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时间:2020-10-01 17:26:42 试题 我要投稿




  Soot (煤烟灰) and Snow: a Hot Combination

  New research from NASA scientists suggests emissions of black soot alter the way sunlight reflects off snow. According to a computer simulation, black soot may be responsible for 25 percent of observed global warming over the past century.

  Soot in the higher latitudes (纬度) of the Earth, where ice is more common, absorbs more of the sun's energy and warmth than an icy, white background. Dark-colored black carbon, or soot,absorbs sunlight, while lighter colored ice reflects sunlight.

  Soot in areas with snow and ice may play an important role in climate change. Also, if snow and ice covered areas begin melting, the warming effect increases, as the soot becomes more concentrated on the snow surface. "This provides a positive feedback, as glaciers and ice sheets melt, they tend to get even dirtier," said Dr. James Hansen, a researcher at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York.

  Hansen found soot's effect on snow albedo (反照率), which may be contributing to trends toward early springs in the Northern Hemisphere, such as thinning Arctic sea ice and melting glaciers permafi:ost. Soot also is believed to play a role in changes in the atmosphere above the oceans and land.

  "Black carbon reduces the amount of energy reflected by snow back into space, thus heating the snow surface more than if there were no black carbon," Hansen said. Soot's increased absorption of solar energy is especially effective in warming the world's climate. "This forcing is unusually effective, causing twice as much global warming as a carbon-dioxide forcing of the same magnitude," Hansen noted.

  Hansen cautioned, although the role of soot in altering global climate is substantial, it does not alter the fact that greenhouse gases are the primary cause of climate warming during the past century. Such gases are expected to be the largest climate forcing for the rest of the century.

  The researchers found that observed warming in the Northern Hemisphere was large in the winter and spring at middle and high latitudes. These observations were coherent with the researchers' climate model situations, which showed some of the largest warming effects occurred when there were heavy snow cover and sufficient sunlight.

  36. Which of the following statements of soot is NOT true?

  A. It absorbs sun's heat.

  B. It is responsible for climate change.

  C. It reflects sunlight.

  D. It may account for a quarter of global warming over the past century.

  37. Which of the following areas shows a greater warming effect?

  A. Ice sea areas.

  B. Areas with black carbon.

  C. Areas covered with white snow.

  D. Melting glaciers.

  38. "This forcing" in Paragraph 5 refers to __________.

  A. sun's heating on snow surface

  B. soot's increased absorption of solar energy

  C. carbon-dioxide's warming effect

  D. snow's increased reflection of sunlight

  39. What is the main cause of climate warming during the past century?

  A. Soot.

  B. Snow.

  C. Greenhouse gases.

  D. Wind.

  40. The largest warming effects happened in the Northern Hemisphere with __________.

  A. thinning sea ice and insufficient sunlight

  B. light snow cover and sufficient sunlight

  C. heavy snow cover and sufficient sunlight

  D. thick sea ice and insufficient sunlight



  37.B。细节题。题干:下列哪个区域表现出较大的温室效应?利用题干关键词warming effect可以定位到第三段的前两句,可知冰雪地区的煤灰对气候变化可能起着至关重要的作用。而且一旦覆盖大地的冰雪开始融化,煤灰就会更加固着于冰面,从而加剧温室效应,所以可知覆盖了煤灰的雪所产生的温室效应比较大,根据第二段的最后一句可知深黑色的碳就是煤灰,因此该题选B项(覆盖了黑色的碳的地区)。

  38.B。词汇题。题干:第五段中的“This forcing”指的是__________。利用题干关键词“This forcing”可以定位到第五段。代词的含义一般在其前的句子中。前一句提到煤灰对太阳热能的大量吸收是全球气候变暖的重要因素,然后说这种强力是非常有效的,温室作用是同量二氧化碳强度的两倍,这种强力指的是煤灰对太阳热能的吸收,故本题答案为B(煤灰逐渐的吸收太阳热能)。

  39.C。细节题。题干:上个世纪气候变暖的主要原因是什么?利用题干关键词climate warming和the past century可以定位到倒数第二段的第一句,可知Hansen又提醒说尽管煤灰对全球气候变化的作用重大,但这并不能改变一个事实,那就是温室气体是上世纪气候变暖的首要原因,所以该题答案为C(温室气体)。

  40.c。细节题。题干:最大的温室效应发生在北半球__________。利用题干关键词the largest warming effects和Northern Hemisphere可以定位到最后一段,可知研究人员发现北半球观测到的变暖现象大多发生在中高纬地区的冬春两季,这样的观测结果与气象模拟实验相吻合,表明部分大规模的温室效应发生在有厚雪覆盖层和充足的日照的时期。因此,该题答案为选项C(厚雪覆盖层和充足的日照)。










