
时间:2022-11-24 17:16:29 关于英语的作文 我要投稿




家庭英语作文 篇1

  I have a lot of rules at my home. Maybe you’ll say “so do we”. For me the rules are a little strict. For example, my mom doesn’t allow me go out or return home late. If I do that, she will get annoyed. On my school days, I can’t watch TV, or listen to music.

  She thought it would make my study bad. And my parents don’t allow me to get my ears pieced. I think that’s right. If I do that, I will become a bad child. In my free time, I need to do some easy housework, my father said.

  Difficult can make me get more exercise. However, I am allowed to choose my own clothes and make many friends. I think the rules are like my parents’ love. So I never mind that. I will try my best to do that.

家庭英语作文 篇2

  I have a very happy family.There are four people in my family--my parents ,my younger brother and I.My fathther is working in another city,so he is always very busy.As a famous saying goes :" There is always an able woman behind a successful man .",my mother is a housewife.She can cook very dilicious food and she is often busy with some houseworks.Sometimes,brother and I help her tidy the house,but of course,we couldn't tidy as clean as her.

  I love my parents as well as my family.I hope we can be happy forever!

家庭英语作文 篇3

  To Make a Home Sweet建立甜美家庭

  Goethe said, "He is the happiest, being king or peasant, who finds peace in his home" It is true. Home is the warmest place in the world. Home is the harbor.No matter where you are, you would like to be back home in the end.歌德曾说:“无论是国王还是农夫,只要家庭和睦,他便是最幸福的人”。确实如此,家是世界上最温暖的地方,家是避风港。不管你在哪里,最终你都愿意回家.

  Home is the place which we often need to build. In order to create a kind of warm and intimate atmosphere, we must respect and understand each other. As a member of the family, it is not right to demand perfection from each other. The proper way is to cultivate flexibility, patience, and sense of humor. Parents can be more open-minded and trust their children, and the children should understand their parents' pains. If we have spare time after supper, we may often communicate with each other and talk about what happened in the daytime. This type of conversation, called "small talk", is of great importance because it often helps deepen the feelings between parents and children. 家是我们经常需要建设的地方,为了创造一个温暖而亲密的氛围,我们彼此之间应当相互尊敬和理解。作为家庭的一员,不要苛求对方的十全十美,而要培养韧性、耐心和幽默感。父母亲应当有更加开放的心胸,而且要相信他们的孩子,而孩子们也要理解父母的辛苦。如果晚饭后有空闲时间,我们可以经常交流自己的.思想,并且谈论些白天所发生的事情。这种被称为“闲聊”的交流很重要,因为它常常有助于加深父母亲和孩子们之间的感情。

  If we do so, I believe our home will always be sweet.如果我们这样做了,我相信我们的家庭将变得和睦甜美。

家庭英语作文 篇4

  To Make a Home Sweet

  Goethe said, "He is the happiest, being king or peasant, who finds peace in his home" It is true. Home is the warmest place in the world. Home is the harbor.No matter where you are, you would like to be back home in the end.

  Home is the place which we often need to build. In order to create a kind of warm and intimate atmosphere, we must respect and understand each other. As a member of the family, it is not right to demand perfection from each other. The proper way is to cultivate flexibility, patience, and sense of humor. Parents can be more open.minded and trust their children, and the children should understand

  their parents' pains. If we have spare time after supper, we may often communicate with each other and talk about what happened in the daytime. This type of conversation, called "small talk", is of great importance because it often helps deepen the feelings between parents and children.

  If we do so, I believe our home will always be sweet.

家庭英语作文 篇5





  听写完毕,我看着画着好几个“o” 的`本子,不由得又叹了口气:“唉!”




家庭英语作文 篇6

  I have a happy family, this family consists of father, mother and me. My mother is a teacher, are the largest part of the family, she is very democracy; Dad, put the family life in order.

  My father believed I get the knowledge from the play, for instance the: dad took me to a "giant dinosaur fossil exhibition", asked me to remember the knowledge about dinosaurs. The results I go back to those who speak out, surprise classmates, straight quart me something.

  And my mother, it is no matter I, let me learn to stand on its own. But every time I ask her questions, she will not hesitate to tell me. Mom also laundry washing the dishes... The mother also called me to study well, and because of that, my grades to the top.

  I love my mom and dad, because they taught me a happy, let I learned knowledge. I love my family, because it makes me happy and happy.

家庭英语作文 篇7

  Today was Sunday, I was so happy because our family had a big meeting, we went to the park to have the barbecue. We called our relatives to join us, it was such a great party. As the family members haven’t got together for a long time, so my father decided to get everybody united. In the park, I played with my cousins, we were taking a visit of the park while the parents were doing the barbecue. When my counsins and I played so tiredly, we went to join the grow-ups’ activities. The fathers were talking about the business stuff, while the mothers were talking about the children and their daily life. Our family was so harmonious, we shared the things together and helped each other. I like this activity so much, I wish my families can have more time to be together.


家庭英语作文 篇8


  Tracy and Jason, a couple, are talking about their financial planning[1].

  B: Hi, honey, here's my last month's salary.

  A: Ok, darling. How about this, from now on we'll put all your salary into our savings account[2], and set aside[3] 20% of my salary as Daniel's education fund.

  B: That's not a bad idea.But do you think the rest of your salary will be enough to cover our daily expenses[5]?

  A: I got a raise[6], have you forgotten? It should be ok.

  B: Alright, dear. It's up to you.[7] I get a headache when it comes to[8] figures.

  A: That's why[9] you need a wife like me.



  蕾西和贾森夫妇俩正在讨论他们的开支计划,Family Financial planning家庭理财,生活口语《Family Financial planning家庭理财》。

  B: 嗨,亲爱的,这是我上个月的`工资。

  A: 好,亲爱的。这样吧,从现在开始,我们把你的工资都存到我们的存折里,另外再拿出出我工资的20%作为丹尼尔的教育资金。

  B: 这个主意不错。但是你想你剩下的工资足够支付我们的日常开支吗?

  A: 我加薪了,你忘了啊?应该差不多。

  B: 好极了。你决定吧。提到数字我就头疼。

  A: 这就是为什么你需要一个像我这样的老婆的原因啦。

家庭英语作文 篇9

  A break with the past

  For centuries one family type existed here: patriarchy. The wife went to live with the husband's family. Family was a male hierarchy, practical, based on need. It offered food, shelter, status, regeneration.

  After 1949 the family was turned toward nation-building, and it served the state. But despite dramatic laws making husbands and wives equal in theory, the basic family structure survived. Two things changed that: the "one child policy" and Deng Xiaoping's epic liberalizing in 1979.

  From then on everything accelerated, including the state's withdrawal from people's family lives and an end to the patriarchal structure.

  You can barely find a patriarchal family in the city now. Sixty percent of Beijing families are nuclear, run by husband and wife. In Chinese tradition, you need a male heir to carry on the name. You bear children until there is a son; it is extremely important for identity. Yet now 50 percent have no son, and many don't worry about it.

  China is now 15 years into an economic "miracle" made possible by the combination of endless cheap labor, a colossus of east coast factories, and by a national capacity for organization and adaptability. The ability to earn enough to buy a car and apartment in the city has created new alternatives and expectations. Many younger Chinese talk about education, travel abroad, fulfillment, and spirituality - as well as work. Families in the city are now accommodating a culture of cellphones, a drying up of the number of aunts and uncles in the family, and acceptance of divorce.










