
时间:2022-11-24 14:27:43 推荐信 我要投稿
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作为xx学校的高三(1)班英语老师,我从事教育工作已有 年,与XX相识也有3年多时间了,在这不短的时间里,XX同学的好学进取、创造性思维、善于交流和多才多艺的特质给我留下了深刻的印象。


XX是一个好学进取和具有创造性思维的学生,初识她时,虽然知道她其他功课很优秀,但英语水平却还处于一般水准,她在冷静分析自我并主动与老师交谈后,确定了自己的努力方向,加上外语学校特殊的教学方式、学习氛围使她在较短的时间里获得了长足的进步,成为在班级、年级英语成绩名列前茅的学生。在 Duty Report中,她能寓学于乐,寓情于理,以其对社会、对文化、对学校的思考和所见所闻通过这一平台以引人入胜的方式发表真知灼见、传播艺术知识、促进师生间理解,引起了老师和同学极大的认同和共鸣。她每月一次的 Duty Repor令同学们十分期待。其创造性思维能力可见一斑。

XX是一个善于交流的学生,初三伊始参加了学校组织的“中美中小学教育教学交流及中小学英语夏令营活动”(Sino-American Primary and Secondary School Educational Exchange Program and English Summer Camp),即通过其出色的表现留给来中国交流的外籍老师(Ms. Nguyen来自美国加州Leyva Middle School )深刻的印象。半个多月后,她赴美国参加了美国航空航天夏令营(U.S. Space Camping PROG. Sponsored by U.S. Space & Rocket Center &Training CTR.),我是这个营的带队老师之一。这次出国的营员基本是首次离家,她能令人惊讶的很快融入团队并成为团队的活跃人物,她成了小营员们的好朋友,带队老师的好帮手。最让人意外的是她居然从外籍老师(Ms. Nguyen)的教学内容中得到灵感而创作了一首英语小诗,在自己通过电话与老师联系上后,满怀深情的将其完成的英语处女小诗朗诵给了老师,次日晚上,异常感动的老师驱车来到了我们的驻地,特意来看望了这个优秀的孩子,并告诉她:我真希望我的学生都来认识你!我真希望你能来美国学习!美国之行让我记住了这个外表文静内心丰富的女孩。在此后的教学相处中,她在与同学与老师的交往中总是那么让人感到真切、自然、舒服并不断给人惊喜!







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来自英语老师的推荐信 [篇2]

to whom it may concern,

ms. xx-x has been my student since xx-xx. she is one of my most favorite students and on hearing that she is planning to pursue further study in your university i feel quite pleased to share with you my perspectives of ms. xx-x.

i taught her english which is a very important course for senior high school student. since i am always interested in student-oriented teaching method, i prefer the predomination of student’s presentation and discussions during the classes. we always hold drama performance related to our text book, which offered me excellent opportunity to observe my students’ understanding of english literature works and their unique perspectives concerning it. that’s how i gradually noticed ms. xx-x and paid special attention to her. she was a very active student and eager to express her own opinion in the discussion. and in each drama performance, she was active to help organize the performance and was happy to be one of the roles.


also it’s worthy to mention that ms. xx-x has a superb command of the english language. her clear and fluent expression, whether in oral or written english, is excellent. she is among the top 3 students of english course in the class. and as the president of the english club, she organized the english corner, which provided an outdoor space for students to communicate with each other in english. in this role, she frequently contacted foreign teachers in our school to invite them to the club’s events, and in doing so, often made good friends with them. during her years of senior high school life, she actively took part in the national english competition and ‘star of outlook’ english talent competition. though she didn’t get the award, she really did good performance in these competitions. through these kinds of activities, her oral english was improved a lot and her view was broadening greatly.

she once discussed with me that there are many problems in english teaching in china. many senior students can get a high score in exam but can’t speak and communicate with others in english fluently. she said that she want to learn much more professional knowledge of education in usa and then comes back to develop china’s education. i was moved a lot by her spirit.

it is for these reasons that i offer high recommendations for ms. xx-x without reservation. her drive and abilities will truly be an asset to your establishment. if you have any questions regarding this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me. it would be greatly appreciated if you consider her application carefully.

yours sincerely,


来自英语老师的推荐信 [篇3]














