词汇 百分网手机站


时间:2020-10-07 10:33:16 词汇 我要投稿




  be peculiar to... 是…所特有的

  be prone to sth./do sth. 易于…,可能…

  be relevant to 与…有关

  be subordinate to 比…次要,比…低

  be taken/hold captive 活捉,被俘

  be unanimous in 在…方面意见完全一致

  be vulnerable to 易受…攻击,易受…伤害

  behind the scenes 在幕后,不公开的

  buck up (使)振奋,(使)打起精神

  (by) courtesy of 蒙…的`好意(或准许);蒙…提供(或赠送)

  by profession/occupation 作为职业

  by the same token 由于同样原因,同样地

  by virtue of 借助,由于

  clamp down (on) (对…)进行压制(或取缔)

  (can/could) afford sth./to do sth. 花得起(时间、金钱),买得起,负担得起

  clap eyes on 看见

  combat drought 抗旱

  commend itself to... 投…所好,受…欢迎

  commit a blunder 犯大错

  concentrate (...) on... 集中…

  conform to 遵从,遵守

  consolidate...into 把…联为一体,合并

  constrain sb. to do 强迫某人做…

  converge (on) 会合;集中

  convince sb. of sth./that... 使某人相信…

  after a fashion (做得)不很好,马马虎虎

  after glow 余晖

  an assault on sb./sth. 对…的攻击,袭击

  assert oneself 坚持自己(的权利或意见),显示自己的权威

  at full tilt 全速地,全力地

  at random 随便地,任意地

  attribute...to 把…归因于

  a vivid description 栩栩如生的描绘

  be abundant in …丰富,富于…

  be apart from the context 脱离上下文

  be blessed with 赋有…的,在…方面有福

  be blunt with sb. 对某人直言不讳

  be critical of 对…挑剔,对…吹毛求疵

  be destructive of 对…有破坏作用

  be doomed to 注定

  be economical of/with (time) 节约(时间)

  be embedded in 根植于…

  be enthusiastic about 热衷于

  be equivalent to 等价于,相当于

  be identical with/to 和…完全相同

  be indicative of 表示,表明,预示

  be indifferent to 对…漠不关心

  be instrumental in doing sth. 在做某事中起到关键作用

  be intent on 专注于…

  be on circuit 在巡回当中

  abide by 遵从,遵守

  conform to 遵从,遵守

  immerse oneself in 专心从事于,全神贯注于

  be immersed in 专心从事于,全神贯注于

  be persistent in 坚持

  persist in 坚持

  collide with 与…相撞

  crash into 与…相撞

  life expectancy 预期寿命,平均寿命

  expectation of life 预期寿命,平均寿命

  revenge oneself on sb. 向某人报仇

  take revenge on sb. 向某人报仇

  on display 在展览中

  on exhibition 在展览中

  go on/for an excursion to 到…旅行

  make/take an excursion to 到…旅行

  a flaw in a cup 茶杯的瑕疵

  a flaw in one’s character 性格的缺陷

  a drastic remedy 烈性的药物

  a lofty manner 傲慢的态度

  a multitude/multitudes of 许多,大量

  accommodate oneself to... 适应,顺应

  accustom oneself to... 使自己习惯于…

  advance/rear guard 前/后卫

  advantage/superiority/priority over... 优越,凌驾于…

  reach a plateau (发展)进入停滞期;(物价)进入平稳状态

  make a plea for 恳求…

  on the plea of 以…为借口

  plead against 反驳;劝人不要…

  plead with 向…恳求

  poke about/around 搜索,探问

  poke fun at 拿…开玩笑,取笑

  poke one’s nose into 探问,干预

  at a premium 以高价;奇缺

  put/place a (high) premium on 高度评价,重视

  be reckless of expenditure 乱花钱