
blow hot and cold怎么样翻译的

时间:2021-06-08 14:29:09 翻译 我要投稿

blow hot and cold怎么样翻译的

  英文blow hot and cold具有多种用法的,我们要知道每一种用法的翻译形式。下面就让小编给大家分享英语blow hot and cold实际的中文翻译形式吧,希望能对你有帮助!

  blow hot and cold的翻译

  英 [bləu hɔt ænd kəuld] 美 [blo hɑt ənd kold]

  blow hot and cold 基本解释

  覆雨翻云; 三心二意,出尔反尔

  blow hot and cold 相关例句


  1. My girlfriend blew hot and cold about going to the cinema.


  blow hot and cold的'网络解释

  1. 摇摆不定:You are heading into a blind alley.你正在钻牛角尖. | blow hot and cold 摇摆不定 | This guy seemed to have no own idea.He always blew hot and cold.这家伙好象没什么主张,总是摇摆不定.

  2. 喜怒无常:blood in one's eye 极度愤怒 | blow hot and cold 喜怒无常 | Blow it! 他**!

  3. (摇摆不定,反复无常):-a near thing(死里逃生) | -blow hot and cold(摇摆不定,反复无常) | -bombshell(令人大为震惊的意外事件)

  4. 忽冷忽热;动摇不定:. Blot on the landscape 杀风景 | blow hot and cold 忽冷忽热;动摇不定 | blow one's own trumpet 自吹自擂。

  blow hot and cold的双语例句

  1. In our many dealings with the police, we have found that they can blow hot and cold.


  2. I always blow hot and cold about doing something, i cannot decide what i should do.


  3. Sometimes it takes me a long time to make up my mind about something but I don't often blow hot and cold.


  4. A:Are you sure? You always blow hot and cold.


  5. It is terrible that the policymaker will blow hot and cold about everything.


  6. How can I make a calculation if you blow hot and cold?


  7. He tends to blow hot and cold.


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