
时间:2023-05-26 18:01:35 关于我的作文 我要投稿




我的家乡英语作文 篇1

  I am a child born in the northeast, my hometown in Northeast, there is a special one, although it is not on board in good taste, but is very important in our northeast people's heart, it is -- and.

  Each place has a local characteristic, for example, Henan opera, Shandong opera, Shanghai opera, Beijing opera. In my hometown northeast also has the characteristic drama - - song and dance duet. Song and dance duet is a kind of folk art. It has been developed for more than 200 years. It has become a traditional drama. It has no definite requirement for the place and the characters. In the field, on the edge of the field, as long as there is a vacant lot, two people can perform. Two is a soil fragrant earthy flower of art, my hometown is in the northeast of local characteristics, by our northeast people. He was also called "small Yangko", "jumping opera"". Is evolved from the Northeast yangko.

  The song and dance duet is the life of our older grandparents, and they like singing and dancing with each other, listening to them, and almost become their habits. When someone has a wedding or a holiday, he will be invited to sing a few paragraphs, which seem to be inevitable in our eyes. Everyone will have several records of the duet, they are not only like to listen to, but listen to love, this kind of love is nothing can compare.

  People compare the song and dance duet to the innocent, lovely, lively and wild girl, but he is still a thorn of rose.

  Some of the actors and actresses amused the audience by saying something uncivilized, which made everyone happy, but on the other hand it hurt people's hearts. This is why only at the grassroots level Errenzhuan performance reasons but could not board in good taste. Sometimes, I think, why our ancestors handed down for generations of art will become so? Can't we just make it a green dance duet? This deserves serious thought!

  In my opinion, we should let the slowly change the taste of the song and dance duet, back into its original appearance, can not let our ancestors born dry, we should continue with the real northeast Errenzhuan, let us get popular folk art! I believe that this flower art has never withered flower life and growth in nature!

  No wonder the northeast people "prefer to give up a meal, do not give up the song and dance duet" favorite song and dance duet! Let's pass it on from generation to generation!

我的家乡英语作文 篇2

  My hometown is a beautiful scenery, where flowers bloom. Double cease day I back home with my father and mother, look at the change of the home.

  Under the blue sky, hazy mountains looming. Mountain lakes spring-fed flashing light, the lake as though weeping willows in sucking the cool water.

  Reflected green trees safflower calm pond. A few swan to jump into a pool, broke the peace of the lake, lake makes a circle and a circle of ripples. The fish in the pond is chasing each other, play. Diligent bees "buzzing" singing, slowly flying; Each butterfly is dancing in the flowers.

  Among them, my favorite is home of the peach blossom Lin. Into the peach blossom Lin, like into the wonderland. Standing under a big tree to have a rest, look up, lush trees, the blue sky has is blocked by the thick trees, peach blossom is free open, three, five clusters, tightly embrace together, just like a fallen brothers and sisters. Until the flowers blooming season, peach blossom like the sky hongxia, beautiful! A breeze blowing, the peach blossom like little fairies dance ballet on the back. Watch, I feel like a peach blossom, enjoy dancing in the air. At this point, the trickle small water droplets to jump onto the petals, I looked up, and it was under the spring rain. In a cheerful tick, I left the peach blossom Lin is reluctant to part.

  This is my hometown, I love my hometown, love of hometown more peach blossom Lin.






我的家乡英语作文 篇3

  Each place has its own unique local specialty. > my hometown luohe has many famous flavor snacks, such as Fried stinky tofu, spicy hot, potato powder, white jiamu meat, egg doula, string of incense, sauce explode fresh squid? Countless. Among them, I think the most delicious is the sauce is fresh squid.

  The sauce is very delicious and delicious. You see, there's some cumin in the skin, some sweet sauce, and the sauce is just the sauce, and the sauce comes from somewhere far away.

  Take a bunch of freshly baked squid, and before you put them in your mouth, a smell will go right through your nostrils. Gently bite into the mouth, and the smell of cumin and sweet sauce wafts from mouth to mouth, slowly turning into a drop of water that drips into your stomach as the mist turns into drops of water. After a bite of the squid meat, chew carefully and the meat is very chewy. If you eat the first bite, it will definitely encourage you to eat a second bite.

  The sauce is actually pretty simple. Is to make customers want squid on baking plate, with a flat pressure after a while, and brush on a layer of paste pressed again, later turn it over to brush a layer of paste, and so repeatedly for several times, namely the fresh squid bake them, and the flavor of the sauce deeply melting into the squid.

  Place the baked squid in a bun and roll up to eat. The squid is a lot of different types, too. My friend, do you want the sauce? If you think about it, I'm going to visit my hometown and I'm sure I can get you a delicious sauce!

我的家乡英语作文 篇4

  My hometown is in Xinyang, where there is a beautiful and sacred place - Lingshan.

  Lingshan Luoshan temple is located in Henan Province, Luoshan County, 45 kilometers south of Hong kong. The kiwi mountain forest, luxuriant, hidden temple. The Millennium Temple Lingshan temple near the little Huashan temple, built in the Northern Wei Dynasty, dating back more than 1500 years of history. It was built by the daughter of Tang Minghuang Li Longji.

  Entering the gate of Lingshan, bypassing the railings, he came to the famous lotus pond. The water in the lotus pond is very clear. There are three pools, namely "Fu", "Lu" and "Shou"". In the lotus pond covered with stone lotus, want the past from the lotus pool, must from the stone lotus walk, this is called "step by step lotus". The stone lotus must be careful, not too fast. Otherwise, so many gaps between the stone lotus, will fall into the water.

  After walking through the lotus pond, a huge lotus fountain appeared. There is a huge hand Guanyin, holding a bottle. Spring water poured out of the bottle inside, flow into the giant lotus.

  Around the giant lotus, sitting on a cable car along the way to visit the mountain on the mountain. The car came to the Lingshan court, there is a well, it is said that Zhu Yuanzhang has been hiding in the pursuers to get rid of the well survived. The well water that comes up is cool and clear and is used to wash eyes, which means "improving eyesight"". Go on and come to the four heavenly kings palace. Four kings all looked very smart go with head high and chest out! An umbrella in hand, a hand-held pipa, a sword, a handheld red dragon. They are holding the country, King vaisravana, Hirome kings and King growth. Four kings together became a "good weather". The four kings temple, came to the temple of avalokitesvara. A total of forty-two arm Avalokitesvara, remove the clasped hands, forty hands hold the rest. The use of beings. Through the Avalokitesvara came to a small lake lotus temple. As long as the coin can fall to the middle of the lotus core, it means "everything goes smoothly""". There is also a beautiful old tree, beginning in the Qing Dynasty, Yong Zheng period, three hundred years of history. The crape myrtle tree one hundred year old, is still so vigorous, tall and straight.

  There are many beautiful sights in Lingshan, too. I hope I have the chance to visit carefully.








我的家乡英语作文 篇5

  Welcome to my hometownMy hometown is Nanning in Guangxi .It's very beautiful place, famous by the green city. standing near a wide river at the foot of continuous low green hills. Youcan see many birds, for example, swallows and sparrows, fly up and down freely with happy songs.How picturesque my hometown is!In my hometown there is well-konw snack street, zhong shan road. You can taste all kinds of delicious food.The classical old friend powder stems from there.If you have the opportunity to arrive here,Surely do not have to miss here. Nanning, a city full of excitement, a vibrant place, a worthy person to like, it is worth people love the city. Welcome to my hometown - Nanning


我的家乡英语作文 篇6

  My hometown in Hefei, a beautiful place.

  My hometown there are many attractions, Xiaoyaojin memorial temple, around the city park, but a backward city in the past days. Many people do not work.

  They are living a hard life.But now living richer than ever before.

  The streets have been widened.

  Factories, schools, hospitals, theaters have sprung up. People's lives is greatly enhanced.

  I love my hometown. I like it more.

我的家乡英语作文 篇7

  My hometown is YanCheng,it is a boom town in Jiangsu province.

  It has a population of 7.8 million.The city is known as the name "fishing town of rice".In the historythere were many great man in YanCheng.For examplethe author of Xiyoujithe Tai school of Qing Dynasty.

  YanCheng is rich in sea and beach resourcesit is named "the gold coast".










