

时间:2021-11-24 19:37:35 志愿填报 我要投稿





  With the tears streaming down her face, she put her two hands to her lips, and kissed them to him; then clasped(紧握) them on her breast,as if she laid his ruined head there.

  “You are not the jailer's daughter?”

  She sighed, “No.”

  “Who are you?”

  Not yet trusting the tones of her voice, she sat down on the bench beside him.He drew back but she laid her hand upon his arm.A strange thrill struck him when she did so, and visibly passed over his frame; he laid the knife down softly,as he sat staring at her.

  Her golden hair,which she wore in long curls,had been hurriedly pushed aside,and fell down over her neck.Advancing his hand by little and little,he took it up and looked at it.In the middle of the action he went astray,and,with another deep sigh,fell to work at his shoemaking.

  But not for long.Releasing his arm,she laid her hand upon his shoulder.After looking doubtfully at it,two or three times,as if to be sure that it was really there,he laid down his work,put his hand to his neck,and took off a blackened string with a scrap of folded rag attached to it.

  He opened this,carefully,on his knee,and it contained a very little quantity of hair:not more than one or two long golden hairs,which he had,in some old day,wound on upon his finger.

  He took her hair into his hand again,and looked closely at it.“It is the same.How can it be! When was it! How was it!”

  As the concentrating expression returned to his forehead,he seemed to become conscious that it was in hers too.He turned her full to the light,and looked at her.

  “She had laid her head upon my shoulder,that night when I was summoned(传唤)out—she had a fear of my going,though I had none—and when I was brought to the North Tower they found these upon my sleeve.‘You will leave me them? They can never help me to escape in the body,though they may in the spirit.’ Those were the words I said.I remember them very well.”

  He formed this speech with his lips many times before he could utter it.But when he did find spoken words for it,they came to him coherently(连贯地),though slowly.

  “How was this? Was it you?”

  1.The underlined word“it”in the passage refers to“________”.

  A.her hair B.her hand

  C.his arm D.his shoulder

  2.The passage is most probably taken from________.

  A.a chant B.a drama

  C.a novel D.an essay

  3.From the passage,we can infer that________.

  A.the lady was the jailer's friend

  B.the man lived a peaceful life

  C.they hadn't seen each other for years

  D.they made a happy conversation

  4.The old man took the lady's hair into his hand again because________.

  A.the hair reminded him of his daughter

  B.he found the hair of high quality

  C.the lady had almost the same hair as he did

  D.the lady's hair worried him so much

  5.The writer attracts the readers by________.

  A.describing the changes of the relationship

  B.giving a vivid description of details

  C.using funny and humorous language

  D.presenting unpredictable consequence


  Don't always blame him, he is only a little child.别老责怪他,他只不过是个孩子。

  He always blames his son.他总是责备他儿子。

  I didn't blame you,I blame myself.我没有责怪你,我责怪我自己。

  If anything goes wrong, don't blame me.如果出了什么差错,不要怪我。

  Why do people blame the weather?人们为什么责备天气呢?

  Don't blame other people.不要怨天尤人。

  A bad workman always blames his tools.拙工常怨工具差。

  用于be ~ed结构

  The book is much blamed.这本书受到很多指责。

  If I don't explain, he'll be unfairly blamed.如果我不作解释,他就会受到不公正的`责备。


  1. have the advantage over 优于,比……占有优势。如:

  He has an advantage over me for he knows some French. 由于他懂点法语,所以比我的条件有利。

  You have the advantage over me in experience. 你经验比我丰富。

  有时用动词 gain, get 等。如:

  They gained an advantage over the enemy. 他们比敌人占优势。

  2. take advantage of


  They took advantage of the fine weather to play tennis. 他们利用好天气去打了网球。


  He always took full advantage of the mistakes made by his rivals. 他总是充分利用对手所犯的错误。


  He has always been taking advantage of me. 他老是在占我的便宜。

  3. to sb’s advantage对某人有利。如:

  The present world situation is to our advantage. 目前的世界形势对我们有利。

  It will be to your advantage to study abroad. 出国学习将对你有利。










