英语试题 百分网手机站


时间:2020-09-02 17:29:34 英语试题 我要投稿


  一. Listen and number. 听音,给下面的单词排列顺序。 ( 14分 )


  二. Listen and choose.听 句子 ,选择 句中所含的单词 。 ( 10分 )

  ( ) 1. A. clock B. plant C. front

  ( ) 2. A. bike B. beside C. behind

  ( ) 3. A. rainbow B. always C. rain

  ( ) 4. A. Monday B. today C. wait

  ( ) 5. A. day B. way C. paint

  三. Listen and write. 听音,根据听到的音写单词补充句子。 ( 8分 )

  1. _________ is _________. It ’ s a ________day.

  2. There is a _______ ________ the ________.

  3. There is a _______ on the desk.

  4. There is a _______on the wall.

  Writing Part(笔试部分)

  四.Read and choose .读句子, 符合句意的图片 。( 10 分)

  ( )1. The woman is under the tree.

  ( )2. There is a man in front of the car.

  ( )3. The pen is beside the book.

  ( )4. The dog is behind the cat.

  ( )5. There is a book, a clock and a pencil.

  五. English-Chinese Translation.英汉互译。 ( 5 + 10 = 1 5 分 )

  1.Your room is really nice. ______________________

  2.You look cool! ______________________

  3.Let ’ s paint a rainbow. ______________________

  4.My father can draw very well. ______________________

  5.Please hurry! ______________________

  6. 球在哪里? ______________________

  7. 有一张照片。 ______________________

  8. 有好多的.植物。 ______________________

  9. 我喜欢我的房间。 ______________________

  10.让我们玩! ______________________

  六 . Read and choose the words. 选词填空 。( 7分 )

  There is There are

  1. _________ a clock on the wall.

  2. _________ a desk beside my bed.

  3. _________ many books on the shelf.

  4. _________ lots of flowers in my garden.

  a an many

  1. There are ________ photos on the wall.

  2. There is ________ apple on the table.

  3. There is ________ dog under the bed.

  七 . Read and choose.读句子,选择恰当的选项 。( 6分 )

  ( ) 1.There ___ a small bike in my bedroom.

  A. am B. is C. are D. be

  ( ) 2.There ____ some pictures on the wall.

  A. am B. is C. are D. be

  ( ) 3.Tom is behind Jim, Jim is _______Tom.

  A. front B. in front of C. over D. behind

  ( ) 4.This is a picture _____ my room.

  A. on B. in C. of D. to

  ( ) 5.Two photos _____ near the bed.

  A. am B. is C. are D. be

  ( ) 6.We are rabbits. We_____ a new house.

  A. have B. has C. is D. are

  八 . Find the mistake. 读句子, 找出错误并改正出来。 ( 10分 )

  1、I have an new room.


  2、There are a book on the desk.


  3、There is a bike on the bed.


  4、The pens is in the pencil-case.


  5、There is so many pictures here.


  九 . Read and finish . 读短文,完成文后练习 。 ( 3 + 10 = 1 3 分 )

  This is my room. There is a bed, a desk and a chair here. I have a big desk and a big shelf (书架) . There is a lamp on the desk. There are many books on the shelf. There is an end table(床头柜) near the bed. The phone(电话) is on the end table. There is a picture above the bed. The chair is in front of the desk. Where is my dog? It’s under the bed. How cute! I like my room very much. Do you like it?

  (一) Read and choose(根据短文内容,选出正确的图片)

  (二)Read and judge(判读句子正误)

  ( ) 1. There is a bed, a desk and a shelf in my bedroom.

  ( ) 2. There is a lamp on the end table.

  ( ) 3. There is a phone on the desk.

  ( ) 4. There is a cat under the bed.

  ( ) 5. There is a chair behind the desk.

  十 . Writing. 运用本单元所学的内容,写几句话,介绍一下 下图 。 ( 7分 )

  What ’ s in the picture?Can you write something to describe it with “ There is/are ... ”










