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  初中英语作文:Lilliput 1

  In a faraway place, there is a small castle, there are thousands of small house, there is very beautiful, its a small town, very lively, lived in both clever and hardworking person.

  Little people in work, the whole street is very busy. There are also sell clothes, hair accessories, selling ice-sugar gourd, still have the market! The Lilliput is so busy every day, every day is good as always! This Lilliput and a king, the king to common people is very friendly, the king is very amiable, the folks who make all dont know how to cope. It was because there was a good king that will have so many hard-working and intelligent person, it is because there are industrious and clever little talent will have this bustling town. The little people of living a good life, but they dont even know what a bad day will happen to them.

  One day, an evil king of Lilliput came, he told the king of amiable kind roar loud: "ha ha ha ha! I didnt think you this kind of the king will have so a day! You will fall into the hands of my, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha." Kind king said: "you cant. To common people, for the sake of my Lilliput, Im not so easily defeated by you. You say, what do you want?" Evil king grinned and said: "slice, this still use to say? Is, of course, the king of all by me to destroy you, from now on, your little people will be my! Ha ha ha ha!" Kind king angry of say: "you of reckoning sooner or later! Evil is always futile to just, you dont forget, we are just, and you are evil!" The evil kings expression of say: "all in all, three days later, I will bring my dog soldiers to fight against you, you will get ready!" The evil king with that then fly back to his country.

  On the first day, good king a Lilliput meeting an emergency, and with little people said: "we are going to the war, and want to please you ready for some way to deal with the enemy!" Little people dont know what happened, they all talk, however, they in order to protect countries are talking about how to win the war. On this day, everyone is busy, they three or four in a table, all in to discuss ways to fight against the enemy.

  The next day, has come up with a lot of way, but in order to more insurance, they also want to, they should think of the best way. At noon, they took some white line, dont watch carefully, is dont know how the white line, even if you take serious look, how white line is not obvious. They tied in a knot, the house on the left in the house opposite that also tied in a knot to see, in this way, every house will have a white line, this is the first trap, in order to bring down the enemy. Then, they deliberately spread some grass on the ground, as if dug a pit, beside the grass is actually pit, grass is attracting the attention of the enemy, let the enemy thought grass is trap, and avoid to go out side, they just dig a hole beside it, let the enemy to remember, this is the second trap. Then, they got a little puppets, body appearance and they are about the same, want to let the enemy thinks that is their shot himself and let the enemy, waste the enemys bullets, this is the third trap. They have chosen the three in total, they have a lot of confidence, they were ready to fight. Whereas Lilliput evil thought, they are not ready to, every day doing nothing, this three days, evil little countries are at a party, they for the war ahead of time to celebrate, because they think the war will be they win, kind little people congress in their hands.

  Three days has passed, the war will begin. Good Lilliput and evil SIMS are confident, they both countries with national weapons ready for war. Has the war started, evil batman into good batman, to prepare for good batman attack, evil batman didnt play to good batman will fall, he had the good the white line of the trap. Oh, not good! Good for two people sacrifice, evil king gloat, vicious soldier has a wounded at the same time. The war is very fierce, many evil men in the white line trap was badly injured, and some evil soldiers drop pit, pit of evil soldiers most death, a few serious injuries. This time, the king not happy the evil. The kings evil evil army soldiers take the bullet, get the best weapons against further and good soldier has more than a dozen people were seriously injured, six people were killed, vicious soldier mortality is higher. Ha, vicious soldier gets again, they think in front of the puppet is a good soldier, then attack, have already wasted a lot of bullets and artillery. The war lasted two days, the good soldier has half of them were seriously injured, more than one hundred people died, evil soldiers already nobody can stand up and fight again, after evil soldiers surrendered to the good soldier will be your own country and turn over a new leaf for the bianconeri and become the good soldier of justice.

  After the war ended, good Lilliput past bustling again, still good alive. This also proves that evil is always futile to justice and goodness!

  初中英语作文:Lilliput 2

  That day, I arrived at the school with great anticipation. After repeated reminders from the teacher, everyone was already eager to set off to this small country in the suburbs, which has been more than an hours journey!

  First of all, everyone took a small train to the park. Along the way, a gentle breeze came in, and the gray sky was drizzling with light rain. This place, which should have been filled with laughter, suddenly became poetic and picturesque! Then, everyone rushed towards the most popular amusement facilities to surf. My friends and I put on raincoats, placed valuable items on both sides, got on the boat, and waited for the track to slowly rise. Suddenly, a turn occurred, and the boat suddenly plunged downwards. A huge wave rushed towards everyone, making my heart almost jump out of fear, which was very exciting! We still havent had enough of it. We played twice in a row!

  Then, our group of girls ran to ride the carousel again. I rode on the white horse and spun under the colorful lights. The feeling of being light and floating was truly dreamy! There is also the Ferris wheel that must be ridden. Although it moves quite slowly, as the distance increases, gusts of cold wind mercilessly blow towards us, causing the carriage to sway left and right, making timid us scream incessantly! However, when the carriage reached its highest point, I looked down at the breathtaking scenery, and my nervous mood couldnt help but ease. My friends took the opportunity to take out snacks and taste them while enjoying this beautiful moment.

  I am like a bee that loves to gather honey, wandering in the land of Lilliputians, exploring everywhere, playing to the fullest, and unable to bear to leave!

  初中英语作文:Lilliput 3

  One morning, I ate a bowl of magical rice. When I finished eating the rice, the grains of rice were actually as tall as me. It was then that I realized I had become a person smaller than the grains of rice and arrived at the legendary land of little people.

  At this moment, I heard a deafening sound of walking. It turned out that my mother had come. My mothers hair was as long as a tall building, and I struggled to climb onto her eyebrows. I shook her eyebrows vigorously, trying to grab it. Suddenly, a huge object rushed towards me. Oh, it turned out to be my mothers hand, and as a result, I was mercilessly hit by her hand on the dining table. "Oh, how come theres a smell of milk?" I looked around curiously, realizing that my mother accidentally spilled a little bit of milk. This was very serious for me, and suddenly a small river appeared in front of me. While I was desperately trying to escape, a large cloth hit me and I was disheveled and wiped into the trash can.

  It smells so bad! I am about to suffocate, sharp fish bones stand like sharp knives, and the food residue emits a foul smell! The world of Lilliput is so tough! Everywhere is full of thrills!

  But in my eyes, everything is much bigger than before, which is quite interesting. I would like to embark on another adventure in Lilliput if I have the opportunity.

  初中英语作文:Lilliput 4

  Coming to the "Lilliputian Country", I am like Dr. Gulliver in Gullivers Travels, showing off my skills. With one foot, I can crush the memorial hall, and with one hand, I can knock down the Presidential Palace. Boeing planes are like toy planes, as long as I take a deep breath, I can send them into the air. In this mini model area, I have overcome the addiction of giants.

  Then our group transformed into the protagonists of the movies "Amazing Four Supermans", riding a roller coaster to the sky, fighting against the raging waves in the "Crazy rapids", and then fighting against monsters in the dark haunted house. The five of us performed various stunts, and in no time we were exhausted, so we had to sit down and enjoy ourselves, replenishing our energy.

  After eating and drinking enough, we became the "Big Mom Purchasing Group" again and without saying a word, rushed to the store to make big purchases. I carefully selected a Scorpio small bottle, some people bought heart-shaped pendants, some bought zodiac exercises, a group of people chattered and argued, and in the end, they all happily bought their own spoils of war.

  On the return journey, everyone in the car was still full of energy, some people were eating non-stop, some were whispering, while I was busy capturing the expressions of my classmates with a camera. This trip to the country of Lilliputians not only allowed us to unleash our energy, but also brought us a lot of benefits.

  初中英语作文:Lilliput 5

  Before going to bed, I was eagerly watching Gullivers Travels. Just as I was engrossed in it, the sound of "Friend, welcome to the land of Lilliputians." woke me up and I realized that my body had changed, my whole body had become smaller. Ah! I have come to the country of Lilliputians.

  The day of Lilliput has begun. The ambassador of Lilliput gave me a resident ID card and advised me, "In Lilliput, you must remember to walk slower and take smaller steps to avoid accidental injury. You cannot sneeze or cough casually, otherwise you will be blown away by the wind." "Ah! Isnt this giving me a problem?" I opened my mouth wide. We talked and laughed on the way, and the little people invited me to eat famous memory bread, growth potion, flying milk, and so on from Little Man Country. The scenery of Lilliput is also very unique, with towering Alexander Lighthouse, magnificent Great Wall, clear Lake Nepal, etc. My favorite is the grassland of Lilliput. From a distance, the emerald green grassland looks like a green ocean, so beautiful! There is also the Lilliputian Lamian Noodles, which smells delicious. If you take a bite, you will feel that nothing in the world is as delicious as it is. They also introduced me to their lives, and upon hearing them, I said, "So your life is so interesting!" Later, I drank the growth potion and regained my original appearance.

  Now it makes me believe that there is another world in the world, which is Lilliput.

  初中英语作文:Lilliput 6

  One morning, as I was walking on the road, I noticed something being stepped on under my feet. Looking down, it was a strange mirror. I will take it home and wash it clean. At night, I put the mirror next to the wardrobe and went to sleep.

  In my sleep, I was awakened by a burst of bright light, and I found that it was exactly the light emitted by that mirror. I touched it and found that it sucked me in. I arrived at a strange place.

  The people here are very small, only as tall as my thumb, and the houses here are like my building blocks. There are many mini trees planted on both sides of the street, and there are also fruits as big as pen caps growing on the trees. The cars on the street are as tall as a mobile phone. Cars are driving on the street, like fruits on a conveyor belt, moving back and forth.

  Just then, a uniformed police officer walked over and asked me, "Who are you? Why are you so tall?" "I was brought here by a magic mirror, where is this place?" "We are in the country of Lilliputians. You are very welcome! Please follow me to visit." I promised to walk inside, but just as I was about to take a step, I found that the door here was too small to enter.

  At this moment, I think of the magic mirror, which has brought me to the land of Lilliput, perhaps it can help me. I returned to the place where the magic mirror had sucked me in and found it right there. I asked the magic mirror, "Magic mirror, can you help me become smaller?" The magic mirror replied, "Yes, master." In an instant, I also became a person as small as the Lilliput Kingdom.

  I followed the police to visit inside, and he poured me a glass of water. I found that the cup here was only the size of a nail cap, and the water in the cup was a drop from our place. Then the police uncle took me to visit many places and invited me to have a meal. Later, I bid farewell to the police and walked to the magic mirror. At this moment, the mirror emitted a bright light and sucked me back.

  I opened my eyes and it was already morning. My mother was standing by my bed shouting, "Its time to get up!" I thought to myself, it was just a dream!

  初中英语作文:Lilliput 7

  After a day of drifting, I arrived alone on a small island. As soon as I stepped on the island, I saw some small things moving. Originally, I was not surprised and thought it was ants. Later on, I felt something was wrong, how could there be no one? Looking down, I saw them talking to me, so I crouched down and curiously asked, "Where is this? Who are you? How can you be the size of an ant?" "This is Lilliput, we are residents of Lilliput, and in fact, we are dozens of times larger than ants." They replied. I looked closely and felt that they were much larger than ants, but much smaller than me. I continued to ask, "What is the country of Lilliputians? How could there be a country of Lilliputians?" The little people let out a long sigh and said, "We used to be normal people like you, but the king here was so domineering that he drugged our diet and made us look like this. The king is much kinder now, and we believe that in no time, we will change back!"

  After finishing speaking, they took me to see the king. The king was very happy to see me and warmly said, "You can stay here. This place is very suitable for you to live in."

  I went to my own room and found that it was no different from what I usually lived in. A little person said, "Although we have changed, every blade of grass and every tree here has not changed." After a while, a few of them carried a rare plate of vegetables to me and said, "Please help bring the dishes to the table, we cant hold on anymore." I reached out and found that the dishes inside were pitifully scarce. But when I thought this was the country of little people, I didnt blame them and ate them with relish.

  After having a good meal, I walked around and came to a garden. Along the way, many residents of Lilliput stared at me with wide eyes, and I understood their feelings at this moment. They introduced, "Since we got smaller, the things we use have also become smaller. Apart from the house we used to live in, the house we live in now is only the size of a bucket, and no one dares to go to a tall building." I sympathized and said, "Your life must be very difficult and inconvenient now, isnt it?" They nodded. In the garden, the residents of Lilliput struggled to fertilize and water the flowers and plants. I walked over and said friendly, "Let me do it!" I quickly and freely started working.

  In this way, day after day, year after year, I lived there for a full 2 years and gradually got used to the life there. One day, while taking a walk by the seaside, I suddenly noticed a ship. I waved to them and they saw me, so they came towards me. I quickly returned to my room, packed my luggage, went to bid farewell to the king, and then boarded the ship back to my long lost hometown. I turned around and saw the residents of Lilliput standing on the hillside waving goodbye to me! I suddenly realized that they had all returned to their original state, and I couldnt help but feel excited for them. Finally, I reluctantly waved goodbye to them.

  Goodbye, I will come to see you again next time!

  初中英语作文:Lilliput 8

  After dinner today, with nothing to do, I came to the flower bushes downstairs. I saw lush grass and some flowers blooming in the sunset. The setting sun sprinkles on the flowers, and the soft light reflects the beauty of the flowers. A gentle breeze blows, and a fragrance of flowers and plants, mixed with the scent of soil, rushes towards you, refreshing and refreshing! The grass is shyly dancing under the touch of the wind, while the flowers are even more proud and upright in the call of the breeze!

  I was intoxicated by everything in front of me. I bent down and closed my eyes. Enjoying the blessings of nature to my hearts content.

  Open your eyes, a miracle has happened. I stand in an endless forest. Trees are so lifesaving. I stopped in front of a clove and looked up. The dense lilacs lightly nodded one by one, emitting a charming fragrance. At this moment, I only heard Sha Shas footsteps approaching me from afar. I hid behind the tree and saw an ant looking around and strode towards me. I followed behind. We arrived at a rose, and there was a rubber sized bread lying comfortably on the ground! It was extremely excited, spinning around the bread several times, waving its tentacles. The two legs of the upper body were also raised high. It climbs up the rose, a pair of antennae constantly colliding. It sends messages to its companions, and in no time, a group of ants gather here.

  Ants are circling around this behemoth. Some silently confront each other, some scratch their heads, cheeks and ears, some frown and ponder, and some wave their antennae to collide with their companions. Oh, such a big thing, if it could be moved back into the cave for winter this year, it wouldnt be a problem. But how can such a big guy move? An ant broke the deathly silence of the scene with its actions. He arranged for everyone to lift the bread with him. One or two, give it a go! The bread remains motionless. Once again, one or two, give it a go! The bread still didnt move, as if it had taken root on the ground. A clip on an ants head accidentally hit the bread, guess what? By the way! The clip went into the bread. This was seen by a thinking ant. He thought they could use their clips to divide a large piece of bread into several small pieces. The ant soldier quickly started working. A few ants climbed onto the bread and gracefully waved their large clips. After their unremitting efforts, the giant bread was finally divided into several small portions. Ants sometimes gather in groups of three or five in front of larger bread, carrying it together; Some place bread on their heads and use two antennae to support their left and right sides; Some two ants burrowed under the bread and carried it together. They were all excited, singing the song of victory, and strode home carrying the fruits of victory.

  The sky is gradually getting dark. The dim streetlights were lit. I was awakened by my mothers call and returned to reality. When I realized I should go home, the moon and stars illuminated the path to my home

  初中英语作文:Lilliput 9

  Another day, what should we do? Call friends, go to the lawn, go to the garden? Aha! Call my good friend Yang Tonglin, eh? Yang Tonglin doesnt have time. Then, Ill go by myself!

  Destination: Lawn. I look east, west, left, and right. Well, lets make it my place to play here! Suddenly, a very strong light appeared in front of my eyes. After a while, I slowly opened my eyes and saw a huge clover plant appearing in front of me. I thought to myself, "How could the clover plant become so big?" Then, a series of huge flowers, plants, and trees appeared in front of me. I couldnt believe my eyes. I was overwhelmed and dizzy from the sight. Suddenly, someone seemed to pat my shoulder, and a cold sweat broke out on my back. I slowly turned around, ah! A group of long and similar little people have arrived, even smaller than me! I suddenly thought to myself, "Where is this? Why havent I ever seen it before? Also, are the plants here even bigger than me?" I couldnt help but think to myself. That group of little people came to my home, and I arrived at their home. There was a wooden board with the words "Little Peoples Country" written on it. Little Country? I actually came to the "Lilliput Country"! Since then, I have become one of the members of the country of Lilliputians!

  The next morning, the village chief of our small national strength organized everyone to go to the river to fetch water. Everyone sang and danced on the road, like a thrush singing happily on a branch. We arrived at the place where we were fetching water: by the river, everyone took out buckets for fetching water and bent down one by one. The river water in Little Man Country was clear and the surrounding greenery was also very good. Everyone, bend down and see if its water pumping, ah! Someone fell into the river. The river in Little Man Country is relatively shallow and the waves are not big. At first, only one person fell into the river. Everyone heard the person who was jumped into the river say it was not dangerous, so they gradually jumped out of the river. Everyone was playing in the river, seemingly forgetting about fetching water.

  At noon, the village chief asked me to go to the village chiefs office to report. On the village chiefs desk, I saw the storybook of "The Country of Little People". I seem to vaguely remember the village chief saying that books used by petty people should not be touched, as it is related to the survival of our village. But I forgot that this is the land of the little people, not the human world. There is nothing in the human world that cannot be touched, and the lives of the little people are different. I couldnt help but flip a page, and my whole body was like being sucked in by a book. All I saw and thought of were the happy backs of the little people in the country of Lilliputians: meeting the people of Lilliputians for the first time, we went to the river to fetch water... As soon as I opened my eyes, the flowers and plants changed back to their original state, and I returned to the human world.

  Hey! I miss the country of Lilliputians so much! This is my interesting trip to Lilliput!

  初中英语作文:Lilliput 10

  I woke up early today, guess why? Because today is the long-awaited extracurricular teaching! With a joyful and excited mood, I am eager to move towards school. When I arrived at school, I saw my classmates chattering and discussing about extracurricular teaching, which made me involuntarily join their ranks!

  Later, following the teachers instructions, I boarded the tour bus and set off for the destination - Lilliput Country! On the road, I saw dense trees, blue sky, green tea gardens, and so on... Those beautiful scenes all caught my attention and I quickly arrived at the country of Lilliput. The older brothers and sisters who guided us warmly led us to visit some realistic historical sites and simulated phenomena such as reservoir flood discharge in the model area; The teacher also actively gathered everyone to take photos as a souvenir, making it a good start for todays trip to Little Peoples Country.

  My team went to play "Thunderbolt Prisoner" first. At first, I thought it shouldnt be too scary, but after sitting on it, I realized it was different from what I had imagined. The machine gradually rose and then turned like a rolling ball, causing our heads to almost fall to the ground. Then, at a very fast speed, we lifted everyone up like fish. Some people were already frightened and scattered, and some even cried loudly because of this! Continuing on to ride the more challenging indoor roller coaster, it was a dark and hazy place, with its tracks twisted and twisted. No one knew what it would look like in the next second, making everyone nervous. Suddenly, I heard intense collision sounds echoing in the amusement park. It turned out to be the sound of a "bumper car", so I decided to take the "bumper car" as well. After some exploration, I finally understood the driving skills, so that I wouldnt get stuck in a corner like others and couldnt move.

  After noon, each group dispersed and had free activities. Lv Yiting and I went to the most terrifying amusement facility in the country of Lilliputians, the Nile Adventure. The ship gradually sailed on a steep slope, and when it reached its highest point, it took a turn and slid down at a rocket like speed, splashing waves like a tsunami. It was really exciting and fun. After sitting down, my heart still felt uncomfortable, so I sat down three times in a row before finally giving up.

  Time flies, and its time to part ways. Everyone looks at that happy paradise, and their hearts seem to be still there. However, time always waits for no one. In the end, we bought some souvenirs and embarked on the journey home, reluctant to bid farewell to the country of Lilliput, leaving beautiful memories in our hearts.

  初中英语作文:Lilliput 11

  It has been cloudy and rainy for days, and today is the day for off campus teaching. Thank you to the heavens for your beauty. The weather has finally cleared up! On the way to the country of Lilliputians, classmates were chatting and laughing. When they saw the funny mascot of Lilliputians from afar, waves of cheers came from the distance. A journey of adventure in contact with Lilliputians began!

  First of all, we enjoyed the stunning stunt performances, including incredible flamethrowers, footwork with rolling wooden barrels on top of our feet, and dazzling magic, which were truly overwhelming! At this moment, the cannon steel pipe beside me slowly rose, and it turned out to be the "Flying Man Show"! I saw a pilot climb into the barrel, which was filled with real gunpowder. I was really sweating for him. Suddenly, with a loud bang, the thunderous sound of gunfire was deafening. In an instant, the pilot shot out like a rocket and landed safely on the canvas. It was really thrilling!

  When we step into the "mini world", we feel like a giant, seeing the magnificent onion topped Kremlin, the magnificent Taj Mahal, the solemn Forbidden City, and so on, allowing us to travel around the world in just one hour! Next, my classmates and I sat on a thrilling and thrilling "Nile Adventure", with our hearts racing as we ascended; And when diving down, I feel like all my organs are thrown into the sky, its too terrifying! But its worth the ticket price. The classmate jokingly said, "This is the punishment of the Grim Reaper!" We also experienced the "power car" and "roller coaster", and acted as temporary "little parents". The children who took care of the kindergarten also took several roller coasters!

  Just as I was still unsatisfied, I realized that the gathering time had unknowingly arrived, and this magical journey to the Lilliput Kingdom would come to a perfect end. This is the first time I have been to such an exciting amusement park with my teachers and classmates. Looking back on those happy moments, I am still excited!

  初中英语作文:Lilliput 12

  On a sunny day, I unknowingly arrived at a strange and desolate place, which was truly a wonderful fairyland on earth.

  The emerald green lake reflects the blue sky and white clouds, and tall tree shadows sway in the water. A group of cute birds fly back and forth in the sky, as if rehearsing a beautiful dance. All kinds of fish are singing and dancing happily in the water, and the row of trees are whispering.

  I arrived at a magnificent building and looked up. The arched gate was engraved with small golden characters - Little Peoples Country. Take a closer look, the flowers here are small, the river is small, the house is small... everything is very small.

  I never expected to come to the mythical country of Lilliputians. As I was admiring it, a surprisingly small dwarf walked over. He was a man with a height of just an ankle, and his small eyes were shining with a light. I couldnt help but laugh. "Ah! The giant is here! Help, help!" This little person saw me and didnt look back, just running for his life. I followed him to a palace the size of a dictionary. Just now, the dwarf was about to enter the palace when he was caught by two rude soldiers. "Kid, dont be fooled, what are you doing?" "Giant... Giant... Giant!" "Giant? Hahaha, haha, haha, giant, our country of little people doesnt have giants, only little people. What are you talking nonsense about? Get out! Otherwise, dont blame us for being impolite to you, get out!" "No! There really are giants, look!" This dwarf pointed at me who was laughing. These two soldiers were scared out of their wits and ran towards the main hall, holding their heads. "Report to the king, giant!" The king pointed to me standing outside the hall and asked them, "He... is he?" "Yes... is he!" "Ah! Its done, giant!" The king was so scared that he fell off his throne. I stepped through the roof of the main hall and grabbed a little man. Others were so scared that they begged for mercy on his behalf and even knelt down to call me the king

  This time in the country of Lilliputians, it really broadened my horizons! Surprisingly, he even became a king, haha!

  初中英语作文:Lilliput 13

  I am a sixth grade elementary school student. In order to help me exercise my autonomy, my mother and father sent me to visit my grandmother abroad alone. I only found out when I got on the plane that I had boarded the wrong plane. After a few seconds, I realized that the plane was not right. The plane was getting smaller and smaller. What should I do? I immediately jumped off the plane. I didnt bring a parachute. Suddenly, I fell heavily into a city and my head was in excruciating pain. I immediately fainted and didnt wake up for a few days. When I woke up, I found myself lying on a bed. No, it should be said that several small beds were pieced together. Suddenly, I jumped out from under the bed. A few people came and surrounded me. Oh my goodness, why are the people here so small? Theyre not even half the height of my legs. At this moment, a chubby person was wearing a precious silk coat with a golden crown on his head, At first glance, I knew it was the king. When the king saw me, he was furious and said, "Tie up this giant and execute him immediately." What? Giant, I am a giant. How could I be a giant? Hey! I dont have time to think so much anymore. Im about to be executed. Thirty six strategies, leaving is the best strategy. Run away quickly! I flipped over, jumped out of bed, and immediately ran towards the gate. So, I became a fugitive without a thought. Where did I hide? Running on the street, the houses around me were not as tall as my calves. These houses were really small. Looking back, the king had already chased after him with a large group of soldiers. Not only was I not afraid, but I found it very interesting. I ran into the forest and then to the beach, playing like playing cat and mouse. The soldiers have already chased after me. I plunged into the water with a fierce thrust, and my swimming was good. At least I could hold on for a while. I wandered in the sea, not knowing where to go. In the end, when I was really out of breath, I gathered my strength, turned around, and rushed towards the country of Lilliputians. I swam to the shore and found that the king was no longer there. The sun was bathing on the beach, and the atmosphere was peaceful and peaceful. I crawled up from the water in a daze, with no strength left. Why? The king didnt intend to catch me anymore, so I took a breath and quietly sneaked into the kingdom to eavesdrop on the conversation between the king and his ministers. "Hey! Tell me what to do! We have a giant in our country, who can do anything about her!" The king was so anxious that a handkerchief was soaked with sweat. The ministers also frowned and didnt know what to do. I was listening attentively when suddenly, I was hit hard and fainted.

  After waking up, I found myself lying in a large room, as if it had been made for me. The king walked over with a smile and said, "We will treat you well, dont worry." I gritted my teeth in anger. Unable to say a word, the king left triumphantly. In the next few days, I lived well, but one night, a miracle happened.

  That night, I couldnt stand still and fell into the wall. At that moment, the door automatically opened, somewhat like the automatic doors of our modern city. A passage appeared in front of me, and I grabbed a life-saving grass and walked down the passage. The bricks used were still the earliest and oldest red bricks, and the torches on both sides illuminated the passage. The passage was really long! I dont know how long it took, but I finally saw a bright light. Where exactly will this lead to?

  I poked my head out and the scene that appeared before me was really surprising. Where was this? Sparks splattered everywhere, smoke filled the air. Later, I realized that it was another country invading the country of Lilliput. I thought of Iraq and the United States, and also thought of peace. I had to make the war stop. Suddenly, I realized that the soft music in modern cities has a great impact on peoples emotions. I immediately put Beethovens "Moonlight Song" with me on the player, brought the horn used by the king to play notices, increased the volume, and the armies of both countries heard the music, gradually calmed down. Then, groups of people danced waltzes. The king of Lilliput is very grateful to me for resolving the war and wanting to do something for me in return. After thinking for a moment, I said, "In the future, your countries must coexist peacefully. If you really want to repay me, then build me a super large plane and send me home."

  The plane was built and I took it home. Just as the plane was about to arrive, I suddenly lost control and fell into the sea. I was so scared that I screamed loudly. I found out that my mother was right beside me. Ah! It turned out to be a dream!

  初中英语作文:Lilliput 14

  During winter vacation, I read "Coming to the Country of Lilliputians" from Gullivers Travels. Gulliver is a person who is passionate about sailing and adventurous life.

  Due to various accidents, he traveled to four countries: the Land of Adults, the Land of Lilliputians, the Land of Flying Isles, and the Land of Wisdom, and saw many strange stories. After experiencing various difficulties and obstacles, he finally returned to his homeland. My favorite part of it is the story of Lilliput. The story tells that Gulliver came to a strange land where many little people lived, only as big as Gullivers index finger. At first, those little people thought Gulliver was their enemy, so they tied Gulliver to the ground and had the archers shoot him with arrows. Their arrows, although small, are very sharp, and Gulliver feels like hes been pierced by a needle.

  But Gulliver, with the gentlest and most obedient attitude, convinced the king that he had no ill intentions and let him go. But because Gulliver did not agree to the King of Lilliputs request to help him invade other countries, and was met with jealousy from some people in Lilliput, they prepared to sprinkle poisonous water on Gulliver, causing him to tear and tear at his own flesh, slowly dying in pain. In the end, their conspiracy did not succeed, and Gulliver escaped smoothly. He began a new adventure

  初中英语作文:Lilliput 15

  In recent years, many disasters have occurred on Earth. For example: tsunamis, landslides, earthquakes

  Due to people always discharging garbage and pollutants into rivers, workers ignoring any detail in the production process of tap water can lead to diseases.

  One day, I drank raw water from the tap water pipe and suddenly my body shrank rapidly overnight. I quickly squeezed out of the tightly closed door and arrived at the square. I found two people like me, and quickly ran over to see that they were the brothers Li Shiji and Li Shiyu. When asked about their experiences, they were just like me and both of them were very happy, thinking it was magical. I said, "Is this amazing? Its a disaster! Its all the consequences of people littering and littering! We must call on people to recognize this danger!"

  The three of us split up and went to school and the streets to preach our experiences, which immediately aroused everyones sympathy. People have expressed that they will no longer litter or dispose of wastewater or exhaust gas indiscriminately. My classmates and I also joined hands and erected a sign by the river, which read: Please do not litter!

  From then on, there was no more garbage in the river. In fact, after waking up, it was still a dream,

  初中英语作文:Lilliput 16

  Can we go see the world a thousand years from now? Can you squeeze on the lotus leaf with Thumbelina and count the stars together? Can it be invisible or deformed? Yes! Yes! Yes! Expand your imagination, theres nothing impossible!

  I am the king of Lilliput. We have fresh air, clear river water, tall reeds, sturdy poplar trees, and colorful waterfalls here, which are truly breathtaking.

  One day, the enemy launched a surprise attack on our land, and the poor people suffered. I was furious and led the army with a sword to seek revenge against the enemy. But they hid too well to be found no matter how hard they tried. I held back my anger and shouted loudly at the foot of the mountain. Unexpectedly, the mountain collapsed and huge stones fell one after another.

  I didnt panic, jumped into the air and smashed all those big stones, resolving a disaster.

  Suddenly, I was relieved and instead of searching for the enemy, I took my soldiers home.

  We returned to the country of Lilliput and lived a good life from then on.

  Because we believe that the kindness and righteousness in our hearts will ultimately protect us.








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