

时间:2021-11-24 19:58:23 主持词大全 我要投稿


B:Dear teacher and classmates:


Good morning!

F: 亲爱的老师同学们:


B:Time zipped by and the year was soon over

F: 光阴荏苒, 转瞬又是一年。

B: 3 years walked free from anxiety but hurry; three years of bumpy road but hard; three years of sweat and hard work but fun

.F: 3年的步履塌实而又匆忙;3年的道路坎坷而又艰辛;3年的汗水辛劳而又快乐。

B: We came with hearts full of hope, We took a beautiful vision of, We are pleased to get together with, We took a parting of the implication.

F: 我们带着满怀的希望,我们带着美好的憧憬,我们带着相聚的欣喜,我们带着离别的寓意。

B: Today, we gather together to spend together this wonderful and memorable moments

F: 今天 我们济济一堂 共同度过这个美好而难忘的时光。

B: The passage of time get rid of the persistent dream of times do not go with the Flying Spur is also the eternal heart

F: 岁月的流逝挥不去执着的梦 时光的飞驰也带不走永恒的心

B: That will be the last day of Resurrection, in this moment.

F: 那过去的日子将在这一瞬间复活

B: In future years will be in this moment Prospect.

F: 将来的岁月将在这一瞬间展望

B: Let us pull the soul mantle streamers

F: 让我们拉开心灵的幡幔

B: With singing, with applause, with Xinyu use our best posture

F用歌声,用掌声,用心语 用我们最美好的姿态

B: Students left the last hint of deep memory

F:: 留给同学最后一抹深深地记忆

B: Parents will now start graduate

F: 毕业家长会现在开始.

B: First of all, look at our students to prepare their own programs

F: 首先,请看我们同学自己准备的节目.


B: Happy time is always so short-lived


B: Coming here, and our self-display goes to the end.


B: Now, come in spring, spring will be across their faces that we graduated from some of our students will leave, and we forget, classmate of three years, we never forget!


B: Flying his ideal rhythm futurists

F: 放飞心中的理想,畅想未来的旋律。

B: To grasp the joy of chasing a successful no regrets tomorrow

F: 追逐成功的喜悦把握无悔的明天

B: This song, vivid memories, the world fades away,

F: 歌声响起,往事历历在目,天下没有不散的筵席,

B: Let us devout prayer, blessing each other, right here waiting into a recollection, but was already in Wang Ran.

F: 让我们虔诚祷告,祝福彼此,此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然。

B: Singing passing away, the road ahead begins with a single step and look forward to the next magnificent reunion,

F: 歌声逝去,前程始于足下,期待下次瑰丽的相逢,

B: Even if we parted ways, and we will not forget the classmate of three years, we still are students, we still remember this time! Although no longer together, but we still students!


B: The following address to ask Dr the teacher.







年会主持词 中英文06-09



