get into trouble怎么用汉语翻译

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get into trouble怎么用汉语翻译

  翻译是在准确(信)、通顺(达)、优美(雅)的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为。翻译是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成相对熟悉的表达方式的过程。下面是小编为大家整理的get into trouble怎么用汉语翻译,欢迎阅读与收藏。

  get into trouble的汉语翻译

  英 [ɡet ntu trbl] 美 [ɡt ntu trbl]

  get into trouble 基本解释

  闯祸; (给…)找麻烦, (使)陷入困境,被警察传讯; 捅娄子; 出乱子

  get into trouble的单语例句

  1. If we let this attitude carry on fermenting, we will soon get into deep trouble.

  2. In a time of fast change and the fast rise and fall of companies, growing without adjusting to changing realities would easily get a company into trouble.

  3. Others said the doctors simply did not want to get into trouble.

  4. Thats why businesses that seem to be doing well suddenly get into trouble.

  5. The guide told us is was compulsory for them to take us there and she would get into trouble if the bus didnt stop there.

  6. It provides both financial and legal aid to those who get into trouble helping the elderly.

  7. Identifying these genes could make it possible to intervene with treatments before children get into trouble.

  8. You have to stay here for at least another half hour or Ill get into trouble.

  9. They get into trouble with a policeman before escaping with broomsticks, drumsticks and a little bit of magic.

  10. Your passions could get you into trouble, but trust your instincts to guide you.

  get into trouble的双语例句

  1. The trouble with commuting to a nine - to - five job is that it is all too easy get into a rut.


  2. If you dont work harder, you will get into trouble.


  3. I used to fall asleep when I was on sentry duty. I knew someone would cover for me and we always helped each other so nobody would get into trouble.


  4. Young mule, I dont want to see you get into trouble too.


  5. What kind of ink will need to use the ink pre-existing dryer to dry these are pretty standard issue, if these are questions that you―not augument, that are likely to get into more trouble.


  get into trouble的汉语翻译



  get in trouble惹上麻烦

  get into troublev.招致不幸,陷入困境,被捕

  get a girl into trouble使女子怀孕

  get sb into trouble使某人陷入困境

  get out of trouble摆脱困境,免受责罚,免除烦恼

  get sb out of trouble使某人摆脱困境

  get sb. into troublev.使某人陷入困境

  get into deep trouble on深陷于......中

  get sb.into trouble使某人陷入困境 Are you intending to get us into trouble? 你是想让我们陷入困境吗?

  get sb. out of troublev. 使某人摆脱困境


  troublen.[C] 1. 烦恼,苦恼;忧虑 2. 困难;不幸;灾难 3. 麻烦;打扰 4. 工夫,力气 5. (troubles)(社会等方面的)纷争,动乱,骚乱 6. 引起烦恼(或忧虑、困难等

  getv.[T] 1.获得;收获(庄稼) 2.赢得,挣得 3.取得(同意等) 4.收到,接到 5.购买;预订;弄到 6.(去)拿来 7.捕获 8.(赶)上(车等) 9.与…取得联系;去开

  trouble proof安全的,不发生故障的

  trouble shooter发现缺点的人

  trouble locating故障检索

  trouble saving【计】 故障预防 【化】 预防故障的; 预防事故的

  trouble makern. 麻烦制造者,捣乱分子

  trouble shootn. 解决

  trouble freeadj. 没问题的

  skywave trouble天波干扰

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