dropped inrecent decadeseven though peoples lifeexpectancy has increased.

  【A】定位:Across the board,people are livinglonger...Andyet,saving rates in the U.S.have gonedown in recent decade,not up.

  文章标题How to better work towards long-term goals

  答案速查41-45 KELBG

  41.Researchers found that enjoyment rather thanimportance enabled peoplé to persist in theirgoals.

  【K】定位:We found that enjoyment predictedpeople’sgoal persistence two months aftersetting the goal far morethan how important theyratedtheir goalto be,Woolley said.

  42.When making decisions,we give priorityto ourcurrentframe of mind without thinking much ofthe consequences.

  【E】定位:…but in daing so,we prioritize ourcurrent moodover the consequences of our火央inaction forthfuture slf.

  43.People ate more of a healthyfood when theyfocused onits good taste instead of its long-termbenefits.

  【L】定位:For example,people ate 50%more of ahealthyfood when directed to focus on the goodtaste rather thanthe long-termhealth benefits.

  44.As was expected,when people thought of theirpresentselves,their brains were observed tobecome more active.

  【B】定位:Unsurprisingly,people’s brains weremost activewhen thinking about their currentselves and...

  45.Researchers found thatparticipants who sawtheimagesof their aged selves would save morefor their later years thanthose who didnt.

  【G】定位:Participants who saw their aged selvessaid theywould save 30%moreof their salary fordretirement than thecontrol group.

  Passage One文章开头 People often wonder why some entrepreneurs..

  答案46-50 BADCB

  46.What does the authorsay we need to do tostrengthen ourwillpower?

  B)Applyit continuously.

  47.How arealmost halfof our daily actionsperformedaccording to the passage?

  A)Out of habit.

  48.What will help peoplestick to doingsomethingconstructive automatically?

  D)Foreseeing the desiredoutcome it will yield.

  49.How does the artof self-control help ussucceed?

  C)Byenabling us to take positive actions.

  50.Why can it be difficult for us to maintain self-control?

  B)We may not get immediate rewardfrom self-control.

  Passage Tow

  文章开头 Today,most scientific research is funded bygovernment

  答案51-55 DBACC

  51.What does the passage mainly discussregarding scientificresearch?

  D)Its funding.

  52.Whatdo we learnfrom the passage aboutresearchers like

  birdwatchers and rock collectors?

  B)They can do research with limited resources.

  53.Whatwould scientific studies look like in aperfect worldaccording to the author?

  A)They would be totally unbiased.

  54.What does the authorsay aboutcompaniesand specialinterest groups?

  C)They provide valuable resources for scientificresearch.

  55.What does the author think of research fundedbyindustry or specialinterest group?

  C)It’s validity should be checked with additional care.



  Passage One

  46. What are big houses promoted tobe in the United States?

  B) A reward for industriousness.

  47. What is one of the consequencesof livitbig?

  A) Many Americans quality of life hasbecome lower.

  48.What questions arise from livingbig?

  A) Questions related to moral principles.

  49. What kind of social system doesthe author think is unacceptable?

  D) One in which the affluent enjoy amore comfortable life at the expense of the poor.

  50. What does the author advocate for people to live well?

  C) More public spaces created for everyone to enjoy.

  Passage Two

  51.What does the author think of mostentrepreneurs?

  B) They are more ambitious thanordinary people.

  52.What does the author imply bysaying ""this isnt always the case""(Line 1,Para.3)?

  A) Ambitious people may not have agreater change of success.

  53.What does the author say is ofextreme importance for one to become a successful entrepreneur?

  B)Being able to adapt to newsituations.

  54. How do the most ambitious entrepreneurs regard failure in theirendeavor?

  C) It means the end of their career.

  55. What does the author advise us todo concerning ambition?

  D) Prioritize health and happinessover material success.









