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新视野大学英语3:Unit5 SectionB 单词

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新视野大学英语3:Unit5 SectionB 单词

  你知道新视野大学英语3:Unit5 SectionB 单词有哪些吗?你对新视野大学英语3:Unit5 SectionB 单词了解吗?下面是yjbys小编为大家带来的新视野大学英语3:Unit5 SectionB 单词,欢迎阅读。

  New words

  hospitality [,hɔspi'tæləti]

  n. [U]friendly and generous behavior towardvisitors and guests,intended to make them feel welcome 友好款待,好客,殷勤

  stitch [stitʃ]

  vt. sewtwopiecesofclothtogether or sew a decoration onto a piece of cloth 缝;缝合;缝补

  entrust [in'trʌst]

  vt.make sb .responsible for doing sth,important,or for taking care of sb.委托;交付

  patch [pætʃ]

  vt. repaire a hole in sth. by putting a piece of sth.else over it 修补;缝补

  n.[C]a small area of sth. that is different from the area about it斑,小块

  spectacle ['spektəkl]

  n.1[pl.] (fml.)glasses that help you see 眼镜

  2[C] a very impressive show or scene精彩的表演;壮观的场面

  handicraft ['hændikrɑ:ft]

  n.[C] an activity such as sewing or making baskets,in which you use your hands in a skillful way to make things 手工艺;手艺

  specialty ['speʃəlti]

  n. [C]1 a subjec or job that you know a lot about or have a lot of experience of 专业,

  2 a type of food that a person,restaurant,or area is well know for 特色食品

  simplistic [sim'plistik]

  a .treating difficult subjiects in away that is too simple 过分简单化的'

  residential [,rezi'denʃəl]

  a.containing or suitable for prieate houses 住宅的;适于住宅的

  absurd [əb'sə:d]

  a. completely stupid or unreasonable 愚蠢的,荒谬的,荒唐的

  bias ['baiəs]

  n.an opinion about whether a person ,group,or idea is good for bad which influences how you deal with it 偏见 ;成见;偏心

  gleam [ɡli:m]

  n.[C] 1 an emotion or ecpression that appears for a moment on sb.’s face闪现的光芒

  2 a small pale light ,esp. One that shines for a short time 微光;闪光

  vi. shine softly 发微光;闪烁

  utilize ['ju:tilaiz]

  vt. use sth. For a particular purpose 利用,使用

  cordial ['kɔ:diə]

  a.friendly but quite polite and formal热情友好的


  n.[U]a feeling of friendship resulting from shared interests or experiences友情

  thereafter [ðer'æftər]

  ad.(fml.)after a particular event or time此后

  linger ['lɪŋɡər]

  vi.1 stay somewhere a little longer,esp.because you do not want to leave逗留

  2 continue to exist,be noticeable,etc.for longer than is usual or desirable继续存留

  impart [ɪm'pɑrt]

  vt.(fml.)give a particular quality to sth.赋予

  stern [stɜrn]

  a.serious and strict,and showing strong disapproval of sb.’s behavior严格的

  charitable ['tʃerɪtəb(ə)l]

  a.1 kind and sympathetic in the way you judge people仁慈的

  2 relating to giving help to the poor慈善的

  oversee [.oʊvər'si]

  vt.(oversaw,overseen)1 survey or watch,as from a higher position俯瞰

  2 watch sth. In order to check that it works or happens in the way it should监督

  melody ['melədi]

  n.[C]a tune or song,esp.a simple one曲调


  vt. give sb. a nickname 给...取诨名

  n.[C]an informal name that your friends or family call you that is not your real name绰号

  cobbler ['kɑblər]

  n.[C](old-fashioned)sb. Who make and repairs shoes鞋匠

  referee [ˌrefəˈriː]

  v.be the referee of a game当裁判

  n.[C]sb. who makes sure that the rules of a sport such as football,basketball裁判

  bully ['bʊli]

  vt.threaten to hurt sb. or frighten them,esp. sb. smaller or weaker

  fury ['fjʊri]

  n.[sing.,U]extreme,often uncontrolled anger欺侮

  vent [vent]

  vt.express feelings of anger,hatred,etc.,esp.by doing sth. violent or harmful发泄

  n.[C]s hole or pipe through which gases,liquid,etc.can enter or escape from an enclosed space or container通风孔

  undutiful [ʌnˈdjuːtɪfʊl]

  a.lacking a sense of duty未尽职的

  sin [sɪn]

  n.1 [sing]an action,thought,or way of behaving that you think is morally wrong罪恶

  2[C,U]an action or way of behaving that is wrong according to religious laws罪

  rash [ræʃ]

  a.acting or done too quickly,without considering the effects of your actions鲁莽的

  rashly [ræʃly]


  ponder [ˈpɒndər]

  v.(fml.)spend time thinking carefully and seriously about a problem,a difficult question,or sth. that has happened深思

  fabric ['fæbrik]

  n. 1 [sing.] the basic structure of a society or organization 结构,构造,组织

  2 [C,U] cloth,esp.when it is used for making things such as clothes or curtains 布;织物;织品;布料

  amend [ə'mend]

  vt. correct or make small changes to sth .that is written or spoken 修改,修订

  ensue [in'sju:]

  vi.happen after or as a result of sth.继而发生;因而发生

  pierce [piəs]

  vt. make a small hole in or though sth ,using an object with a sharp point刺入;刺穿;刺破

  infectious [in'fekʃəs]

  a.caused by bacteria,etc. that are passed on from one person to another 传染的;感染的

  wretched ['retʃid]

  a.felling ill,sick or unhappy 感到不适的;难受的;不愉快的

  void [vɔid]

  n. [sing.] 1 a feeling of gerat sadness that you have when sb. You love dies or when sth.is taken from you 空虚感;寂寞感

  2 a situation in which sth. important or interesting is needed or wanted,but dose not exist空白

  invariable [in'vεəriəbl]

  ad.always or almost always 总是;几乎总是

  Phrases and expressions

  stitch up

  put stiches in cloth or a wound in order to fasten parts of it together把...缝合;缝拢

  entrust sth.to sb.

  make sb .responaiable for doing sth.important ,or for taking care of sb.把...委托给...;把...交托给...

  live uo to sth

  be as good as what was expected or promised 符合(期望);实践(诺言)

  drop in

  make a short visit somewhere顺便访问

  give out

  give sth.to each person in a group分发某物

  play fair

  do sth in a fair and honest way公平办事;按规则做

  come away

  leave in aparticular state or condition 离开

  be hard on sb

  have abad effect on sb对某人有害

  endeavor to do sth

  try very hard to do sth. 努力做某事;尽量做某事

  take pride in

  feel very pleased about sth. Or sb.you are closely connected with对...感到自豪

  pierce sb.’s heart

  make sb. Feela strong emotion such as pain ,sadness ,or love让某人心如刀绞

  carry on sth

  continue sth. That sb. Else started 继续