
小学生英语作文:近视眼 Myopic eye

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小学生英语作文:近视眼 Myopic eye


小学生英语作文:近视眼 Myopic eye

  Today, my father is going to take me to the hospital to check my eyesight. He is going to wear glasses. However, my father said, "today is a weekend. The doctor may not be here. I will take you to see it later." I didn't know until my dad said it. Once I went back to my hometown, I wore my nephew's glasses, Shi Yuankang. He even said that I had an eye like a doctor. I listened and thought, is this the problem of the glasses? Now, I am nearsighted. I also want to remind you that you must not be nearsighted!

【小学生英语作文:近视眼 Myopic eye】相关文章:

中学英语have and eye on,have an eye to,have an eye for这三12-01

英语to the eye用中文怎么翻译12-21

地道英语口语Black Eye 鼻青脸肿04-23


我眼中的好老师A Good Teacher in My Eye-英语作文07-19

with the naked eye怎么样翻译12-21


