

时间:2021-11-22 16:51:12 名人语录 我要投稿


1 我最理想的唱歌方式就是让人感觉我是在“说话”,而不是炫技。


My most ideal singing style is to make people feel I’m “speaking” instead of showing off my skills.

2 海纳百川的意思是,你不能保证每一滴水都是干净的,但是你要有豁达的胸怀让它流出来。你不能保证别的什么,也不能要求别的什么,只能保证自己是干净的,就可以了。

What the sentence “all rivers run into sea” means that you can’t guarantee every drop of water is clear, but you should have the broad mind to let it flow out. You can neither guarantee nor require anything else. It’s enough to guarantee you clean.

3 外在的东西不管你怎么包装,其实都是有限的,内在的东西反而更强大。音乐是非常自然的东西,我总觉得它不需要太多修饰。

External things, despite the wrapping, are transient, while internal thing are lasting and powerful. Music is a natural thing and doesn’t take much wrapping.

4 赞扬是高帽子,我没有那么好;谣言总会过去,我没有那么弱。

Praises will not play me up to be perfect, while rumors will not play me down to be weak.

5 我是幸运的,因为机会留给了有准备的人;但我不是成功的,因为我的一切才刚起步。

I’m lucky, for I am prepared for the opportunities. But I’m not successful yet, for it is just the beginning.

6 我喜欢做出东西,再去讲,不想空讲很多。

I prefer to speak after presenting my works than give too much empty talk first.

7 我没觉得生活有什么变化,我还是沉静在我那拧巴的小世界里。

Life hasn’t changed much for me. I am still living in my small world.

8 我不回答假设性的.问题,因为它不存在。

I won’t answer the hypothetical questions that don’t exist.

9 你不能去要求别人,你只能控制自己可以控制的东西。

You have no control over others, but you do have control over yourself.

10 你不是一个完全自由的人,你当然要对为你付出辛勤劳动的人负责。

For the certain, you should be responsible for the people who do a lot for you as you aren’t a totally free person.

11 我知道支持我的人很喜欢我,讨厌我的人很厌恶我。我愿意当一个这样的人,大家看我的时候,黑白分明,这样也挺好的。

I know the people who support me love me a lot. And the people who dislike me hate me a lot. Actually I'm willing to be the person like this. It's all right that people regard me with distinct attitudes.

12 我的心态没有变,我周围的环境变了。

My mentality doesn’t change. What changes is the environment around me.

13 女人味是内心散发的东西,跟穿裙子穿裤子没关系。

Feminine flavor is the mind emanation, which has nothing to do with wearing skirts or pants.

14 快乐和幸福,这个东西是你自己去要求的,你要求越多,快乐会越少,幸福会越少。

Happineand joy, they are the ones you require. The more you require, the leyou will enjoy.

15 我觉得每一个领域的人,他都会有自己的快乐。

People in different fields have their own happiness.

16 要进步,就要不断地给自己提问题。

You have to question yourself constantly if you want to make progress.

17 现场是一次性艺术,虽然可能会不完美,但我很喜欢唱现场的感觉。

The scenes are just-for-once art. Though it may be not perfect, I enjoy the feeling of live show.

18 好与不好都是别人的评价。我只是想做一个歌手。

Good or not is just other’s comment. What I want to do is to be a si-mp-le singer.

19 在他们给我压力前,我会先给自己压力。因为等到别人给你压力再努力时,就已经晚了。

I will put pressure on myself before others do. Because it will be late to strive when others do that.

20 人气这种东西注定会失去,有谁能一直红。

Popularity is fleeting. Who can be popular all the time?


Some things are more important than success, for they make what we are.


Sometimes value is more important than price.


You are just like the stars on the star screen. Though not every one is very twinkling, you are right beside me when I raise my head.(said to fans on an award ceremony)

24 没有人可以为我规划未来,除了我自己。

Nobody but I can plan my future.

25 历史如果不只写在纸上,该有多好。

How wonderful it would be if the past were not only be written on the pa-pe-r.

26 不要做第二个谁,要做第一个自己。

Don't be the copy of others. Just be yourself.

27 我从不把一时的失落叫做失意。

I never regard the temporary sense of alienation as frustration.

28 不招人妒是庸才,让争议来得更猛烈些吧。

The people nobody is jealous of are the mediocrity. So let the arguments to come more fiercely.

29 我想要的效果,就是自己的表达。

The effects I want are my own expression.

30 慈善不是作秀,那是在做人。

Charity is not showing off.

31 有爱就有希望,有希望就不要放弃。

Where there is love, there is hope. Don’t part with your hope.

32 我的理想是唱歌,我达到了。我的梦想是纯粹的唱歌,我还没有达到。

My ideal is singing. I have achieved it. My dream is singing purely. I haven't achieved it.

33 唱歌以外的事情,知道的越少越好。

Things beyond my singing, the leyou know, the better.

34 爱我的人会希望我得到爱。

Those who love me want me to be loved.

35 善良是让人勇往直前的力量。

Kindnedrives people on.

36 一个往高处走的人,心一定会变得越来越豁达。

Those who aim high will be broad-minded..

37 事实是用来看的,不是用来说的。

The fact is to see, not to say.

38 如果你给自己留后路,总有一天会坚持不下去。

If you don’t burn your boats, you won’t make it to the end.

39 经历是一份礼物,我们正在被赐予着。

Experience is a gift being given.

40 经典,只属于懂得的人。

The classical only belongs to those who can really understand.

41 时尚,是一种思维方式。

Fashion is a pattern of thinking.

42 理解你的人不需要解释,不理解你的人解释也没用。

It doesn’t take much explanation for those who understand you. But when it comes to those who can’t understand you, explanation is futile.

43 只有先建立起自己,才会被人尊重。

Be yourself, and respect follows.

44 我一直相信,拳头收回来,才能更有力气可以打出去,所以我不会随随便便去接戏。

Taking back is more powerful for a fist to strike out. So I won't be rather casual to accept a new play.








李宇春 语录11-22

