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英语作文 篇1

  Different Opinions on Homework

  The conflict over what or how much homework should be comes partly from the fact that people can't seem to agree on the purpose of homework.

  What do teachers think? Some teachers think that homework is necessary to reinforce what is learned in school. And so they ask their students to memorize what was discussed in class through homework. Some teachers think the point of homework is to cover material that the class didn't

  have time to get to, so their homework is to let students learn additional things. Other teachers like homework simply because they want students to form work habits and still others believe homework is necessary because it is the best way for parents to learn what their children do in school.

  Parent's opinions? But many parents seem to have different ideas. Elissa Cohen, who has twins at Lafayette Elementary School, doesn't like the fact that the third-grade students in elementary schools are asked to write about 25 book summaries a year. "They do the same thing over and over without

  really getting into altertnate ways of thinking about books and thinking about reading and writing."

  Experts' opinions? Some education reformers, such as Howard Gardner, a Harvard University professor, well-known for his theory on multiple intelligence, think that Cohen is on the right track.

  But it is often hard to persuade overworked teachers to give much thought to homework tasks.


  关于应该留什么样的作业或者留多少作业的争论,部分源自于人们似乎无法就作业的目的达成一致这一事实,Different Opinions on Homework(对作业的不同看法),四六级写作《Different Opinions on Homework(对作业的不同看法)》。


  知识,所以他们留的作业是让学生学习额外的知识。 另外有些老师喜欢留作业就是因为他们想让学生形成工作的习惯,还有一些老师相信有必要留作业是因为这是让家长了



英语作文 篇2


  1. 自我介绍,说明写信目的;

  2. 委婉地提出建议及改进措施或忠告;

  3. 希望采纳建议,并表示感谢或期盼回复。



  feedback n.反馈 feasible adj.可行的 suggestion n.建议 proposal n.建议

  venture v.冒昧做某事 beneficial adj. 有益的 advise v. 建议 suggest v. 建议

  recommend v. 推荐,劝告 wise adj. 明智的



  1) You have consulted me for some advice about how to improve..., so I will try to make some constructive suggestions.


  2) I am writing to you to present what I think on the further improvement of...so as to...


  3) I would like to make a recommendation that...



  1) I’d like to suggest that...


  2) May I suggest that...?


  3) From my perspective, ...

  以我之见, ...

  4) If you can make a careful study…, I am convinced that your skills of …will be greatly improved.


  5) I feel that it would be beneficial if ….



  1) Thank you for your attention.


  2) I believe you will take my suggestion into consideration.


  3)I sincerely hope that my proposals would be considered and positive changes take place in these regards.


  4)I hope you will find these suggestions/proposals/recommendations helpful/useful.


  5)I am looking forward to your reply.



  Dear ,

  As , I am writing this letter to express my views concerning . Although , there is still much room for improvement.

  From my point of view, I would like to make the following suggestions. First, . second, . Besides, . Consequently, I believe that .

  I hope you will find these suggestions helpful.

  Yours sincerely,

英语作文 篇3

Dear Henry,

  hello Henry .You can take bus No.5 to the center street.And down center street has been to move forward,when to see when a big supermarket,turn right,you can enter brideg street.Brideg street has been going down,my home in a small park and between the library,is a white house with gardens.



英语作文 篇4

  Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of pink cheeks, red lips and flexible knees; it is a matter of will, a quality of imagination, a vigor of the emotion, it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

  Youth means a dispositional control of courage over cowardice, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.

  Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.

  Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human beings’ heart the looking forward to wonder, the endless child-like appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living.① In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it is receiving messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from God, you are young.②

  When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80.

英语作文 篇5

  Sound dies quickly in the cold, thin air of mars. researchers have modeled a sound wave traveling through the martian atmosphere and report that it doesnt go far--even a lawn mowers roar dies after a hundred meters or so. the model presents an unusually detailed picture of how sound travels in an alien atmosphere and hints at what it would take to communicate on the red planet.

  The shriek of a baby, an ambulances siren, or a violin sonata are all essentially the same thing: waves of pressure traveling through the air. sound can also travel through water, or a solid like the ground, but because molecules must bump into each other to propagate the pressure wave, the denser the medium the better. hoofbeats or footsteps travel farther through the ground than through the air, for eample, because the molecules in air have to travel further to bump into one another than those in soil, thus losing energy more quickly.the martian atmosphere is mostly carbon dioide and only 0.7% as dense as earths is, so sound should fade more quickly. but the details of how sound waves travel in the martian atmosphere were unclear and could be important to future mars missions.now, a computer model has given a molecule-by-molecule map of how sound moves on mars. graduate student amanda hanford and physicist lyle long of pennsylvania state university in state college presented the model last week at a meeting of the acoustical society of america meeting in providence, rhode island. the model is unusual in its molecular approach; most acoustical models of sound treat the medium it travels through as a continuous block with average properties. such models are fine for dense atmospheres like earths, but treating the air like a loose bunch of freewheeling molecules is more realistic for mars rarefied atmosphere, say the researchers.

  Hanford and long first set up a virtual "bo" filled with about 10 million carbon dioide molecules floating about randomly, at the same density as the martian atmosphere. a sound wave then appeared on one side of the bo, and the model calculated its progress across to the other side, computing nanosecond by nanosecond eactly how the carbon dioide molecules bumped and moved. the results show that a noise that would travel several kilometers on earth would die after a few tens of meters on mars. quieter sounds would travel far shorter distances, making eavesdropping on a quiet conversation nearly impossible.

  Henry bass, a physicist at the university of mississippi in oford, notes that if people ever go to mars and want to communicate audibly, theyll need to design devices that can work with the lower frequencies transmitted by the martian atmosphere.



  声音依靠介质粒子碰撞传递能量,声波的传播速率与衰减决定于介质的状态与种类。火星地表的大气压仅有地球的0.7%,大气成分95%是二氧化碳、再来是2.7%的氮气、1.6%的氩气,而平均温度是零下63℃。可以预期,声音在火星上可能衰减的很快,但是细节却不甚清楚。多数模拟声音传播的数值模式,把介质视为连续体来处理:不去考虑分子个别行为的影响,只以整体的平均性质来做计算。这样的观点,适用于地球表面的厚重大气,但不合用于稀薄的火星大气。宾州州立大学的'研究生amanda hanford与物理学家lyle long则建立一个分子模式来模拟声音在火星的传播:他们模拟被局限在虚拟盒子内一千万个二氧化碳分子的运动:当声波出现在盒子的一侧后,以每奈秒为时间间隔计算二氧化碳分子的碰撞与移动,来看声波如何传递到盒子另一侧。模式结果已发表在六月初的声学会议(the acoustical society of america)上。


英语作文 篇6

  Weekend Homework

  There should be no more weekend homework for us students. Six days devoted to school are enough for us modern students, who have many other interests. With homework to do on Sundays, when can we find time to help around the house, join in a football or baseball game or see a good film, or just have a rest? Because of all these other activities, weekend homework is usually put off until Sunday night. As a resuit, it is often done so poorly that on Mondays teachers always scold the whole class who have little idea of what the learned lessons are about. If there were no homework for the weekends, students would go to school on Mondays well rested and be willing to study.

  Dear teachers, don't you agree with us?


  对于我们这些学生来说,周末不应该再有作业了,Weekend Homework(周末作业)。我们这些现在的学生都有很多其他的兴趣爱好,在学校六天的学习对于我们来说已经足够了,四六级写作《Weekend Homework(周末作业)》。如果周日还要写作业的话,我们什么时候才能帮忙做做家务,玩玩足球、棒球,看看电影或是休息休息呢?由于所有这些其他的活动,周末作业常常拖到星期天晚上才开始做。结果作业做得马马虎虎,星期一全班同学把所学的课程忘得精光,惹得老师大发雷霆。如果周末没有作业的话,学生们就可以好好休息,星期一高高兴兴地去学校学习了。











