

时间:2024-01-31 09:45:44 敏铨 英语单词 我要投稿




  贸易英语单词 1

  两份报纸 two copies of newspaper

  一块肥皂 a bar of soap

  一件家具 a piece of furniture

  一把剪刀 a pair of scissors

  丢弃 throw away

  陷入困境 get into trouble

  工业产品 industrial goods

  农产品 agriculture goods

  一辈子一次性的收获 a one-in-a-lifetime acquisition

  没有出路的工作 a dead-end job

  付一大笔钱 pay good money

  过时 be out of fashion

  流行 be in the fashion

  批量生产 mass-production

  降低成本 lower the cost

  在起作用 be at work

  物美价廉的产品 better quality products at good values

  所得税 income tax

  投放市场 put on the market

  小批量 in limited quantities

  大量地 in large quantities

  要求 ask for

  下降 go down

  从商go into business

  努力做某事 strive to do sth

  医疗设备 medical device

  劣质产品 inferior products

  一条面包 a loaf of bread

  温和宽容的 easy- going

  人造丝 artificial silk

  假牙 artificial teeth

  对…有害 be harmful to

  警惕 be on guard

  认为某事当然 take sth for granted

  由…组成 be composed of

  一个中年妇女 a middle-aged women

  一些性格开朗的女孩 an open-minded girl

  一个意志软弱的人 a weak-minded man

  一个意志坚强的'人 a strong-minded soldier

  遭受 suffer from

  由于压力 as a result of stress

  警告信号 warning signals

  交通阻塞 traffic jam

  指出 point out

  逃离 run away from

  自杀 commit suicide

  从事摄影 take up photography

  高度工业化国家 a highly industrialized country

  工业生产 industrial production

  制成品 manufactured goods

  领先 take over the lead

  失去领先地位 lose one’s lead

  赤字 in the red

  就…而言 as far as … is concerned

  易手 change hands

  赚钱 earn money

  金融中心 a financial centre

  贸易中心 a commercial centre

  国际贸易 international trade

  外贸 foreign trade

  商船船队 a merchant fleet

  巨额金钱 vast sums of money

  一大笔钱 a large sum of money

  对付,处理 deal with

  有形贸易 visible trade

  无形贸易 invisible trade

  贸易差额 trade gap

  失血 loss of blood

  高度机械化的工厂 highly mechanized factory

  产品统一条形码 universal product code

  黑白相间的条纹 zebra stripes (or black and white stripes)

  斑马线 zebra crossing

  油炸土豆片 potato chips

  炸薯条 French fries

  黑白电视机 black and white televisions

  墨画 black and white

  身上青一块紫一块 be black and blue

  光学扫描器 an optical scanner

  激光束 laser beam

  目的是 be designed to

  消灭,消除 do away with

  付账后离开 check out

  到达登记 check in

  现金出纳机 cash register

  在左边 on the left side

  收款台 check out counter

  原材料 raw materials

  在手边 at hand

  衣夹 clothes-peg

  晒衣绳 clothes-line

  桌布 a tablecloth

  洗碗布 a dishcloth

  洗碗机 a dishwasher

  原始人 primitive people

  现代人 modern people

  穿着 be dressed in

  从…上刮去 scrape…from

  把…纺成… spin…into…


  贸易英语单词 2

  trade term / price term 价格术语

  world / international market price 国际市场价格

  freight 运费

  wharfage 码头费

  landing charges 卸货费

  customs duty 关税

  port dues 港口税

  import surcharge 进口附加税

  import variable duties 进口差价税

  commission 佣金

  return commission 回佣,回扣

  price including commission 含佣价

  net price 净价

  wholesale price 批发价

  discount / allowance 折扣

  retail price 零售价

  spot price 现货价格

  stocks 存货,库存量

  cash sale 现货

  purchase 购买,进货

  bulk sale 整批销售,趸售

  distribution channels 销售渠道

  wholesale 批发

  retail trade 零售业

  hire-purchase 分期付款购买

  unfair competition 不合理竞争

  dumping 商品倾销

  dumping profit margin 倾销差价,倾销幅度

  antidumping 反倾销

  customs bond 海关担保

  chain debts 三角债


  rade partner 贸易伙伴

  manufacturer 制造商,制造厂

  middleman 中间商,经纪人

  dealer 经销商

  wholesaler 批发商

  retailer, tradesman 零售商

  merchant 商人,批发商,零售商

  concessionaire, licensed dealer 受让人,特许权获得者

  consumer 消费者,用户

  client, customer 顾客,客户

  buyer 买主,买方

  carrier 承运人

  consignee 收货人

  commerce, trade, trading 贸易

  inland trade, home trade, domestic trade 国内贸易

  international trade 国际贸易

  foreign trade, external trade 对外贸易,外贸

  import, importation 进口

  importer 进口商

  贸易英语单词 3

  export, exportation 出口

  exporter 出口商

  import licence 进口许口证

  export licence 出口许口证

  commercial transaction 买卖,交易

  inquiry 询盘

  delivery 交货

  order 订货

  bad account 坏帐

  Bill of Lading 提单

  marine bills of lading 海运提单

  shipping order 托运单

  cargo receipt 承运货物收据

  catalogue 商品目录

  customs liquidation 清关

  customs clearance 结关

  export, exportation 出口

  exporter 出口商

  delivery 交货

  order 订货

  bad account 坏帐

  Bill of Lading 提单

  détente 缓和

  fundamental rights 基本权利


  right of residence 居留权

  territorial sea 领海

  limits of territorial sea 领海范围

  breadth of territorial sea 领海宽度

  territorial air 领空

  territorial waters 领水









英语单词:cater to03-27

