

时间:2022-02-09 11:32:52 关于英语的作文 我要投稿




我的哥哥英语作文 篇1

  David Beckham, his family is believed to be the coolest family in the world。 He has three handsome boys and a lovely girl。 To me, I am very interested in the big brother, he is not only look very handsome, but also very considerate to his sister。 Every time when the family goes out for the activities, the media will take the photos of them all the way。 Then the big brother is always holding his little sister, he will protect her out of the media’s annoyance。 I am so envious of the little girl, she has a sweet brother, who will protect her all the time。 I also want a big brother to protect me。


我的哥哥英语作文 篇2

  My brother is a bookworm。 He is a top student。 He hardly ever goes out to play in a year。 One day we had a holiday, and I asked him to play with me。 But he said he would never left his desk。 He didn't promise to play with me until I cried。 We started playing "seek and hide"。 I hid behind a cupboard。 I waited for a while, but he didn't appear。 When I ran out, to my surprise, I found him reading。 As he was looking for me, he happened to find a book。 That was why he forgot playing the game。 This is my brother—cute,hardworking and bright。

  我哥哥是个书迷,他是一名尖子生。 一年中他几乎很少出去玩。有一天放假,我叫哥哥跟我一起玩,可是他说他不愿离开他的书桌。直到我哭了他才答应和我玩。 我们开始玩“捉迷藏”游戏。我藏在一个柜子后面。但我等了一会儿也不见他出现。我跑出来时,大吃一惊,我发现他正在看书。当他在找我时,碰巧发现了一本书。那就是为什么他把做游戏的事忘了。我的哥哥就是这样一个人——可爱、勤奋、聪明。

我的哥哥英语作文 篇3

  There are five people in my family. They are my parents, my brother and I. My brother is two years older than me, and he is a good brother. At home, we always have arguments, but when we are at school, he protects me all the time. So even though he makes me angry sometimes, I will forgive him. He says he will always support me.











