英语短语 百分网手机站


时间:2020-11-10 17:41:01 英语短语 我要投稿




  1.More and more high-rise buildings have been built in big cities ______ space. A. in search of B. in place of C. for lack of D. for fear of

  2. In ancient times, people rarely travelled long distances and most farmers only travelled ______ the local market. A. longer than B. more than C. as much as D. as far as

  3.No matter how low you consider yourself, there is always someone ______you wishing they were that high. A. getting rid of B. getting along with C. Looking up to D. looking down upon

  4.We give dogs time, space and love we can spare, and _____, dogs give us their all. A in all B in fact C in short D in return

  5.It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money ______ favors to them. A. in preference to B. in place of C. in agreement with D. in exchange for

  6.I _can _____ the house being untidy, but I hate it if it’s not clean. A. come up with B.put up with C. turn to D.stick to

  7.She ______ an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store. A.turned down B.dealt with C.took after D.came across

  8. In the Shopping Day, _____people rushed into the shops and caused the traffic jam.

  A.thousand of B.tens of thousands of C.million of D.three millions


  1.(2013辽宁卷32)Briggs will _______ as general manager when Mitchell retires. A. get away B. take over C. set off D. run out 2.(2013陕西卷25)My uncle hasn’t been able to quit smoking, but at least h e has_______. A. cut out B. cut down C. cut up D. cut off

  3.(2013天津卷8) I had hoped to take a holiday this year but I wasn’t able to A. get away B. drop in C. check out D. hold on 4.(2013新课标II卷2)Would you like to_____ with us to the film tonight? A. come along B. come off C. come across D. come through 5.(2013新课标I卷30) At the last moment, Tom decided to_____ a new character to make the story seem more likely. A. put up B. put in C. put on D. put off

  6.(2013浙江卷17)Bears ______ fat stores throughout the summer and fall to have energy enoug h to last them through their winter sleep. A. pack up B. build up C. bring up D. take up

        7.(2013安徽卷26) Traditionally, college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselv es before they______on their life journey. A. give up B. settle down C. get through D. set off

        8.(2014湖北30)Check carrots,potatoes,onions and any other vegetables ________ and immediately use or throw away any which show signs of rotting.

  A.in demand B.in store C.on loan D.on sale

  9.(2014江西25)Starting your own business could be a way to achieving financial independence.________,it could just put you in debt.

  A.In other words B.All in all C.As a result D.On the other hand

  10.(2014天津6)________ the school,the village has a clinic,which was also built with government support.

  A.In reply to B.In addition to C.In charge of D.In place of

  11.(2014福建22)Our club is open to everyone ________ age,sex or educational background.

  A.due toB.except for C.along with D.regardless of

  12.(2014浙江18)There’s no reason to be disappointed.________,this could be rather amusing.

  A.Above all B.As a result C.In addition D.As a matter of fact

  13.(2014浙江10)While staying in the village,James unselfishly shared whatever he had with the villagers without asking for anything ________.

  A.in return B.in common C.in turn D.in place

  14.(2014江苏24)Tom always goes jogging in the morning and he usually does push-ups too to stay ________.

  A.in place B.in order C.in shape D.in fashion

  15.(2013湖北30)An artist who was recently traveling on a ferry to the southern island discovered ________a long lost antique Greek vase.

  A.at random B.by chance C.in turn D.on occasion

  16.(2013·陕西24).The manager wants to see changes in the company,and I am sure he will ______.

  A.in particular B.in turn C.in charge D.in time

  17.(2013·福建29)Mrs.Smith finds it hard to clear up the mess,as her children are always _____ whenever she tries to.

  A.in the way B.on watch C.in sight D.on the line

  18.(2013·辽宁25) ______ everyone here,I wish you a pleasant journey back to your country.

  A.By means of B.On behalf of C.In search of D.For fear of

  19.(2013·浙江14)It will be a big help if you go to the store and get what we need for dinner._______,I’ll set the table.

  A.As a result B.On the whole C.In the meanwhile D.As a matter of fact

  20.(2013江苏26)I am always delighted when I receive an e-mail from you. the party on July 1st,I shall be pleased to attend.

  A.On account of B.In response to C.In view of D.With regard to

  21.(2012湖北25) The furniture, with its modern style and bright colors, suits modern houses and their gardens, but looks ____ in the garden of a traditional home.

  A. out of question B. out of order C. out of sight D. out of place

  22.(2012江西34) He seems to be giving the impression that he didn’t enjoy himself in Paris. ____, he had a wonderful time.

  A. Above all B. What’s more C. As a result D. On the contrary


  1. C。短语辨析。A. 寻找 B. 代替; C. 因缺乏 D. 生怕,以免。句子的完整意思应该是:大城市建起越来越多的高楼大厦,因为缺乏空间。故C合题意。

  2. D。本题考查介词词组。句意:在古代,根据动词travel可判断此处应填关于路程的介词词组,本题即为as far as。as far as远到……。

  3. C。本题考查动词短语辨析。句意:你无论认为自己怎样低下,总希望有个高尚的人来尊敬你。getting rid of摆脱;去除; getting along with与……相处;进展;looking up to尊敬;敬仰; looking down upon看不起;轻视。据语境答案选C。

  4. D。句意:我们给予狗时间,空间和能给予的爱;作为回报,狗给予了我们它们的一切。考察in的词组。in all 共计 in fact实际上 in short 简而言之 in return 以作为回报。据句意答案选D。

  5. D。词组辨析。句意:对于公共官员来说是非法的,如果他向人们索要礼物或钱财作为帮助人的交换条件的话。先理解短语的意思. in preference to(优先于);in place of(代替);in agreement with(同意,与……一致);in exchange for(交换)。其实辨析这几个介词短语的难度不大,只需要认识每一个短语中的核心词preference, exchange, place, agreement的意思即可,猜测较为容易。

  6. B。考查短语动词的辨析。句意:房子里东西凌乱我能忍,但是我讨厌脏。come up with想出, 提出;put up with 忍受, 容忍;turn to转向,翻书到,求助于,(使)变成;stick to坚持,紧跟,粘住,忠于;不整洁的;凌乱的。

  7. D。考查词组的辨析。句意:昨天在百货商店购物时,她遇上了她的老朋友。turn down拒绝;deal with对付,处理;take after 长得像,性格类似于,效仿;come across穿过, 越过,偶然遇见。据语境选D。

  8. B。考察表达数量的短语。句意:购物节的那天,成千上万的人涌进商店;引起了交通阻塞。A. thousands of 数以千计的;tens of thousands of 成千上万的;millions of 上百万的;three million三千;只有B是正确搭配。


  B。本题考查动词短语辨析。句意:当米切尔退休时布里格斯将接任总经理职务。A. get away逃跑B. take over接管,接任 C. set o ff引发D. run out用光,耗尽。根据句意,选择B。

  2. B。本题考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我叔叔一直没能够戒烟,但至少他减量了。四个短语的意思分别是“切断,删除”;“削减,砍倒”;“切碎,谴责”;“切掉,删去”;根据句意:虽然没有戒烟,但至少是减量了。应该用cut down。

  3. A。本题考查动词短语辨析。句意:我今年原打算度假的,但是我实在抽不出身来。A get away离开,逃掉,抽身;B drop in顺便拜访;C check out退房结帐,检验,通过考核;D项hold out伸出,拿出,呈现,抵抗。

  4. A。本题考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:今晚想跟我们一起去看电影吗?come along 一起,一道,符合句意,为正确答案;其他三个选项的意思分别是“离开,实现”,“偶然碰到;被理解”,“经历,安然度过”,均与句意不符,排除。

  5. B。本题考查动词短语辨析。句意:在最后一刻,汤姆决定添加一个新角色来使故事显得更加真实。put … up举起……;张贴……;put … in 使……加入;适……进入;put … on 穿上……;上演……;put … off 推迟……。题干中的more likely提示, 汤姆决定“添加”一个角色,故最佳答案是B。

  6. B。考查动词短语辨析。句意:熊在整个夏天到秋天积累脂肪,为了在冬天度过冬眠期。 pack up整理;把…打包,bring up提出;教育;养育;呕出;take up拿起;开始从事;占据(时间,地方),build up逐渐积聚,集结;逐步建立;增进,增强。在本句中build up fat stores表示积累脂肪储存。

  7. D。本题考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:习惯上,大学生举行毕业典礼是为了在他们开始自己的生活旅程之前鼓励自己。A,B,C三个选项的`意思分别是“放弃”,“安下心来,定居”,“通过,做完”,均不符合句意,排除。set off on“开始……”合语境。

  8. B。本题结合介词短语意义辨析考查语境选词。句意:查看一下储存的(in store)胡萝卜、土豆、洋葱和其他所有蔬菜,然后把任何有腐烂迹象的都立即用掉或扔掉。in demand非常需要的,受欢迎的;on loan借出的,借来的;on sale廉价出售的。据句意选B。

  9. D。本题考查介词短语辨析。句意:开始你自己的事业可能是一种获得经济独立的方法。另一方面,它可能将你置于债务之中。由前句中的“是一种获得经济独立的方法”与后句中的“可能将你置于债务之中”可判断此处用表示转折关系的on the other hand(另一方面)。in other words换句话说;all in all总之;as a result结果。

  10. B。本题考查介词短语意义辨析。句意:除了学校,村庄里还有一个诊所,该诊所也是在政府的资助下建起来的。in reply to 作为对……的答复;in addition to 除……之外(还);in charge of 负责,掌管;in place of代替,取代。根据句中的关键词also可知除了学校外(in addition to the school),村庄里还……,所以选择B项。

  11. D。本题考查语境选词。句意:我们的俱乐部对任何人开放,无论什么年龄、性别或教育背景。due to“因为,由于”,后接原因;except for除……之外;along with和……一起;regardless of不管,不顾,不考虑。根据句中的关键词open to everyone可知,俱乐部是对所有人开放,因此是不管/不考虑(regardless of)年龄、性别或教育背景。答案选D。

  12. D。本题结合介词短语意义辨析考查语意逻辑关系。句意:你没有理由失望。事实上,这可能会非常有趣。above all最重要的是;as a result结果;in addition况且,除此之外;as a matter of fact=in fact事实上,实际上。由disappointed 和amusing两词的对比可知,as a matter of fact符合两句之间的逻辑关系。答案选D。

  13. A。本题考查“in+名词”构成的介词短语意义辨析。句意:在村子里待的那段时间,詹姆斯无私地同村民分享他所拥有的一切,而不要任何东西回报。in return作为回报;in common共有,共用;in turn相应地,轮流地,反过来,转而;in place在恰当的位置。由关键信息unselfishly shared和without asking for anything可知,此处表示“不要任何东西作为回报(in return)”。

  14. C。本题结合in+n.构成的介词短语意义辨析考查语境选词。句意:汤姆总是在早晨慢跑,他通常也做俯卧撑来保持________。in place在适当的位置,在正确的位置,适当的,恰当的;in order整齐,秩序井然;in shape健康状况良好;in fashion流行。根据题干中的goes jogging(慢跑)和does push-ups(做俯卧撑)可知,是为了保持健康(stay in shape)。据语境选C。

  15. B。考查短语辨析。句意:最近,一名画家坐轮渡到南岛,意外发现了一个失踪很久的古希腊花瓶。at random随意地;by chance偶然;in turn轮流,依次;on occasion有时,间或。这里表示坐轮渡的时候偶然发现了古董,因此选B项。

  16. D。考查短语辨析。in particular尤其;in turn轮流;in charge负责;而in time 则有“及时;迟早”的意思。从前面的I am sure可知说话者确信经理迟早会看到公司的变化的,所以该题要用in time。题干的意思是:经理希望看到公司的变化,我确信他迟早会看到的。

  17. A。考查介词短语。本题的意思是:史密斯太太发现她很难收拾这一片狼藉,因为每当她试图收拾时,她的孩子们总是妨碍她。首先了解四个选项的汉语意思。in the way表示“挡道,妨碍”;on watch值班,监视;in sight看得见;on the line处于危险中。由题干中的关键信息hard可知此处填in the way“挡道,妨碍”。

  18. B。根据后半句句意:我祝愿你回国的旅途愉快。可知答案,即我代表这里的每个人。by means of用,凭借;on behalf of代表;in search of寻找;for fear of担心。答案选B。

  19. C。考查介词短语辨析。题干的意思是:如果你到商店买来我们晚饭所需要的东西,这就算帮大忙了;在此期间,我将摆好餐桌。as a result结果,因此;on the whole从整体而言;in the meanwhile在此期间,与此同时;as a matter of fact事实上。由题干意思可知正确答案为C项。

  20. D。本题中四个选项均为常见的介词短语。根据句意:当我收到你的电子邮件时,我总是很高兴。关于7月1日的聚会,我将很乐意参加。可知,答案为with regard to。on account of因为,由于;in response to对……作出回应;in view of 考虑到,鉴于;with regard to关于,至于。据语境答案选D。

  21. D。首先了解这四个选项的汉语意思。A项out of question毫无疑问;B项out of order发生故障;C项out of sight看不见;D项out of place不合适的, 不恰当的, 不相称的。题中的关键信息为suits适合和but,由前半句的意思“因其现代的风格和明亮的颜色,这件家具适合现代房子和花园”和后半句的意思:是在传统家庭的花园里看上去就了。可知此处表示“不适合,不恰当”,因此选D。句意:这件家具,式样现代,颜色明亮,适合现代房子和花园,但是在传统家庭的花园里看上去就不适合了。答案选D。

  22. D。 短语辨析。句意:他好像给人一种他在巴黎玩得不愉快的印象。恰恰相反,他玩得非常愉快。above all 最重要的是;what’s more 更重要的是;as a result 结果是;on the contrary恰恰相反。前后两个句子表示的意思相反,因此选择D项。答案选D。









