词汇 百文网手机站


时间:2023-02-22 17:49:58 方宇 词汇 我要投稿
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  41. My brother has decided to become a policeman,____what may.

  A. came B. come C. coming D. having come

  42. My friend and adviser____ to lend me his money.

  A. have agreed B. has agreed C. agreed

  D. are agreed

  43. A series of robberies ____recently.

  A. has been reported B. has reported

  C. have been reported D. have reported

  44. “Which coat did your husband buy”

  “The black one, but I____ the green one.”

  A. would rather have bought B. would rather buy

  C. would have rather bought D. rather had bought

  45. I was to have a trip abroad if____.

  A. I had not been fired

  B. I was not fired

  C. my boss won’t have fired me

  D. I were not fired

  46. Not until three years ago____ to work outside.

  A. he began B. he begins C. began he D. did he begin

  47.____ that it was going to rain, he took a raincoat with him

  A. Seeing B. Saw C. Seen D. To see

  48. If you____hard, you____in the exam.

  A. worked/ wouldn’t have failed

  B. had worked/ wouldn’t fail

  C. had worked/ wouldn’t have failed

  D. worked/ wouldn’t fail

  49. When we drove to the country, we saw many ____.

  A. herds of cattles B. herds of cattle

  C. herd of cattle D. herd of cattles

  50. Don’t go there this afternoon, I’d rather you____ tomorrow.

  A. went B. go C. will go D. would go

  51. They saw a new movie at the theatre,____they had dinner at

  a Chinese restaurant.

  A. then which B. which after C. after which D. after that

  52. In my country, the____ are all distributed free.

  A. letters box B. letters boxes C. letter’s box

  D. letter boxes

  53. I wish to go home with you,____

  A. may I B. shall I C. would I

  D. can I

  54. Our country is trying to____ the serious problems created by

  the environment pollution.

  A. comply with B. cope with

  C. cope to D. comply to

  55. The thieves____the possibility of the alarm system sounding

  A. overtook B. overcame C. overlooked

  D. overworked

  56. Although the main characters in the fiction are so true to life, they

  are certainly____.

  A. imagining B. imaginative C. imaginable D. imaginary

  57. She stumbled and____ the coffee.

  A. spoiled B. spilled C. poured D. splashed

  58. A sheet of metal was shaken to____the sound of thunder.

  A. stimulate B. simulate C. reproduce D. duplicate

  59. In today’s newspaper, it____ that there will be a new electi

  on tomorrow.A. tells B. states C. writes D. records

  60. When he bent down to tie his shoelace, the belt of his trousers____.

  A. ruined B. cracked C. broke D. split

  61. He was totally not aware when the thief____his wallet fro

  m him.A. tricked B. stole C. robbed D. deceived

  62. To ____these two ideas is impossible, they are too diff

  erent.A. match B. bond C. reconcile D. compromise

  63. “How much money do you need”

  “Well, $200 will see me____.”

  A. through B. out C. off D. away

  64. I will be glad to get acquainted____the girl you introduced

  .A. on B. with C. to D. by

  65.Watch out, the boss is disgusted____your behavior!

  A. to B. at C. for D. with


  41. 答案 B

  【参考译文】 不论发生什么事,我弟弟都决心成为一名警察。

  【试题分析】 本题是固定用法结构题。

  【详细解答】 come what may相当于whatever may happen,意为“不论发生什么情况”,是一固定用法。其中come是用动词原形,may有时也可用will替换。在这一用法中,主谓必须倒装。

  42. 答案 B

  【参考译文】 我的朋友兼顾问同意借给我钱。

  【试题分析】 本题是主语人称类结构题。

  【详细解答】 此句中friend和adviser是同一个人,这一点可从his上判断出。这种结构是并列主语,指同一事,同一概念或同一种东西时,谓语用单数。

  43. 答案 A

  【参考译文】 最近报道了一系列抢劫案。

  【试题分析】 本题是主语人称类结构题。

  【详细解答】 首先应排除主动语态的选项。其次,当a series of,a species of,a portion

  of,a kind/type of等加上名词时,谓语动词一般用单数,即谓语动词的单复数取决于speci


  44. 答案 A

  【参考译文】 “你丈夫买了哪件上衣”“黑色的那件,但我宁愿买绿色的。”

  【试题分析】 本题考查虚拟语气。

  【详细解答】 “买”这个动作已经发生,would rather之后是对过去事实相反的假设,其结构为would rather have+过去分词。

  45. 答案 A

  【参考译文】 如果不是被开除了,我原打算出国一游。

  【试题分析】 本题考查虚拟语气。

  【详细解答】 首先排除主动语态选项。其次,was to表示过去准备做某事,因此这是

  对过去事实的假设,需用had not been fired。

  46. 答案 D

  【参考译文】 直到三年前他才开始外出工作。

  【试题分析】 本题是语序结构题。

  【详细解答】 not放在句首,否定until状语从句,此时主句要求倒装语序。应将助动词


  47. 答案 A

  【参考译文】 看到即将下雨,他带上了雨衣。

  【试题分析】 本题是分词作状语结构题。

  【详细解答】 分词作状语可表示时间、原因、方式或伴随情况等。现在分词作状语时,句中主语是该分词行为的逻辑主语;过去分词作状语时,句中主语是该分词行为的逻辑宾语。本句中he是发出“看”这个动作的主语,因此应用现在分词。

  48. 答案 C

  【参考译文】 如果你当时努力学习,你就不会通不过考试。

  【试题分析】 本题是虚拟语气结构题。

  【详细解答】 这是对过去行为的虚拟,结构是If+主语+过去完成时……,主语+would have


  49. 答案 B

  【参考译文】 当我们驱车野外,我们看见了许多牛群。

  【试题分析】 本题考查名词的单复数。

  【详细解答】 首先考虑到herd可数,因此排除C、D两项;其次,cattle作复数时仍为cattle,不能加s。

  50. 答案 A

  【参考译文】 今天下午别去那儿了,我宁愿你明天再去。

  【试题分析】 本题考查虚拟语气。

  【详细解答】 当主句中的谓语是would rather,would as soon,would just as soon时,其后的宾语从句的谓语应该用虚拟语气,表示现在或将来要做的事,须用一般过去时。

  51. 答案 C

  【参考译文】 他们先去剧院看了一场新电影,其后在中国餐馆进餐。

  【试题分析】 本题考查介词与引导词的关系。

  【详细解答】 介词after应置于引导词之前,A、B两项首先要排除。其次,that是一个空集合概念词,相当于“零”,只是句子成分,不能放在介词之后。因此只有C项可选。

  52. 答案 D

  【参考译文】 在我们国家,邮箱是免费赠送的。

  【试题分析】 本词考查名词单复数情况。

  【详细解答】 在此处letter box是两个名词叠加,中心词为box,类似用法如history teacher等,letter相当于形容词的作用,不用复数;由于系动词用are,因此box应用复数。

  53. 答案 A

  【参考译文】 我想和你一起回家,行吗

  【试题分析】 本题考查反意问句用法。

  【详细解答】 此处反意问句应用表示“能不能够”的情态动词,B、C两项无此意,可排


  54. 答案 B

  【参考译文】 我们国家正试图处理由环境污染造成的严重问题。

  【试题分析】 本题是固定词组词义辨析题。

  【详细解答】 cope with意为处理,应付;而comply with意为遵守;cope to无此词组;comply to无此词组。

  55. 答案 C

  【参考译文】 窃贼们忽视了警报系统响铃的可能性。

  【试题分析】 本题是形近词词义辨析题。

  【详细解答】 overlook意为忽视;overtake意为追上,超过;overcome意为战胜,克服;overwork意为劳累过度。

  56. 答案 D

  【参考译文】 尽管小说中的主要角色非常贴近生活,但他们确实是虚构出来的.。

  【试题分析】 本题是难词及形近词辨析题。

  【详细解答】 imaginary表示想象出来的,虚构的;而imaginable表示可以想象出的,常与最高级形容词或all,every,only等连用;imaginative表示富于想象力的;imagining是动名词。

  57. 答案 B

  【参考译文】 她绊了一下,咖啡泼了出去。

  【试题分析】 本题是形近词词义辨析题。

  【详细解答】 spill意为溅出,泼出;spoil意为损坏,糟蹋;pour意为倒灌,注入;splash


  58. 答案 B

  【参考译文】 摇动一张金属板以假充打雷的声音。

  【试题分析】 本题是难词及近义词词义辨析题。

  【详细解答】 simulate意为假充,冒充;stimulate则意为刺激,激发;reproduce意为再生产;duplicate意为复制。从句意上看,金属板摇动的声音是去模仿(假充)雷声。

  59. 答案 B

  【参考译文】 今天报纸上登载了明天要举行新的选举的消息。

  【试题分析】 本题是固定用法搭配题。

  【详细解答】 state意为登载,报道。报纸登载不能用tell(告诉),write(写出)或record(记录)。

  60. 答案 D

  【参考译文】 当他弯腰去系鞋带时,他的裤带裂开了。

  【试题分析】 本题是近义词辨析题。

  【详细解答】 split意为裂开,劈开;ruin意为摧毁;crack意为打裂;break意为打破。本句中裤带应是裂开,因此选项D符合句意。

  61. 答案 B

  【参考译文】 当小偷偷了他钱包时,他完全没有察觉。

  【试题分析】 本题是固定词组搭配题。

  【详细解答】 steal sth. from sb.符合句子搭配,其它三个词的搭配是:trick sb. out of sth骗去某人的东西;rob sb. of sth抢劫某人的东西;deceive sb. into doing sth.骗


  62. 答案 C

  【参考译文】 调和这两种观点是不可能的,它们大不相同。

  【试题分析】 本题是近义词词义辨析题。

  【详细解答】 reconcile意为调解,使和解;match意为使相配,使相称;bond意为结合,(作此用法时为不及物动词);compromise意为妥协,让步(作此用法时为不及物动词)。

  63. 答案 A

  【参考译文】 “你需要多少钱”“嗯,200美元可使我渡过难关。”

  【试题分析】 本题是固定词组搭配题。

  【详细解答】 see through意为使某人能渡过困难。其余搭配均不符题意。

  64. 答案 B

  【参考译文】 我很高兴能与你介绍的那位女孩相识。

  【试题分析】 本题是固定词组搭配题。

  【详细解答】 get acquainted with意为开始认识某人,开始了解某事,固定词组。其余三选项都无此用法。

  65. 答案 D

  【参考译文】 小心点,老板讨厌你的行为。

  【试题分析】 本题是固定搭配用法题。

  【详细解答】 be disgusted with对……厌恶,固定搭配。其余选项均不能构成此用法。


  1.____native to North America, corn has now spread all over the world.

  A. In spite of B. That it is C. It was D. Although

  2. Our civilization cannot be thought of as____in a short period of time.

  A. to have been created B. to be created C. having been created D. being created

  3. We feel it is high time that the Government ____something to check the inflation.

  A. did B. do C.should do D. would do

  4. It has been proposed that we____our decision until the next meeting.

  A.delayed B.delay C. can delay D. are to delay

  5. Hurricanes are severe cyclones with winds over seventy?five miles an

  hour ____originate over tropical ocean waters.

  A. which B. who C. where D.how to

  6.____is announced in the papers, our country has launched a large?scale movement against smuggling and fraudulent activities in foreign currency exchange deals.

  A. What B. As C. Which D. That

  7. All the flights____because of the snowstorm, we had to take the train instead.

  A.were canceled B. had been canceled C. having canceled D. having been canceled

  8. Once ____, this power station will supply all the neighboring towns and villages with electricity.

  A. it being completed B. it completed C. completed D. it completes

  9. He might have been killed ____the timely arrival of the ambulance.

  A. but for B. except for C. besides D. except

  10. If you have never planted anything, you won’t be able to know the pleasure of watching the thing you have planted ____.

  A.grow B. to grow C. growing D. to be growing

  11.He did me a ____turn by lending me ten pounds.

  A. good B. nice C. fine D. pretty

  12. Once our chickens started laying eggs, we had such a ____of eggs that we were giving many away to our neighbors.

  A. output B. surplus C. production D. plenty

  13. Following are comments about the behavior that people in Korea usually expect in various social ____.

  A. occasions B. cases C.situations D. circumstances

  14. They have considered their high standard of living a(n)____for practising their basic beliefs.

  A. award B. reward C. result D. consequence

  15. Mac’s close____to his brother made people mistake them for one another.

  A. resemblance B. identity C. appearance D. relationship

  16. The thieves____the waste paper all over the room while they were searching for the diamond ring.

  A. spread B. scratched C.scattered D. burned

  17. The sight of the fruit salad made our daughter Kit’s mouth ____.

  A. wet B. water C. soak D. taste

  18. The____problem of bring a space?ship back from the moon has been solved.

  A. technical B. technological C. technique D. technology

  19. A large part of a person’s memory is____words and combination of words.

  A.by means of B. in terms of C. in connection with D. by way of

  20. At her word she stood up and walked away, stopping at the window to pull back the curtain and ____.

  A.look round B. look out C. look up D. look on


  1.D) 【句意】玉米虽原产于北美洲,但现在已遍及全世界。

  【难点】四个选项中,B)和C)不合理。A)项的in spite of 是复合介词,后接名词。D)项的although是连词,后接从句,在本句中接的是一个省略主语的从句。

  2. C) 【句意】不应把我们的文明看作是短期内创造出来的。

  【难点】as 在这里是介词,后面应接名词性质的词,create的动作是过去发生的,所以选C)。

  3. A) 【句意】我们认为该到政府采取措施抑制通货膨胀的时候了。

  【难点】it is high time that后面接虚拟语气,时态用一般过去时,意为“该到…时候了”。

  4. B) 【句意】有人建议我们应将我们的决定推迟到下次会议作出。

  【难点】在suggest, propose, demand ,insist 等动词后面的宾语从句中,应使用(should)+动词原形的虚拟语气。

  5. A) 【句意】飓风是生成于热带海洋水域上空、风速达每小时75英里以上的强烈气旋。


  6. B)【句意】正如报界所宣传的那样,我国已发起大规模反和反欺诈性外币交易的运动。

  【难点】as在这里是一个代词,常用在类似as is well known这样的句子中,意为“这一点”。

  7. D) 【句意】所有航班因暴风雪都被取消,我们不得不改乘火车。


  8. C) 【句意】这座电站一建成竣工,就将向周围城乡供电。

  【难点】once在这里是连词,意为“一旦…就…”,后面省略了it is。[ZK)]

  9. A) 【句意】要不是救护车及时到达,他可能就没命了。

  【难点】but for 意为“要不是”,它的典型使用就是在虚拟语气的句子中,所以正合题意。

  10. A)【句意】如果你从未种植过任何东西,你就不会明白观察你种植的东西生长所带来的快乐。

  【难点】watch 后接不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。

  11.A) 【句意】他借给我十英磅,算是给我做了件好事。

  【难点】当turn为“行为,举止”时,常与good,bad,ill,evil连用。do sb. a good turn意为“做利于某人的事”。

  12. B) 【句意】我们的鸡开始下蛋后,我们便把剩余的鸡蛋送给邻居。

  【难点】surplus 意为“过剩,剩余”;output 意为“产量”;production意为“生产”;plenty意为“丰富,大量”。

  13. A) 【句意】下列是有关韩国人在不同的社交场合可能有的行为的评论。

  【难点】occasion意为“场合,节庆活动”;case 意为“事实;情况”;situation意为“情况;处理”;circumstance意为“环境;形势”。

  14. B) 【句意】他们认为自己的高生活水准是对实施基本信仰的一种报偿。

  【难点】reward意为“报答;奖赏”;award意为“奖;奖品”;result 意为“结果”;consequence意为“后果”。

  15. A) 【句意】麦克和弟弟长得十分相像,人们常常把他们俩认错。

  【难点】这四个名词中resemblance后面可接介词to,表示“与相似”。relationship后面接to 时意为“和…的关系”。

  16. C) 【句意】小偷找钻戒的`时候,把废纸撒落得满屋都是。


  17. B) 【句意】我女儿凯蒂一看见水果色拉就流口水。

  【难点】 wet 意为“湿的”;water意为“流口水”;soak意为“浸湿”;taste意为“品尝”。

  18. A) 【句意】使宇宙飞船从月球上返航的技术问题已被technical意为“技术的,技能的”;technological 意为“技术学的,工艺学的”;technique意为“技术,技能”,是名词;technology意为“技术(学),工艺(学)”,也是名词。

  19. B) 【句意】一个人的大部分记忆是用词和词的组合进行的。

  【难点】in terms of 意为“用…的话,以…措辞”;by means of意为“借着”;inconnection with 意为“与…相关联,关于”;by way of “经过…,经由…”。

  20. B) 【句意】听了她的话,她站起身,走开了,然后停在窗前,拉开窗帘,向外眺望。

  【难点】look out意为“向外看”;look around意为“环顾”;look up意为“抬头望,查检”;look on意为“旁观”。









