
时间:2024-02-14 11:50:42 关于英语的作文 我要投稿
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英语作文600字 篇1

  My father is a handsome man .He is tall and medium build.He has short black hair and big eyes. 我的父亲是一个英俊的男人。他很高,中等身材。他有黑色的短头发和大眼睛。

  My father works in a hospital.He is a doctor.He wears a uniform in the hospital.He drives his car go to work.He is a good doctor.He loves his job.He works hard.


  My father likes sports.He gets up at 6:00 clock every morning.


  Then he runs go out.In the afternoon,he plays basketball.Sometimes he plays chess with my brother.


  My father thinks healthy food is good for our health.So we eat apples every day.We don't eat French fries.We often eat vegetables,fruits and fish.


  My father is also a humored man.I love my father very much.


英语作文600字 篇2

  The Double Seventh Festival has been called ChineseValentine's Day since the late 1990s. The festival canbe traced back to the Han Dynasty. It was then aspecial day not only for lovers, but also for girls.Girls would hold a ceremony to beg Zhinv forwisdom, skills and a satisfying marriage. So it is also called “the Begging for Skills Festival”.Today some traditional customs have been weakened. Now the festival is celebrated as aromantic valentine's day, particularly among young people.

  自上世纪90年代后期起,七夕节(the Double SeventhFestival )开始被称为“中国的情人节”。这个节日可以追溯到汉朝,当时对恋人、女孩都是个特殊的.日子。 这天,女孩会举行仪式,向织女(Zhinv)乞求智慧、技艺和美满婚姻,所以七夕节还被称为“乞巧节(the Begging for SkillsFestival)”。如今,一些传统习俗已经弱化。人们现在把七夕节当作浪漫的情人节来庆祝,尤其是在年轻人中间。

英语作文600字 篇3

  There are a great number of subjects in school. Different subjects teach students different knowledge. They’re both very useful. However, different students like different subjects.

  As for girls, most girls like art Chinese. Maybe girls think these subjects are very interesting very easy. But most girls usually hate some subjects like math, chemistry or physics.

  Girls have a really hard time with these subjects they found out the worst report was from these subjects’ teachers.

  And what about boys? Of course, most boys’ heart are in math, chemistry physics. So boys always get good grades in these subjects.

  But most boys dislike Chinese or art. Perhaps they think Chinese art are really boring.

  Boys girls both like English. So English is the most popular subject in 20xx.

  At last, what’s your favorite subject? You could write a letter to tell us.

英语作文600字 篇4

  The Duanwu Festival, which is also called the Dragon Boat Festival, is an ancient Chinese traditional festival, celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.

  For thousands of years, various celebrating activities are held all around the country. Eating zongzi and racing dragon boats are the most pertinent ones, which are said to be in memory of Qu Yuan, a great poet. In some places, people spread realgar wine on the children in the hope of protecting them from the evil spirits. Many people consider May as an especially dangerous time for diseases in a year, and therefore they hang moxa and calamus and things like that around the doors to ward off evil and diseases and pray for good luck.


英语作文600字 篇5

  Memory is important for everyone in all ages. How to improve it? It is a complex question.

  I have several suggestions. Firstly, have enough rest. Enough sleep can make sure brain works normally, because when people sleep, their brain and other organs also can rest.

  Enough rest can provide enough energy. Secondly, keep always thinking.

  Do not get used to the current situation. Keeping thinking when meets things can exercise brain. Thirdly, eat some healthy food that is good for memory, such as, radish, cabbage and spinach. I think these are helpful to improve memory.


英语作文600字 篇6

  今年,我成功的当上了英语课代表。就在那以后 ,我开始收发英语本。这可不是一项轻松的任务。每天我需要非常早的来到学校,挨家挨户地收取作业本。有的同学非常认真,交作业本很积极,但是有些同学就很不配合,总是拖拖拉拉,不是忘带,就是漏做作业。很多时候,我只好把其中写得好的作业本交给那些乱写作业的同学重抄,对于忘记带作业的同学,我还要给他们准备白纸补做。可怜我的.一本英语作业本,才买几天就撕得只剩下几页纸了。





英语作文600字 篇7

  My hometown is located at the outside of the city. I was born and grew up there. It was a little village with natural scenery of green mountains, a beautiful river and lovely village houses. In the summer, I liked to go to picnic under the mountain and swim in the river. But now my hometown has changes. The mountains were blown down to build the factories, and the river was polluted by the waste water from those factories. There are no more green mountains but the smoking factories. The water of the river turns black and stinks, I can never swim in it again. And the village houses are gone too, the ugly storied houses with walls are instead. They said it is the way urbanizing is. I don’t like the changes of my hometown, it is a polluted hometown.

英语作文600字 篇8

  Everyone has to grow up from a very young age. During this time, you need someone to guide you in the right direction. Parents, teachers, friends...

  My parents, teachers and friends have been important to me in my growth. When I didn't do well on the exam, my parents would patiently explain it until I understood it. And the teacher will encourage me not to lose heart, try again next time. When I am in trouble, my friends will come and help us. In this way, I grew up with the help of my parents, teachers, and encouragement. Now that I have entered junior high school, I think I am a big kid and should solve things myself.

  In fact, in my growing up, there are so many people who have pointed me in the right direction. Now, I can only study hard and repay them later.

英语作文600字 篇9

  my friend lives in a small house with his parents. after school, i will pass his house, because we live in the same alley. one day, my friend invited me to his house and had a nice look at his house and rooms inside.

  it is a three story house, with a living room and a kitchen on the first floor. the second floor has two bedrooms, where the third floor possesses a guest room and a storage room. in his living room, there is a small fish pot, a piano, a tv set, and some sofas. my friend is good at playing piano and he plays almost every day. he let me try on the piano, but all i can do is playing simple tones. after i visited his house, i always dream about having a piano of my own.

  i often go to my friend’s house. the place is warm and his family are very kind. i think his house is one of the coziest places in the world. i hope one day i will have a house just like his.

英语作文600字 篇10

  Many years ago, I saw an interesting movie. It pictured the future life that people could fly in the sky by cars. Of course, I don’t think it will happen in the coming time. The change in cars is about the energy. It is said that the cars will use both electricity and gasoline, which can reduce pollution. I think it is a great change for cars. More and more people have cars now and the gas they release brings heavy pollution to the air, which damages our health. The cars can use electricity in the long trip. When it runs out of it, then gasoline can be a substitute.









关于夏天的英语作文 Summer英语作文03-24


