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时间:2021-03-16 19:33:06 试题 我要投稿
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  Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life.以下是小编为大家搜索整理的2017下半年四级英语考试翻译训练题及答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!


  part 1


  新中国成立后,中国政府一直致力于提高女性的社会地位。经过多年的努力女性群体在社会各个领域产生了不可忽视 的力量。近年来,越来越多的女性在政府部门任职,参与的国家政务活动也明显增多。据最近的一份调查数据显示,大约每3位企业中高层管理者中就有1位是女 性。此外,女性在家庭决策中也扮演着越来越重要的角色。


  1.翻译第2句“……女性群体在社会 各个领域产生了不可忽视的力量”时,先译出主干(females have the power),再插入其他成分。“不可忽视的”处理为后置定语,既可用定语从句that cannot be ignored,也可用不定式短语not to be ignored来表达。状语“在社会各个领域”译作in every/each field of society,置于句末。

  2. 第3句中的“越来越多的女性……任职,参与的......活动也明显增多”可用并列结构译出a growing number of females take office... and participate in...。但不如把后半句“参与的......”处理成前半句的结果状语,用现在分词短语participating in...来表达,使译文更具有逻辑性。

  3.第4句中的“最近的一份调查数据显示”可表达为according to statistics from a recent survey,也可表达为 statistics form a recent survey showed that...。“每3位”可表达为 one in three,也可表达为 one out of three,还可延伸译作one third of。

  4.最后一句中的.“越来越重要的”有多种译法:more and more important; increasingly important; growingly important,状语“在家庭决策中”表达为 in the family decision-making,置于句末。


  After the founding of New China, the Chinese government has been devoted to improving the social status of females. After years of efforts, females have the power not to be ignored in every field of society. In recent years, a growing number of females take office in government departments, participating in more state affairs. According to statistics from a recent survey, about one in three of mid to high-level enterprise managers are female. In addition, females are also playing an increasingly important role in the family decision-making.

  part 2


  黄河(the Yellow River)是中华民族的摇篮。她孕育了一代又一代的中国人,但她的洪水也给人们带来了灾难。勤劳的中国人民世代都在努力治理黄河水。大禹是4000多年前中国著名的治水家。大禹继承了他父亲曾经治水的经验,经过大 量的调查和研究,发现了引发洪水的原因。大禹工作很努力。他致力于治水13年。作这段时间里,他没有回过家,甚至三过家门而不入。


  The Yellow River is the cradle of the Chinese nation.She has fostered generations of Chinese but she has also brought troubles with her floods. The diligent Chinese people have been struggling to control the water of the river for generations.Da Yu was a famous expert on water regulation in China more than 4,000 years ago.Da Yu inherited the experience from his father,who once controlled the floods,and after plenty of investigations and researches,he found the cause of the floods.Da Yu worked very hard.He had been working on controlling the floods for 13 years constantly.During this period he did not go back his home,even stopping by without going into his house for 3 times.