

时间:2021-06-21 10:10:58 关于英语的作文 我要投稿





  Easter, like many festivals, has its own traditions and customs. The people of the world use different ways to identify the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and to greet the coming of spring.

  Easter eggs

  Eggs symbolize new life. Hard eggshells can't limit the new life that is being conceived inside.

  Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and was buried in the grave, but the grave could not shut him. He was resurrected in third days, so that anyone who believed in him had a new life. Egg is one of the commonly used symbols of Easter. The egg is meant the arrival of spring and birth of new life, and a symbol of the resurrection of Jesus out of the tomb.

  Resurrection rabbit (bunny)

  According to the ancient European legends, the hare is an animal that has no eyes closed all day. They can watch other animals around the night, so the hare represents a bright bright moon in the night. The calculation of Easter days is based on the Spring Moon, so the hare with strong springtime are regarded as a symbol of Easter. After this custom was introduced into the United States, the American also took a lovely name for the rabbit, called the bunny of the Easter!


  The lamb is the mark of Easter, because Christians regard Jesus as the lamb of God, and Jesus is sent by God to be the victim of the world's crime. At the same time, Jesus is regarded as a good shepherd. In the Jewish Passover (similar Chinese Festival), lamb has great meaning: Jews were slaves in Egypt, in order to break away from Pharaoh's iron fist governance, God commanded them to wipe the blood of the Lamb on the door on the case, the angel of death passed over the man's house, leaving their slave the weight, freedom, freedom and celebrate the Passover is the promise of God, the early Christians as Lord Jesus as the Passover lamb.


  The lilies symbolize the sacred and the purity. People love the lilies that bloom in the spring and Easter to represent the holy of Jesus Christ. In addition, the lilies shaped like a trumpet are like the good news of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  A cross, a nail

  On the Easter day, many people would paint the boiled eggs with Easter related patterns. For example, the cross, the nails, the lilies, the rabbits and so on, and the colourful decoration. And then exchange it to remind Jesus of the resurrection. Some people like to play the game of looking for the eggs, the adults first hide the eggs in the garden grass and let the little friends look for it. The person who finds the eggs is to say the meaning of the pattern on the egg. For example, the cross was Jesus's death for us on the cross, and the nail was a reminder that Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross.

  Easter bells

  In France and Italy, four days from the day before Friday, Easter bells are heard all the year round. No bell is to remind us of Jesus's death. The bell rings on Easter Sunday to remind us of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.


  The resurrection of the Sunday, as mentioned above, has no special retreat, for the eve of the eve of the eve usually extends to the morning of the Sunday. Now the rite is taking part in the day of the Sunday. This can be seen as a continuation of the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. To consider to participate in mass membership, many did not participate in the resurrection on the eve of the etiquette, therefore, the importance of sermon to mention the vigil, especially on the altar of the paschal candle opposed to explain, so that parishioners understand the amplitude of the paschal mystery, and its unity. The passage of mass expresses the exclamation and joy of the church's overflowing of the resurrection of Jesus. The good news Introit first announced the resurrection of Jesus: "the Lord is risen indeed, relationship set prayer Alleluia" today, the priest recited the Holy Communion, gift preface, after all emphasize the paschal mystery and our life.

  We celebrate the festival not only to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus, but to go through the process of death with Jesus and then to the glory of the resurrection. In Easter Mass, the songs of Conrad royal court priest Wipo were introduced in the early eleventh Century, singing or reciting during the eight day of resurrection. The development of medieval religious drama is the hymn initial inspiration. Wei Bo's poems naturally to this very vivid drama resurrection scene: Maria, please tell us what you see on the road? - I saw the tomb of the living Christ, and the glory of his resurrection, and also see the angel to testify, and the linen cloth and cloth. - Christ "my expectation - has been resurrected, and he wants you to go to Gary." We know that Christ was indeed resurrected from the dead.

  In the middle ages, all Christians celebrate during the Easter sunrise, because according to ancient legend, the sun in the morning of Easter joy three times, to the glory of the resurrection of Jesus, through the clouds to glow like angel dance. The European people gathered to watch the sunrise on Easter morning glory in the wilderness or mountain, and fired in the dawn when the bell, the band and choir with Alleluia and praise songs to celebrate the rising sun rises like a sign of Jesus. This morning salute is still preserved in the Alps of Austria.









